moist vapor

Without a slick opening line or a title to set off any sparks, a real feeling is obvious
plain and bare, felt expression is familiar and authentic
one can dress any trivial thought up with attractive sounds or lengthy strings of letters but
people prefer reading about someone else's gory wound without editing
they're hungry for the Expressive Few to spill-it-all-out-in-red
Curious Human Beings more likely
no one wants to feel they suffer without company
I could easily be one of those people who vomits in verbs and nouns
yes, too easily I suppose
or, another who sits silently in wiggling, twitching, discomfort
might be it's all just a confused stew down there!
some dented old pot with warm spots and cold spots and hot spots
mix it up good!
and she hopes, a friend, that maybe I'll serve it as a meal?
vapor floats off uh course but…
the whole mixture?!
there's a lot of variety down there!
especially when one is trying hard to let go of what one loves
especially when one is determined to find a better way to live
something better than thoughtlessly wallowing in darkness
something better than wanting, wanting, wanting what one can't have.
a person can learn to choose!
a person can learn to hang on or let go
a woman can be grateful and still contain a million other insights
it's always "a thousand choices" inside
what to release and what to hold in?
what to wash off and what to write on one's soul?
what thoughts to follow and which ones to ignore?
there's certainly more joy and pain than what comes out for viewers
a person can choose to pour out only love
(to give that brightness to sad people)
a person can choose to light a candle every night in devotion
does she think I don't like swimming in that feeling I had for so long?
there's something about the energy of giving love that's so hard to let go of!
to live without it is like being a record that sounds great at 45 rpm but average at 33
one knows it's the wrong speed!
and people tell you that's day-to-day living
the energy frequency is not as good, the song is too slow!
we all know!
but aren't there a trillion seconds in a day?
moods that flicker on and off like the sparkling lights in a Christmas display?
a person can also have too much to say and hold those bits inside
wondering about all those other women and how they fared worse by taking the other path
it could become like a messy wreck if everything spilled out
good and bad
positive ideas
negative fears
there are always too many options if one looks too closely or listens to all the swirling sounds outside
a person must choose which side to stay on and which side of the coin she wants to live on
which doors stay locked and which ones get opened?
And, "Will I be someone that stays happily locked up or an individual that manages to leap over the wall?"
plain and bare, felt expression is familiar and authentic
one can dress any trivial thought up with attractive sounds or lengthy strings of letters but
people prefer reading about someone else's gory wound without editing
they're hungry for the Expressive Few to spill-it-all-out-in-red
Curious Human Beings more likely
no one wants to feel they suffer without company
I could easily be one of those people who vomits in verbs and nouns
yes, too easily I suppose
or, another who sits silently in wiggling, twitching, discomfort
might be it's all just a confused stew down there!
some dented old pot with warm spots and cold spots and hot spots
mix it up good!
and she hopes, a friend, that maybe I'll serve it as a meal?
vapor floats off uh course but…
the whole mixture?!
there's a lot of variety down there!
especially when one is trying hard to let go of what one loves
especially when one is determined to find a better way to live
something better than thoughtlessly wallowing in darkness
something better than wanting, wanting, wanting what one can't have.
a person can learn to choose!
a person can learn to hang on or let go
a woman can be grateful and still contain a million other insights
it's always "a thousand choices" inside
what to release and what to hold in?
what to wash off and what to write on one's soul?
what thoughts to follow and which ones to ignore?
there's certainly more joy and pain than what comes out for viewers
a person can choose to pour out only love
(to give that brightness to sad people)
a person can choose to light a candle every night in devotion
does she think I don't like swimming in that feeling I had for so long?
there's something about the energy of giving love that's so hard to let go of!
to live without it is like being a record that sounds great at 45 rpm but average at 33
one knows it's the wrong speed!
and people tell you that's day-to-day living
the energy frequency is not as good, the song is too slow!
we all know!
but aren't there a trillion seconds in a day?
moods that flicker on and off like the sparkling lights in a Christmas display?
a person can also have too much to say and hold those bits inside
wondering about all those other women and how they fared worse by taking the other path
it could become like a messy wreck if everything spilled out
good and bad
positive ideas
negative fears
there are always too many options if one looks too closely or listens to all the swirling sounds outside
a person must choose which side to stay on and which side of the coin she wants to live on
which doors stay locked and which ones get opened?
And, "Will I be someone that stays happily locked up or an individual that manages to leap over the wall?"