Review an Album

I own a small website/forum that I started several years ago. It is basically a place where a few of my good friends and myself talk sports, music etc. For that site I have written a number of album reviews. I find it enjoyable to write the review and doing this exercise usually helps me find a deeper connection to, or understanding of, the album then I might not have had otherwise. I would love to read any reviews you may have written on any recent releases.
I will start by sharing a couple of my own reviews. There are numerous ways of attacking the idea of reviewing an album. Sometimes I take an over look at the feel of the record after several listens and sometimes it is much more of a raw reaction of the album upon first listen. Here are a couple examples of my recent reviews on two of my favorite albums of 2011.
I will start by sharing a couple of my own reviews. There are numerous ways of attacking the idea of reviewing an album. Sometimes I take an over look at the feel of the record after several listens and sometimes it is much more of a raw reaction of the album upon first listen. Here are a couple examples of my recent reviews on two of my favorite albums of 2011.
"I'll Ride the wave where it takes me. I'll Hold the pain. RELEASE ME!"
Post edited by Unknown User on
Album Released October 17, 2011
1. Everybody's On The Run
2. Dream On
3. If I Had A Gun...
4. The Death Of You And Me
5. (I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine
6. Aka...What A Life!
7. Soldier Boys And Jesus Freaks
8. Aka...Broken Arrow
9. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach
10. Stop The Clocks
Deluxe addition additional tracks:
11. Let The Lord Shine A Light On Me
12. The Good Rebel
Noel Gallagher's new release titled "Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds" is one of the strongest albums released in 2011. The former Oasis guitarist and song writer seems re-energized after his highly publicized split with his brother Liam and the band in 2009. After many years of turbulence between the brothers, Liam and Noel fought after an August 2009 concert that immediately led to Noel permanently leaving the band.
"...High Flying Birds" was recorded in London and L.A. between 2010 and 2011. The album grabs the listeners attention from the opening chords of "Everybody's On The Run" (the album's first track) to the final disheveled yet purposeful notes of "Stop the Clocks", the closing track of the record. The collection of songs is likely Gallagher's best work since Oasis' 1995 monster success "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?". There isn't a track worth skipping on the entire album. In fact, every song is very good. This album really proves that the art of making "an album" (as opposed to a collection of songs or a single amongst a bunch of filler) is definitely not dead. After the break up of Oasis Noel Gallagher said it was very important to him to write a collection of songs about love and positivity. His uplifted mindset is clearly evident on this collection.
Highlights include "(I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine" and "Aka... What A Life". The center tracks of the album, these songs are full of the melodies and and beautiful arrangements that made Oasis so special, yet they hold a unique place as Noel's vocals rain down over the musical sound-scapes. Another outstanding track, the previously mentioned "Stop the Clocks", was originally written in 2001 and recorded for Oasis' 2004 release "Don't Believe the Truth", but it was eventually cut from the final track listing. Gallagher has said that if the song had not made this album it would "never officially be released". After reworking and re-recording the song, it was chosen as the album closer. The song slowly builds with beautifully layered vocals and acoustic guitar and picks up momentum until it finishes with a flurry leaving the listener exhilarated.
This album easily ranks as one of my favorites of 2011. The two additional tracks (which are two of my favorites in this collection) and the 30 minute making of the album documentary DVD titled "It's Never Too Late To Be What U Might Have Been" easily make the Deluxe addition worth having.
LastExit Album Rating: 9/10
Download this Track: Aka...What A Life!
Review by PHATJ
Dec. 20, 2011
Album Released October 18, 2011
This review was written while listening to the album for the first time, before its official release via iTunes stream.
1. "Underground"
The album opens with Perry's voice and the roar of guitar and amazing rhythms. Bass and Drums drive the song. Love the effects/layers on the voice. Squealing guitar solo from Dave. Singable chorus. Fantastic opener. Love the start to the record.
2. "End to the Lies"
As with the first track, bass and drums stand out as the driving force of the song. Perry's voice is strong and carries a striking beauty and darkness at the same time. Dave's guitar heavy and interesting. I love track two.
3. "Curiosity Kills"
Again, the bass and drums are on fire. Classic Jane's sound. Sing a long chorus. This track will be a live hit. Cool bridge section that leads into a really nice guitar solo from Dave Navarro. The album is very strong to this point.
