Supercommittee Fallout

Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
edited November 2011 in A Moving Train
It would be my understanding that a "supercommittee" would be comprised of the best of the best. Our top thinkers. The cream of the crop.

What an epic fail. These people should all be voted out during the next election.

They couldn't do it. They don't know how to stop spending. And they are already posturing to stop $1.2 trillion automatic cuts.

And now, we the people, will have to have our taxes increased as a result.
Be Excellent To Each Other
Party On, Dudes!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Why won't people follow my "Anti-Incumbent" movement. I voted against every incumbent last time and I plan to do so again.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • :roll: seriously do people really think that these people can get us out of this mess? This "super Committee" is a fraud since day one. They are the same ones and others that aren't in office anymore (thank god) that created all this debt. And then of course right on cue Obama says its all the republicans fault. He's nothing more than a power hungry statist who never takes responsibility for anything.. They had a super majority for 2 damn years and didn't do a damn thing except add 4 TRILLION To the deficit and grow the size of the federal gov. People need to wake up. These people don't care about us.. All they care about is power.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    :roll: seriously do people really think that these people can get us out of this mess? This "super Committee" is a fraud since day one. They are the same ones and others that aren't in office anymore (thank god) that created all this debt. And then of course right on cue Obama says its all the republicans fault. He's nothing more than a power hungry statist who never takes responsibility for anything.. They had a super majority for 2 damn years and didn't do a damn thing except add 4 TRILLION To the deficit and grow the size of the federal gov. People need to wake up. These people don't care about us.. All they care about is power.
    this is very misguided. the TEA PARTY were the ones that made the deficit such a huge issue the last 2 years. remember the debt ceiling talks and the vote that got our credit rating downgraded?? it was the tea party bitching about the deficit and their refusal to raise the debt ceiling. that debt ceiling limit had been voted on and extended dozens and dozens of times, even under reagan and most times without debate. once it finally passed, this committee was put in place to cut the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion, and that was DRIVEN BY THE DEMANDS OF THE TEA PARTY to cut spending and redue size of government. obama wanted a 3-4 trillion reduction over 10 years. you can spin this any way you want to, but it was not obama's fault. he has been steadfast in wanting a balanced approach of increased revenue and cutting spending, and one side of the aisle refuses to budge on revenue. the dems put medicare and social security on the table, and the gop refused to budge on taxes....

    oh well, i guess the only good thing out of this is that the pentagon is automatically losing $600 billion....that is a start i guess...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • inlet13inlet13 Posts: 1,979
    you can spin this any way you want to, but it was not obama's fault. .

    Keep drinking the Kool Aid if you'd like, but Obama shares blame here too, bro. In fact, since he's President of the US, I'd say he'll get most of it... and, yes, it's deserved.
    Here's a new demo called "in the fire":

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  • inlet13 wrote:
    you can spin this any way you want to, but it was not obama's fault. .

    Keep drinking the Kool Aid if you'd like, but Obama shares blame here too, bro. In fact, since he's President of the US, I'd say he'll get most of it... and, yes, it's deserved.

    Agreed. People that think the Tea Party created a $15 Trillion debt are simply wrong.

    The Tea Party is the only entity that is serious about cutting gov't spending.

    This super-committee/ polit-bureau is a farce and everyone on it, Repubes and Dems, ought to be jailed.

  • It is a huge deal,but While under Reagan our deficit wasn't 15 trillion either was it ? When are you going to realize that Washington has a spending problem ? If they would get out of the damn way and let the private sector create jobs that would bring in more revenue. The tea party is trying to save this nation from going over the cliff that Washington has created. Obama says one thing and does the complete opposite just like he did on the campaign trail.. He's an economically incompetent. And furthermore I wasn't laying all the blame on him, but he sure as hell isn't making things any better. Maybe if you would actually look beyond the main stream media for info you might actually see what the hell is going on.

    Here's another example how Obama just doesn't get it.. ... ommission/
  • inlet13 wrote:
    you can spin this any way you want to, but it was not obama's fault. .

    Keep drinking the Kool Aid if you'd like, but Obama shares blame here too, bro. In fact, since he's President of the US, I'd say he'll get most of it... and, yes, it's deserved.

