Swap- Amsterdam standing for seating

Hi everyone, I picked up two sets of standing tickets today through TM. Wanted to get seating but during the confusion just grabbed best available. So I have Amsterdam Nites 1 and 2 standing. Does anyone have a decent pair of seated tickets they would be willing to swap?
UPDATE: I traded for Night 2.
Night 1 is still available.
UPDATE: I traded for Night 2.
Night 1 is still available.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have 6 seating tickets for Amsterdam.
Vak 104 rij 10
I'm willing to swap these for standing.
Just mail me, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:van.egmond@casema.nl">van.egmond@casema.nl</a><!-- e -->
Marcel v Egmond
Please mail me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:hunterbjj@gmail.com">hunterbjj@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->
Grtz Seb