got some of Thur, but especially Fri night :-) will post them soon ...
Fraser, need I wait for your approval before posting? :-)
You need to send me your email for those pics you wanted.
Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
I'm new here though PJ are not new to me :-) Okay, so you wanna know how was the concert ... :-)
So, Sazka Arena is not that of rock places really and it is not suited for a Pearl Jam concert. That's a fact (I was in RHCP concert in June in Sazka Arena and it suited their show with all these lights and effects much better). But nevermind. Me and my dear husband came to the place around 7,30 PM, met our friends and went in. We had our tickets to the front of the stage. Cool. We entered the arena and first thing that hit my eyes: a Polish flag with a huge inscription "PEARL JAM YOU FORGOT POLAND". Mmm ... Just can't imagine me coming to Poland to a Pearl Jam concert with a Czech flag upbraiding PJ for not coming to my country... Okay. We settled in front of the left stage speakers, some 4-5 metres from the stage. So we could enjoy Mike's performance at close quarters later.
Tarantula Ad - what can I say not to be "rude"? These guys almost made me sleep. The cello guy reminded me Flea with all his behavior and body talk. As someone already said earlier in this thread, they shouldn't be that boring in some club of kinds but please ... not as a forerunner of PJ. Plus, as my lungs can tell, the sound was way too much overbassed - I could not breathe when they played drums. On the other hand, and to calm these guys down a bit, there were moments I thought it could be okay with these New Yorkers (but it didn't last long, they simply tend to Irish folk it seems, a bit too much to my taste). We got an sms from our friend who was also at the concert but sitting on the other side of the arena saying "When will those psychotics close up?" We had to agree. When they were throwing the CDs we wanted to get one for our friend but were not lucky. Sorry, Tarantula Ad. Sorry, metalmaus.
Then there was a requisite break, there was a crew guy testing some 10 guitars :-) and a lady testing the microphone for Eddie - my darling noted it's probably Ed's Mom ;-) And of course the others getting the instruments and all other stuff ready for PJ.
After some 20-25 minutes we heard a prolonged opening to Once from the speakers and the lights went down. Some minutes after the band came in, immediately starting to play the MFC, Animal, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter (I almost lost my voice screaming HELLO!) :-) And THEN Eddie started to speak Czech :-D I am sorry to confess I didn't catch everything he said. I know he said that they were glad to be back and that they thanked us. Anyway it was very very sweet. I guess it was not easy for him since Czech ain't an easy language (although I was sure he has been doing such thing at every gig of the tour). I am not sure if the guys standing elsewhere understood all he was saying but I / we applauded anyway because it was exciting and very nice of him.
The set was amazing and I was lucky to hear all I wished to (actually, I would be glad to hear anything and this set was marvelous): Daughter, Given To Fly, Jeremy ... The MAN set was just great and Ed was very amusing saying the same sentence before every man-song, we liked it and it made us laugh and ... simply we loved it. Then he announced "This is a song about a woman." and here we had the Better man :-) I lost my voice singing it so the rest of the set I couldn't but idly open my mouth :-) This was great, Ed, thanks a bunch!
Mike was incredible, his performance was an amazing spectacle and he was giving us himself as he stood there and enjoyed it (I hope), throwing the picks to the crowd (we didn't get any though Mike threw some 30 of them to our direction but it is very hard to distinguish picks from butts scrambling in the dark, others' feet on our backs and spectaclesless ;-) ). We unfortunatelly didn't see much of Stone but since the "sound" was superb I knew he did his best too. Jeff (forgotten by Ed when introducing the band - I wanted to yell his name but it would be useless since I was too far) and Matt - thank you, you were smashing - Jeff was "a bit knocked up" after the gig ;-) and Matt's great performance not only during Alive ... great job!
What else can I say? I loved the moment when the lights went up some 2-3 songs before the very end and the gig ended with the lights on, it was kinda club and cool. I am sorry not to get a pick from Mike either a tambourine Ed was giving but it doesn't matter. I had him some 5 metres in front of me singing Jeremy with his psychodelic and far-away look so what else would I like? :-)
It's Tuesday and I still feel my suras hurting from me jumping throughout the concert :-) The neck gets much better now but it was not functioning very well until yesterday :-) The best thing about the concert was that I was there with my dearest (though I hope (PJ) to live through one more to have my daughter there as well because she's been listening to PJ since her very little age and her first expression for "a song" was "Eddie lalala" :-D ). The other best thing is that Pearl Jam are just normal guys, not any star-behaving idiots. They're "just" Pearl Jam. And that's why I will love them always.
