US Senate votes On Indefinite Detention ... 26474.html
any thoughts?
President Obama says he will veto it.
any thoughts?
President Obama says he will veto it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It is a disgusting over-reach of power. I realize that people hate this kind of argument, but when you give an inch to the government (patriot act) they take a mile (indefinite detention of US citizens)
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
If I was President Obama Id be using the Patriot Act to define true terrorist to the country and Constitution. A Governing Accounting Board of sorts.
I mean house members walking out on deals to make $$ for their own profit. WTF is that? Presidential Candidate who are business members leverage buyouts shutting down corporations and people's lives, for their own profit. Governmental members setting up for false failure corporations to grab the cash cow and pork barrel politics. Things that are destroying the people who pay into this system and not even benefiting from it. Government regimes that set up a false war and steal $$ and dont even pay back into a system.
Define Terrorist.
Has Obama vetoed it yet?
i would veto that shit with authority....
and i might even smack the desk really hard and yell "DOMINO MOTHERF@CKER!!!" as i send that shit back to the house to be re-written...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
politicians say a lot of things. ill believe it when he actually does it... and i wouldnt be sending it back to the house to be re written.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
now let me get this straight...
after the president vetoes it, it gets sent back to the house where the presidents veto can be over ridden???
how about the president just says, i do not want that shit crossing my desk again. politricks is such bullshit.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say ... americans/
:twisted: ... 52114.html
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Im and hour and a half from the Canadian Border and willing to commandeer a large lake in a birchbark canoe or crawl through 'the wilderness" on my belly in the snow, if need be. :shock:
People are outraged enough. The tension is incredible. Let the military complex bitch slap all of you around some more. ... tion-obama
First Obama was going to close Guantanamo and now he has signed authorization to jail Americans there. Fear, lies and poor leadership have successfully changed our values and our way of life by managing to bend the majority of our Politicians from both side of the isle to the will of the Terrorists. That in iteslf is some major accomplishment. It's pathetic that the same congress who could barely compromise to avoid default can so easily be Bi-partisan when it comes to shafting the American people. There is no doubt anymore that Obama and Bush are one and the same.
R.I.P. America.
The terrorists have won.
yeah right...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Next up on the agenda..
A law preventing the permanent transfer of personal wealth outside the U.S. You will be permitted to leave the country if you so wish and live somewhere else, but the majority of your assets will be required to remain here.
Not such a stretch when you take into account the fact it's clear that many of our politicians have forgotten who they work for. Us.
Oh I screamed, I screamed so hard when all the 9/11 shit went down Im was telling people theyre taking your freedoms, nobody listened then, you think they'ed listen now? Its gonna take the start of concentration camps before anyone gets off their ass. Honestly. My opinion.
We have #OWS people concerned about all of us. Maybe giving some hope to the hopeless. Thats is about it. Look at Egypt. What started out looking like true freedom ended up with another BS puppet regime
I dont know. Nobody has any $$. What more can they take? And in like times gave rise to Hitler, when people starving on the street in their fear and need of survival turns a blind eye to human atrocities.
What else can they take after the money is gone, you ask?
Our Freedoms.
The scariest thing happening in the US right now is the fact that the biggest threat you face is your own government. How can they casually pass legislation which essentially nullifies a person's right to due process? To me, this is real terror in action.
Take my hand, let me show you the ways of how the scant few fucked the world and ran a marathon down the de-evolutionary path. 4 billion years of evolution, 100 years to shoot it out the ass, lovely.
come to northern minnesota and scuba threw lake of the might get lost, but you will make it to canada pretty much untouched...
say hi to bubbles when you get there
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
you in nodak or are you living the finest state in the union (except for all the problems)?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
List of the (few) 13 senators who voted against the NDAA ... well you can guess the other 86 voted for.
One did not vote!
I just heard the House is putting the breaks on it, heh...