    Agreed. People that think the Tea Party created a $15 Trillion debt are simply wrong.

    The Tea Party is the only entity that is serious about cutting gov't spending.

    This super-committee/ polit-bureau is a farce and everyone on it, Repubes and Dems, ought to be jailed.


    Fair enough. Where do we start cutting? Military?
  • It is a huge deal,but While under Reagan our deficit wasn't 15 trillion either was it ? When are you going to realize that Washington has a spending problem ? If they would get out of the damn way and let the private sector create jobs that would bring in more revenue. The tea party is trying to save this nation from going over the cliff that Washington has created. Obama says one thing and does the complete opposite just like he did on the campaign trail.. He's an economically incompetent. And furthermore I wasn't laying all the blame on him, but he sure as hell isn't making things any better. Maybe if you would actually look beyond the main stream media for info you might actually see what the hell is going on.

    Here's another example how Obama just doesn't get it.. ... ommission/

    Seriously? is your source? Come on, man. People on the other side of the fence might as well post something from...hell, I don't even know far left websites. Not because there aren't any (because I'm certain there are), but if you only read what you want to read, you're not very informed.
  • It's a video clip dude.. Did you watch it ? Or did you just automatically think it's not true. :roll: personally I could care less if you do or not.
  • Yes I did watch the video. To put it in a nutshell, Republicans magically came up with a great plan that covered all of the President's financial goals and then it was killed by Obama's "Chicago cronies" (which is a total assanine thing to say) so the President can come in after Rep. Paul Ryan and look like the intelligent guy in the room.

    Wow. What a shocker. About as big of a shocker as the President pointing the finer at the Republicans for the failure of the "super committee". The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Yes I did watch the video. To put it in a nutshell, Republicans magically came up with a great plan that covered all of the President's financial goals and then it was killed by Obama's "Chicago cronies" (which is a total assanine thing to say) so the President can come in after Rep. Paul Ryan and look like the intelligent guy in the room.

    Wow. What a shocker. About as big of a shocker as the President pointing the finer at the Republicans for the failure of the "super committee". The truth is always somewhere in the middle.
    "chicago cronies" have been blamed since before obama was in office :lol:

    the fact is i can edit a video and write a whole bunch of unfounded and unproven crap and start a website and call it "journalism" too...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    at least we are now getting defense cuts. even though the $600 billion we are cutting is still less than 10% of the military/pentagon budget :shock:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    at least we are now getting defense cuts. even though the $600 billion we are cutting is still less than 10% of the military/pentagon budget :shock:

    Debt fears lowered our credit rating more than the TEA party. 14 trillion in debt lowered our credit rating more than any member of tea party could have. Trillion dollar deficits for multiple years lowered our credit rating. but more than any of the reasons it was lowered, the actual lowering of the credit rating was a ridiculously large non-event. Like y2k.

    The thing about all of this that pisses me off is that the supercommittee was charged with something. they didn't accomplish it and there were automatic cuts in place if that was the case. They should live by the AGREEMENT that was made when this asinine idea was hatched.

    What does it say to the world, the markets, and the American People when our leaders cannot even play by the rules they create for themselves? Why would anyone play by the rules they make for us?

    These fuckers are doing lasting damage. Anyone who tries to block the automatic cuts should be removed from office in their next election.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 9,325
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    at least we are now getting defense cuts. even though the $600 billion we are cutting is still less than 10% of the military/pentagon budget :shock:

    Debt fears lowered our credit rating more than the TEA party. 14 trillion in debt lowered our credit rating more than any member of tea party could have. Trillion dollar deficits for multiple years lowered our credit rating. but more than any of the reasons it was lowered, the actual lowering of the credit rating was a ridiculously large non-event. Like y2k.

    The thing about all of this that pisses me off is that the supercommittee was charged with something. they didn't accomplish it and there were automatic cuts in place if that was the case. They should live by the AGREEMENT that was made when this asinine idea was hatched.

    What does it say to the world, the markets, and the American People when our leaders cannot even play by the rules they create for themselves? Why would anyone play by the rules they make for us?

