Syracuse's Fine accused of molestation

mysticweedmysticweed Posts: 3,710
edited November 2011 in All Encompassing Trip ... say-111711


Police said Thursday that they are investigating an allegation that Syracuse University basketball assistant coach Bernie Fine molested a team ball boy for more than a decade. Later in the evening, ESPN reported that a second former ball boy, and relative of the first alleged victim, has come forward with similar allegations against Fine.

The allegations cover a period from the 1980s to the 1990s, according to a statement from the university in upstate New York.

Syracuse has placed Fine on administrative leave "in light of the new allegations and the Syracuse City Police investigation."

The alleged victim, 39-year-old Bobby Davis, told ESPN the abuse began in 1983 before he entered seventh grade. He was the team's ball boy for six years from 1984. The second complainant, 45-year-old Mike Lang, told ESPN Fine molested him when Lang was in fifth or sixth grade. Lang, according to ESPN, is Davis’ stepbrother.

Fine has served as an assistant coach at the school for 35 years.

Police told CNY Central the investigation is in its very early stages. As the day wore on, additional details surfaced on the nature of the allegations and Davis’ relationship with Fine, and longtime Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim released a statement in support of Fine:

''This matter was fully investigated by the University in 2005 and it was determined that the allegations were unfounded. I have known Bernie Fine for more than 40 years. I have never seen or witnessed anything to suggest that he would [have] been involved in any of the activities alleged. Had I seen or suspected anything, I would have taken action. Bernie has my full support.''

On Thursday, ESPN aired an interview with Davis.

"It took me a long time to come out and say something," Davis said. "And I just kept thinking about if he's doing this to little kids — I got to say something. I can't live with myself my whole life knowing that it's going on if I never said anything and he's still doing it.”

According to ESPN’s story, Davis originally reported the abuse to Syracuse police in 2003, but claimed that a detective told him that the statute of limitations had run out and that if Davis knew of boys being molested by Fine at the time, that Syracuse police would investigate those allegations. Davis told ESPN that he told the detective that he thought other boys were being molested but that he had only direct knowledge of Fine molesting him.

According to reports, the Syracuse police chief at the time was Dennis DuVal, a former Syracuse basketball player. DuVal, who retired in 2004, could not be reached for comment by ESPN. He played at Syracuse from 1971 to 1974, while Boeheim was an assistant.

The Post-Standard in Syracuse contacted Onondaga County District Attorney William J. Fitzpatrick, who was first sworn in to his position in 1992. Fitzpatrick told the Post-Standard that he spoke with current police chief Frank Fowler on Thursday night and stated, "There wasn't anything said [by Fowler to Fitzpatrick] about some investigation [currently] going on."

In addition, Fitzpatrick told the Post-Standard that he had no recollection of this matter being brought to his attention previously and that he would not suspect a police investigation into something dating back to the 1980s because the statute of limitations had passed.

According to the New York Penal Code, there is no statute of limitations “for prosecuting first-degree rape, first-degree criminal sexual act, or first-degree course of sexual conduct against a child,” but the statute of limitations “for other sexual offenses committed against a child under age 18 is five years after the victim reaches age 18, or the offense is reported to a law enforcement agency or statewide central register of child abuse and maltreatment, whichever is earlier.
On Thursday, ESPN aired an interview with Davis.

"It took me a long time to come out and say something," Davis said. "And I just kept thinking about if he's doing this to little kids — I got to say something. I can't live with myself my whole life knowing that it's going on if I never said anything and he's still doing it.”

According to ESPN’s story, Davis originally reported the abuse to Syracuse police in 2003, but claimed that a detective told him that the statute of limitations had run out and that if Davis knew of boys being molested by Fine at the time, that Syracuse police would investigate those allegations. Davis told ESPN that he told the detective that he thought other boys were being molested but that he had only direct knowledge of Fine molesting him.

According to reports, the Syracuse police chief at the time was Dennis DuVal, a former Syracuse basketball player. DuVal, who retired in 2004, could not be reached for comment by ESPN. He played at Syracuse from 1971 to 1974, while Boeheim was an assistant.

The Post-Standard in Syracuse contacted Onondaga County District Attorney William J. Fitzpatrick, who was first sworn in to his position in 1992. Fitzpatrick told the Post-Standard that he spoke with current police chief Frank Fowler on Thursday night and stated, "There wasn't anything said [by Fowler to Fitzpatrick] about some investigation [currently] going on."