At last I'm gonna present my personal "bad" moments although nothing could have debased my feeling about the gig: 1) injured Poles intruding their flags all around not to mention one girl being elevated on her friend's shoulders waving a sheet praying PJ to play W.M.A. and upbraiding them for not coming to Poland (what a gall and irony) - and consequently obstructing view to some 50-100 people, 2) a Dane or a German, I'm not sure, standing behind me whistling so loudly and strongly I thought I was going to turn deaf, 3) the same whistling guy singing so flat and so loudly (or maybe he wanted to please me and was singing right into my ears ;-) ) that I heard a couple of songs performed by him only :-) But that's a normal part of every concert, so it's within tolerable borders. He could have complained a crazy girl was jumping on his feet a third of a concert, right, so what? ;-)
The greatest thing about PJ is that you can be sure that the difference between their records, unplugged shows and live gigs is minimized to the lowest level and that most probably you will hear the same quality live and recorded. It is worth loving and adoring them. That's why I love and adore them (except of other milion reasons). :-D
Absolutely great gig: started explosive and only got better.
Crowd was tough like Paris but luckily without the crowdsurfing $%^&*
I am afraid I cannot agree with the second half of the last sentence. I was standing in front of the soundboard and there was quite a number of crowdsurfers during RINTFW.. At first, only one brave guy tried the "surf conditions" but in the end I counted at least six others (check this:, including a girl, who can be briefly seen right here:
Overall, great gig, great atmosphere, and thanx to PJ for the already legendary "Prague Pentalogy"..
In the German forum there are no youtube-links allowed - don't know how this is handled here, but thanks anyways - first time I can see a video from a show where I have been. And there could be no better choice than Animal, which really kickstarted the crowed and made my shirt completely wet within a few minutes.
yeah it was a blast! I think they might show more later, since they always record throughout the first three songs.
btw czech radio Beat ( got the rights to broadcast the concert as soon as the bootleg will be available ...though id much better buy the lossless version but don't have a credit card :(
a Polish flag with a huge inscription "PEARL JAM YOU FORGOT POLAND". Mmm ... Just can't imagine me coming to Poland to a Pearl Jam concert with a Czech flag upbraiding PJ for not coming to my country... Okay.
Same here. I feel their pain but enough is enough. i found it kinda lame they all wear that t-shirts with the accusing sign 'you forgot ...' at the concert as well
Same here. I feel their pain but enough is enough. i found it kinda lame they all wear that t-shirts with the accusing sign 'you forgot ...' at the concert as well
I don't know what's your problem. I've been on 8 shows this year and
a) it was normal that people from all around the world bring their flags. If someone obstructs your view ask him to stop waving the flag - it worked for me very well on every show.
b) we (the Poles) met only positive reaction for our action. If you find "You Forgot Poland" slogan accusing I recommend you to go to and find what's the story of those words and that in fact they were aimed against George Bush. And do something with your lack of sense of humour. You should also know how Mike reacted on our shirt (in Lisbon) - he laughed his ass off, showed the shirt to Jeff and apologized. Jeff and Stone laughed too.
Ed's reaction? Watch this:
He also changed "Yellow Ledbetter" lyrics to "I'll never forget you there", pointing on the guys with Polish flag.
And the deal with this whole action is that we were trying to make it funny, not histerical and desperate (although some people are desperate about the show in Poland). Too bad you didn't read it properly
c) we saved the show for you - we sung the songs, were jumping, dancing and interacting with the band instead of just standing still like most of the guys from your country. It's not my opinion, it's an opinion of a lot of people from many countries, whose I met in Berlin. Ok, there probably were some assholes from Poland too (like those who booed "Comatose"), just like there are assholes in every country and on every concert. But in an overall review you should be thankful for having us there.
Ha'ha yeah on the tram in the bar and on Fraser, we put him in a taxi and sent him back to the appartment and when we got back he had a pan full of puke at the side of him, really not a pretty site.
Good man! throwing up for Britain!!
surfanddestroy (tam?) nice girl with dreads, boyfriend with a disproportionate taste in music? Hi! We miss you all.
Pepe, my missus thought you were a really nice chap, shame i didn't get to chat for longer with you in a sober state.
here's some of our pics. My cam has a detatchable lens so i didn't risk bringing it. Borrowed a cheap snapper but still got some not bad shots.
Same here. I feel their pain but enough is enough. i found it kinda lame they all wear that t-shirts with the accusing sign 'you forgot ...' at the concert as well
The shirts and the flag were all meant for the band. The band understood the joke. Yes, it was a joke. The band had some good laughs about it during the whole tour. Don't accuse someone of something if you don't know the background. Google it up and relax.
