More Bass Live" To fortunate fans who have seen them live...

edited 2006 16 in Given To Fly (live)
... on leg 1: Is there more bass in the live performances? I think Jeff's music is very under-represented on Avocado and am wondering if he plays louder or has more solos in the live perfomances.

(yes we play it LOUD - on a good stereo)
Listening to any other boot or album is drastically different than this new Avocado. Most songs lack his fullmess- there are some good ones.
What's up?

Jeff just not contributing?
J records cut back bass presence and spotlights to make it more radio friendly? (shorter songs for radio play).

Is it better live? You think?
"I don't want to hear any splatty tongues!"
J.M., Jr. High Band Teacher

I raise my Freak Flag High!!
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