In addition, Fitzpatrick told the Post-Standard that he had no recollection of this matter being brought to his attention previously and that he would not suspect a police investigation into something dating back to the 1980s because the statute of limitations had passed.

According to the New York Penal Code, there is no statute of limitations “for prosecuting first-degree rape, first-degree criminal sexual act, or first-degree course of sexual conduct against a child,” but the statute of limitations “for other sexual offenses committed against a child under age 18 is five years after the victim reaches age 18, or the offense is reported to a law enforcement agency or statewide central register of child abuse and maltreatment, whichever is earlier.”

Late Thursday night, Boeheim told ESPN, "Why wouldn't [Davis] come to the police [first this
fuck 'em if they can't take a joke

"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • This one sounds fishy to me. Maybe, it's just hoping we don't have another case. And if it is, let these folks face the same as the Penn State cover up. But, here's why I think it's fishy:

    1) I read somewhere that Davis said it continued for 12 years. So, it continued until he was 25? I guess that's possible. And someone with more experience in the field than me (which isn't hard to find) can clarify. But, it seems to me child molestors generally move on to someone new after a certain age. Again, even if that is generally true, there are exceptions. But this seems odd.

    2) The University claims to have done a comprehensive investigation on the 2003 claim even though they did not have to. Why would they be so quick to reveal this investigation if it was not comprehensive or conclusive? Again, that does not mean they are telling the truth or that they did not miss something. But, it would seem they would be slower to reveal a faulty investigation (a la Penn State who only revealed it in the Grand Jury). In this investigation, they said they interviewed the folks that Davis said would corraborate his story. The interviews happened (according to the University), but no corroboration. Again, that does not mean theses witnesses did not lie. But, that is a different twist than Penn State again.

    3) The 2nd alleged victim is a relation to the first. Again, not saying this is not possible. I would assume this is what happens all the time - find 1 victim, and a step sibling is another likely victim for someone like that. But why is he the only one (so far) corraberting the story. Over this length of time, wouldn't there be others?

    Again, these suppositions could all change as the investigation goes on. But, in these early stages, there seems to be a few interesting points that make this story seem weird.

    And finally - Jim Boeheim comes out very stongly in Fine's defense. That seems extremely foolhardy if he was involved in a cover up (which in this case he would have had to been considering his standing at Syracuse). I guess we'll let the investigation play out. But, something seems strange here.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    This one sounds fishy to me. Maybe, it's just hoping we don't have another case. And if it is, let these folks face the same as the Penn State cover up. But, here's why I think it's fishy:

    1) I read somewhere that Davis said it continued for 12 years. So, it continued until he was 25? I guess that's possible. And someone with more experience in the field than me (which isn't hard to find) can clarify. But, it seems to me child molestors generally move on to someone new after a certain age. Again, even if that is generally true, there are exceptions. But this seems odd.

    2) The University claims to have done a comprehensive investigation on the 2003 claim even though they did not have to. Why would they be so quick to reveal this investigation if it was not comprehensive or conclusive? Again, that does not mean they are telling the truth or that they did not miss something. But, it would seem they would be slower to reveal a faulty investigation (a la Penn State who only revealed it in the Grand Jury). In this investigation, they said they interviewed the folks that Davis said would corraborate his story. The interviews happened (according to the University), but no corroboration. Again, that does not mean theses witnesses did not lie. But, that is a different twist than Penn State again.

    3) The 2nd alleged victim is a relation to the first. Again, not saying this is not possible. I would assume this is what happens all the time - find 1 victim, and a step sibling is another likely victim for someone like that. But why is he the only one (so far) corraberting the story. Over this length of time, wouldn't there be others?

    Again, these suppositions could all change as the investigation goes on. But, in these early stages, there seems to be a few interesting points that make this story seem weird.

    And finally - Jim Boeheim comes out very stongly in Fine's defense. That seems extremely foolhardy if he was involved in a cover up (which in this case he would have had to been considering his standing at Syracuse). I guess we'll let the investigation play out. But, something seems strange here.

    i demand a witch hunt
    81 is now off the air

  • 81 wrote:

    i demand a witch hunt

    No question. What's a good American Holiday without a good witch hunt?
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • This one sounds fishy to me. Maybe, it's just hoping we don't have another case. And if it is, let these folks face the same as the Penn State cover up. But, here's why I think it's fishy:

    1) I read somewhere that Davis said it continued for 12 years. So, it continued until he was 25? I guess that's possible. And someone with more experience in the field than me (which isn't hard to find) can clarify. But, it seems to me child molestors generally move on to someone new after a certain age. Again, even if that is generally true, there are exceptions. But this seems odd.