And don't be surprised if you see this t-shirt sometime later, somewhere far away. Lots of people from all around the world were asking for one.
Oopsy. All i just said i would NOT wear the t-shirt. Calm down. If i had to google for every single action made by a few fans to know the "background" before to be allowed to speak my opinion, I guess I would not do anything else then.
I don't know what's your problem. I've been on 8 shows this year and
a) it was normal that people from all around the world bring their flags. If someone obstructs your view ask him to stop waving the flag - it worked for me very well on every show.
b) we (the Poles) met only positive reaction for our action. If you find "You Forgot Poland" slogan accusing I recommend you to go to and find what's the story of those words and that in fact they were aimed against George Bush. And do something with your lack of sense of humour. You should also know how Mike reacted on our shirt (in Lisbon) - he laughed his ass off, showed the shirt to Jeff and apologized. Jeff and Stone laughed too.
Ed's reaction? Watch this:
He also changed "Yellow Ledbetter" lyrics to "I'll never forget you there", pointing on the guys with Polish flag.
And the deal with this whole action is that we were trying to make it funny, not histerical and desperate (although some people are desperate about the show in Poland). Too bad you didn't read it properly
c) we saved the show for you - we sung the songs, were jumping, dancing and interacting with the band instead of just standing still like most of the guys from your country. It's not my opinion, it's an opinion of a lot of people from many countries, whose I met in Berlin. Ok, there probably were some assholes from Poland too (like those who booed "Comatose"), just like there are assholes in every country and on every concert. But in an overall review you should be thankful for having us there.
Well that was not my first concert in my life either and
- I never said I have a problem with flags, did I? Though I don't see that necessary to bring them to a hall concert cos it surely can suck when then people in the back can do just nothing about it there. I was pointing at what Lucy was talking about in her review. Read me first.
- See, thanks for clearing the whole thing to me, though I would not even notice the little group of polish fans in those t-shirts if they havent acted like idiots, pushing other people to get the best spot (prolly to have their sings viewed right) even thought they were late, and were screaming this "inside joke" then. So yes, i found it stupid and annoying. But I would not even say it aloud here (and secretely waiting for an explanation... well, not really) if i havent found out that's not only me who "didn't get it" and found it silly.
But don't get me wrong, I've never had anything against polish fans (have a few good friends there, frankly they are not PJ fans), I even found it nice when RHCP put your flag next to the czech one on stage a few months ago, it's all ok with me. But believe me, I'm not the only one (and not just from my country) who thinks these polish actions are kinda off (now i know you're well known for doing it at other band's concerts too, good for you) as well as your comments such like "we made the show, be grateful for having us there" yeah just what you said here again, thanks for a good laugh. Btw do you take concerts as some kind of contest of who can scream the most or make the highest jump while dancing, like if that must mean "making a good atmosphere"? Or do you just want your few seconds of fame cos you badly want the band to know you are in the pit too? Well just have it if that's what you're up to but I myself was just having fun surrounded by mostly czech fans - dancing, singing, loving it. I havent found anything wrong with us and was talking with some fans from Germany on other boards who said it was fun with Czechs as well. So as you say, there are assholes in every country and on every concert - the same apply to people who don't dance & sing-along or make the show as you want them to. Maybe you and I had just a bad luck there. But even if I'd be the only girl in the crowd who dances all night and feels like a queen, i would never say I saved the show. I always thought it's about the music, but maybe that's just me. Hezky den.
Yes, you should google for an info about an action before calling it stupid. In previous post you were not talking about some Poles behaving badly, you didn't said you would not wore the shirt - you just called the shirts lame and the sing accussing. Actually you didn't say anything about flag obscuring your view (I only wrote about it in reply to what cal wrote), you just said you didn't like the slogan. So don't explain yourself now with a talk about some assholes. Those two things are completly separate.
But to be totally honest with you I must admit I am not into all those Polish-flag-actions on every show too. I would not take a part in such action if it would be 100% serious and histerical. Sometimes it looks like little baby cry, especially when at the same tour we got a show in our country anyway :P But all this "You Forgot Poland" supposed to be a fun, and that's why I wore the shirt too. It was just a little joke to give the band an info that they missed something...
Also I must admit that Polish fans (not only Pearl Jam fans) are not the best in the world, especially in terms of respecting other people on show. But as I said before - you mixed together those two completely different issues. Rude behaviour has nothing to do with Bush on the shirts, and vice versa.