4. "Irresistible Force (Met The Immovable Object)"
This song makes sense as the first single. Spacy and airy sounds. Perry's voice sounds great. I am kind of torn on this song. I really like it at this point but I am worried that it may be a song that quickly loses its luster. From the guitar solo though the end of the song is A plus.
5. "I'll Hit You Back"
Rhythm guitar lead from start to finish. I listened to the whole song waiting for the "interesting part" to come. It really didn't ever come. I like the guitars and the simplicity of the song just fine... there's just no surprises. Straight forward in every way. Not throw away at all, just not stand out.
6. "Twisted Tales"
Again the rhythm jumps right to the forefront. Dave's guitar is reminiscent of a western movie. I am really high on the verses. The vocal effects are a good touch. This song has me grooving a lot. Another strong track.
7. "Ultimate Reason"
The song opens with a muted guitar and heavily effected vocals. It then bursts into an energetic and psychedelic trance of instruments and vocals blended like they have been in a wind storm together. This is repeated for the second verse and chorus. I am again torn on this track. I can hear all of its great musical qualities, but it doesn't really "speak" to me.
8. "Splash A Little Water On It"
I like the song from the start. Basically it is a Jane's Addiction version of a ballad laced with psychedelics. Perry's vocals and lyrics take the main stage here and he doesn't disappoint. Dave's guitar solo is reminiscent of '70s acid rock. Different from any track to this point, and a strong addition to the album.
9. "Broken People"
Far from a typical Jane's Addiction song. Slow tempo at the start into a mid tempo but sorrowful sounding jam. Vocally (and even a bit musically) it reminds me a bit of the Wayne Coyne and the Flaming Lips circa 1999. This is a decent song but one of the weaker tracks on the record.
10. "Words Right Out of My Mouth"
Funky and reminiscent of early Jane's Addiction mashed together with early Red Hot Chili Peppers. This isn't my favorite musical style for this band, but it is the only song that sounds like this on the album (that is probably one of the reasons why I like this album so much). Along with "Broken People", probably the only songs I wouldn't have put on the record. That doesn't mean they don't belong or have a place in Jane's Addiction, but this could have been a great 9 song album, or an ever near perfect 8 song album with "Splash" as the closer.
Overall, this album feels like is a major triumph. Jane's is back in an undeniable way with great songs and seemingly an endless energy. I am very impressed with this collection of songs. Every expectation I had was blown away on first listen.
LastExit Album Rating: 8.5/10
Download this Track: "End To The Lies"
Review by PHATJ
Oct. 14, 2011
I like your reviews though.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Damn! I would have loved to read that. Did you post it anywhere that is findable? Glad you enjoyed my reviews!
Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
RNDM- 11/27/12
PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
No, I just had it on my desktop for so long and eventually just deleted it. It was lengthy, but that's because I took some time to talk about each song, and the album as a whole.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
I really enjoy it. The Death of You and Me is pretty much a dead ringer for Importance of Being Idle, but still a solid song. I'll agree with you though. One of the finest albums of the year.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Do it up then!
Haha, I will the next time I find myself in a "successful writing mood."
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Glad you found the review and glad it helped! I really liked that new Jane's album. Did you agree with the song by song assessments or did your reactions to the songs differ quite a bit?
Album Released October 24, 2011.
1. Mylo Xyloto ~ The opening track (and title track) of the album is a glorified intro to the second track "Hurts Like Heaven". I am actually at a loss as to why this is even necessary as a stand alone track, as opposed to being the first 0:43 of "Hurts Like Heaven". The only reason I can come up with is that the band wanted to be able to call a track "Mylo Xyloto" to match the album's name.
2. Hurts Like Heaven ~ The album's first true song opens with a brisk pace. Martin's vocals bounce through a music-scape filled with spacey guitars, the chime of keys and the steady rhythm of bass and drums. An easy listen that musically sets the stage for the rest of the album to follow. It isn't groundbreaking stuff going on here, but it sounds very much like Coldplay are setting the pace for "Mylo Xyloto" as a comprehensive piece of music.
3. Paradise ~ As the second single released, "Paradise" encompasses the feeling of the album as a whole very well. As with the themes of the rest of the album, the sentiments of longing, love and hope abound. The track is easily recognizable as single material with the Coldplay staple of a sing-along-able chorus that will have a crowd mindlessly cheering in a concert setting. That being said, the song lacks the emotional depth or musical creativity needed to be a memorable song for the long term.