    2) The University claims to have done a comprehensive investigation on the 2003 claim even though they did not have to. Why would they be so quick to reveal this investigation if it was not comprehensive or conclusive? Again, that does not mean they are telling the truth or that they did not miss something. But, it would seem they would be slower to reveal a faulty investigation (a la Penn State who only revealed it in the Grand Jury). In this investigation, they said they interviewed the folks that Davis said would corraborate his story. The interviews happened (according to the University), but no corroboration. Again, that does not mean theses witnesses did not lie. But, that is a different twist than Penn State again.

    3) The 2nd alleged victim is a relation to the first. Again, not saying this is not possible. I would assume this is what happens all the time - find 1 victim, and a step sibling is another likely victim for someone like that. But why is he the only one (so far) corraberting the story. Over this length of time, wouldn't there be others?

    Again, these suppositions could all change as the investigation goes on. But, in these early stages, there seems to be a few interesting points that make this story seem weird.

    And finally - Jim Boeheim comes out very stongly in Fine's defense. That seems extremely foolhardy if he was involved in a cover up (which in this case he would have had to been considering his standing at Syracuse). I guess we'll let the investigation play out. But, something seems strange here.
    This one definitely seems more questionable. Just to comment on the first point - I am by no means an expert on pedophiles, my training is on treating the trauma of survivors - but my understanding is that it really depends on whether or not his primary attraction is to children. Not all people that sexually abuse kids are pedophiles (in that they may not be primarily sexually attracted to children). Some are more *situational* if a situation arises and they are under stress, etc. they may offend against a vulnerable and available kid. If that's the case, there may not be any more victims or very many victims. Typical pedophiles are drawn to kids of a certain age, and usually when the child passes that age they move on to another victim. A situational offender isn't going to necessarily move on because the abuse is less about the victim's developmental age. I've know some offenders to abuse both boys and girls and for it to continue well into adulthood, which wouldn't be typical for a pedophile.

    With the firestorm brewing from Penn State I wouldn't be surprised if more and more stories come out, whether or not they make it to the media. It's tricky because you hope the real stories are validated, but anyone can accuse anyone of doing anything. False reports discredit real as much as I hope these guys weren't abused, I hope that since they came forward it is true.

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • This one definitely seems more questionable. Just to comment on the first point - I am by no means an expert on pedophiles, my training is on treating the trauma of survivors - but my understanding is that it really depends on whether or not his primary attraction is to children. Not all people that sexually abuse kids are pedophiles (in that they may not be primarily sexually attracted to children). Some are more *situational* if a situation arises and they are under stress, etc. they may offend against a vulnerable and available kid. If that's the case, there may not be any more victims or very many victims. Typical pedophiles are drawn to kids of a certain age, and usually when the child passes that age they move on to another victim. A situational offender isn't going to necessarily move on because the abuse is less about the victim's developmental age. I've know some offenders to abuse both boys and girls and for it to continue well into adulthood, which wouldn't be typical for a pedophile.

    With the firestorm brewing from Penn State I wouldn't be surprised if more and more stories come out, whether or not they make it to the media. It's tricky because you hope the real stories are validated, but anyone can accuse anyone of doing anything. False reports discredit real as much as I hope these guys weren't abused, I hope that since they came forward it is true.

    Thanks for that. And your last points are what I'm concerned about. If this is a false (and who really knows at this point), then does it "scare" other real victims from telling their stories? This doesn't change what you or I might believe, but I could certainly understand someone in that situation thinking that they better not tell anyone b/c they won't be believed. And not be able to differentiate folks not believing a FALSE report.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
  • I'll never understand why these stories come out SO LONG after they allegedly occurred.

    But I will say it was really awkward hearing the ESPN reporter describing a handjob during the report. :shock:
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,730
    If this comes out to be true, it will be very interesting to see how ESPN handles it considering pretty much all of their employees are Syracuse grads.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,842
    As an SU alum that was there during the late 80s, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I was never abused by Bernie Fine.

    although a few sorority girls had there way with me
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,242
    The Title of Ball boy should be banished for ever :lol::lol:
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Cliffy6745 wrote:
    If this comes out to be true, it will be very interesting to see how ESPN handles it considering pretty much all of their employees are Syracuse grads.

    So true. I think there's a shuttle that goes to Connecticut directly after the graduation ceremony.
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