    These fuckers are doing lasting damage. Anyone who tries to block the automatic cuts should be removed from office in their next election.

    I think what lowered the credit rating was the lack of confidence in congress being able to deal with the situation effectively. The tea people put reps in office that are unwilling to negotiate or compromise, so therefore the tea people are responsible to a large degree for the lower credit rating.

    Part of the reason the committee didn't get it done is because compromise is seen as a weakness to voters, and they risk not getting re-elected if they do compromise. Just watch the debates, and the most polarizing hard lined statements are what get the applause. It will be interesting to check in down the road and see which members of the supercommittee get re-elected. I'd put good money on 100%.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    know1 wrote:
    Why won't people follow my "Anti-Incumbent" movement. I voted against every incumbent last time and I plan to do so again.
    You and me, both.
    That was the initial intent of the Tea Party when it was truely a Grass Roots effort. The Tea Party has been corrupted by the Republican Party and its voicebox, FOX News. The Tea Party mantra today is 'Replace Democrats with Republicans' and not replace all sitting representatives. That will not solve a thing.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Cosmo wrote:
    know1 wrote:
    Why won't people follow my "Anti-Incumbent" movement. I voted against every incumbent last time and I plan to do so again.
    You and me, both.
    That was the initial intent of the Tea Party when it was truely a Grass Roots effort. The Tea Party has been corrupted by the Republican Party and its voicebox, FOX News. The Tea Party mantra today is 'Replace Democrats with Republicans' and not replace all sitting representatives. That will not solve a thing.
    how about "replace liberals and people who actually think critically and define their position with drones who follow grover norquist and his mantra just like lemmings off of a cliff..."
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    The U.S. is $14 trillion in the hole and we are trying to assign blame outside of congress for a lower credit rating????????

    We should have had our credit score lowered when we passed $1 trillion.

    Man, I wish I had control over my Visa card.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • You're probably right. I know for certain that John Kerry is a lock. People in Massachussetts don't like to vote Democrats out of office. Ted Kennedy killed a girl in a drunk driving accident and he was in office until he died. Mayor Menino in Boston died in a car crash and he's still in office, mush-mouth and all.
    Go Beavers wrote:
    It will be interesting to check in down the road and see which members of the supercommittee get re-elected. I'd put good money on 100%.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    Jason P wrote:

    Man, I wish I had control over my Visa card.

    I informed my credit card company that I will be forming an exploratory committee to discuss ways to shrink my balance but also spend more money than I make. I also promised them I would cut spending in the future, way down the road if they just allowed me to spend more now... They raised my credit limit no questions asked.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
    Gee, how come nothing's getting done? ... 22495.html

    "Now that there's nothing left to be secretive about, Super Committee Democrats and Republicans are sharing details about the deficit-reduction panel's fabulous collapse with members of the press. In short: the committee's failure to come up with $1.2 trillion in deficit savings was not for lack of food, beer, changes of scenery or sideshow entertainment.
    Related: Ways to Defuse the Super Committee's Trigger

    In a behind-the-scenes account, Politico's Jake Sherman, Manu Raju and John Bresnahan show how Republicans had checked out from negotiations, acknowledging that the two sides were not going to come to an agreement on taxing and spending. "On Thursday night, wearing a baseball cap and jeans, Camp retreated to Penn Quarter Sports Tavern with Rep. Ander Crenshaw (R-Fla.), where they watched the New York Jets play the Denver Broncos on TV. His tax expertise wasn’t needed because no compromise was close," they report. "On Sunday, a day before the panel’s deadline, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) was at the Washington Redskins game. While at FedEx Field, Upton jumped on a conference call with supercommittee colleagues who had left D.C. for the Thanksgiving holiday."
    "Don't give in to the lies.  Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth.  And to hope."
    -Jim Acosta

  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    know1 wrote:
    Why won't people follow my "Anti-Incumbent" movement. I voted against every incumbent last time and I plan to do so again.

    it doesn't matter if you change the name in congress if the people are the same. Let be real the peopel who are too blame are the American people who say that they want a government to work together but then vote for a tea party that is direct opposite from the democrats.

    i don't believe that there should anti-incumbent movement, i say there should be a if you suck we will vote you out movement.
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