4. Charlie Brown ~ The third single from "Mylo Xyloto", "Charlie Brown" is an another upbeat and uplifting piece of music with equally optimistic lyrics. The music soars to heights that Coldplay is accustomed to taking their listeners. The riff during the chorus really is the star of the song. There is a noticeable lack of a sing-along-able section for the concert goer. The music really carries the load here, and does a nice job in doing so.
5. Us Against The World ~ The first acoustic and subdued song on the album. Beautifully arranged and, though calm and collected, still powerful. A very nice change to the flow of the first several songs on the record.
6. M.M.I.X. ~ This track is basically an interval between "Us Against The World" and "Every Tear Drop Is A Waterfall". Very little happens during its 0:49 running time. It hardly needs to be its own track as it is basically the intro for "Every Teardrop...". Side note: What the hell does M.M.I.X. stand for?
7. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall ~ This track is the first single from this album. "Every Teardrop..." features the classic Coldplay sound. Martin's keys open the song, followed by his vocal and Buckland's acoustic guitar. The track picks up momentum as the bass and drums work their way into the mix. As the lead single to the record I was hoping for a more dramatic or gripping song. This songs follows closely to the formula of dozens of Coldplay songs that came before it, which may not be a bad thing if it reached the grandeur of those earlier tracks. Although not a failure as a piece of music that fits into the concept of the album, this song falls a bit short of the promise a lead single should deliver.
8. Major Minus ~ This track opens with acoustic guitar and Chris Martin's voice effects. The verses are unimaginative and leave a bit to be desired. The choruses are far better. Electric guitar comes in strong. When the rhythm section enters it adds a much needed punch to a previously under performing song. The guitar solo towards the end of the song is very reminiscent of U2 (in a good way). The last half of the song is very well written and performed.
9. U.F.O. ~ A fully acoustic track, featuring Martin on acoustic guitar backed by strings. This is a simple song about a long and confusing journey to a beautiful destination. Although short and simple, the track is effective and moving. It may not be a grandest song on a decadent album, but its calmness well received.
10. Princess Of China ~ This song features the vocals of Rihanna and is R&B and Hip Hop influenced. This combination works well for Coldplay. Rihanna's input adds a very nice texture to a song that melds to her vocal stylings well. Martin and Rihanna's voices work well together and her presence on the album is a nice addition. Musically, the song is based around a synthesized keyboard and a simple beat that really allows the singers shine.
11. Up In Flames ~ This is by far the most beautiful song on the record. The track features a very simple beat performed by drum machine, Chris' piano, backing strings, and a small amount of guitar. All of the instrumentation is there to give Martin the right backdrop for his best vocal performance on the album. The song is a longing and emotional response to love lost. Martin's falsetto during the choruses take the listener into his feelings of loss and grief that stand out as the most real and difficult emotions on an album full of uplifting and "happy" songs. This song is the gem of the record.
12. A Hopeful Transmission ~ Another short track meant to lead the listener from on emotion into another. It works well in the concept of the album, but it doesn't stand alone as a valuable song.
13. Don't Let It Break Your Heart ~ An uplifting song about hope and perseverance though the times of difficulty and struggle. Martin's vocals echo through the skies over spacey guitar and steady rhythms. After the heavy heart of loss expressed during "Up In Flames" this track easily takes the listener to a different (and hopeful) mindset.
14. Up With The Birds ~ The closing track puts the final touches on the album as a whole. Musically, I would have liked to see the album close with the uplifting "Don't Let It Break Your Heart" but this song takes that emotional sequence one step further. Instead of finishing the record with a song about the determination to not let loss hold you back this song finds the narrator feeling at peace with his place in life. For that reason it's inclusion and placement as the final track is necessary and appropriate. As a stand alone song it is fairly forgettable. The importance of the song is in the overall story being told and for that the song itself suffers.
I didn't have huge expectations for "Mylo Xyloto" before the album was released. It was my opinion that for Coldplay to be able to reach the highs of their previous releases ("X&Y" and "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends" / "Prospekt's March"), it was going to take something truly special. This reality seemed to be a formidable challenge. And although "Mylo Xyloto" is grand on almost all measurable scales, it doesn't have the consistency of songwriting and emotional connect that made the previous releases outstanding. The album is by no means a failure though. Several songs will be staples in concert for years to come and diehard fans are sure to praise it as a step in a slightly new direction for the band. I see it as a small step back from the heights that Coldplay had previously soared, but still an album worth owning and digesting.
LastExit Album Rating: 6.5/10
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Review By: PHATJ
Dec. 23, 2011.