Oh, and no. I'm not threating gigs as a contest between nationalities. Just quoting opinions I heard - that the Czech people (with all the respect) were not singing and dancing as good as Poles and others did. And for the most people I talked with (and to me too) the show is better when you're not alone with the singalongs, etc. That's why we all love Italians and Portugeses, right?
So, to sum it all: sorry for some stupid Poles, hopefully they didn't ruin the show for you. And please - don't judge all of us and all of our actions by those black sheeps.
I liked the opening act a whole lot, they surprised me and delighted me. The slower parts of their songs bored me a bit, but when they gave it their everything I loved it.
ScotInAmsterdam: It was so fun meeting you and your friend at this show, especially since you were yelling in Norwegian just behind us, and we were like "Oh my, that would be pretty nasty if it was in Norwegian." Haha.
Good man! throwing up for Britain!!
surfanddestroy (tam?) nice girl with dreads, boyfriend with a disproportionate taste in music? Hi! We miss you all.
Pepe, my missus thought you were a really nice chap, shame i didn't get to chat for longer with you in a sober state.
here's some of our pics. My cam has a detatchable lens so i didn't risk bringing it. Borrowed a cheap snapper but still got some not bad shots.
Nice pics, had a good laugh with you and was really nice to meet you, lets hope they tour again next year so we can do it all again
And yes we must all Hail Hail the Pivo.
Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Good pics! And a big hello back to the Wall of Corn, catch you guys next time.
I guess the dubliner I mentioned earlier must have been CJ? Anyways, nice meeting you too. And the bearded guy in your pics is theFriscomaniacgoingto20plusPJgigsthisyear... man, if I only had the chance!
ps. Hail Hail the pivo indeed. I hail you Staropramen & Velkopopovicky (and Pils Urquell if nothing else was available :-)
I was there with my dearly love husband and we really enjoy the show! Prague is an amazing city (somehhow it reminds me of my city Rome!) and the people is very friendly too! So it was for me more like a party then a super concert, the atmosphere was very intimate, familiar, the arena is very beautiful and the crowd was fantastic! I couldn't expect better! I liked very much the setlist, in particolar I couldn't believe my ears when Ed started Dead man! Thanks to the guy on my left hand side who translated the Ed speeches for me!
Now I would like to say something to the one who wrote about the "Italian stupid crowd". I attended all the concerts in Italy and I really fu..k..i...n' enjoyed the shows and the people so entusistic, energetic, losing the voice til dead! It seems PJ really appreciate the welcome in Italy and they looked very touched and excited because of the love people gave back to them.... I can undestand that not all are used to attend such a mess. Next time choose a seat or another country and not insult, please.
Anyway thanks to all the cezch and international people who were in Prague! I will never forget you!
I believe he is going to try and post them today. We shall just have wait
Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
I think some of them might be a bit embarrasing, although I was very drunk so any bad pics will be blamed on the Pivo
Astoria 20/04/06, Leeds 25/08/06, Prague 22/09/06, Wembley 18/06/07,
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Yes, you should google for an info about an action before calling it stupid.
Well, if you got plenty of time to google everything is discussed and more importantly lived it doesn't mean the others got it too. This is not politics so we shouldn't be expected to know everything. I have just said my feeling about the whole flag thing and if you feel so irritated by my "stupidity" - as you have called it - of not understanding a joke, I'm sorry for you.
I did not understand the flag action and the only thing I said was that I would not do so if in any concert taking place in Poland or anywhere else. Seems like there's that difference between our two nations in general - yes, there are weird people in every single nation, yes, there are jurks in every single nation. I just find you, the Poles, a bit way too much arrogant to _my_ taste, as a Czech.
Concerning the girl with a sheet: I was some 10 metres from her so your suggestion would be somehow useless, don't you think?
we saved the show for you - we sung the songs, were jumping, dancing and interacting with the band instead of just standing still like most of the guys from your country. It's not my opinion, it's an opinion of a lot of people from many countries, whose I met in Berlin. Ok, there probably were some assholes from Poland too (like those who booed "Comatose"), just like there are assholes in every country and on every concert. But in an overall review you should be thankful for having us there.
This just proves my opinion about Polish arrogancy true ... sorry to be so frank.
I'm also sorry that _my fanview_ of the concert made the Poles "angry". But I can't help a Czech saying "Potrefená husa se vždycky ozve." coming up my mind. Sorry.
But enough of this useless babbling. I enjoyed the concert very very much. The band was great and me - a Czech, imagine that! - danced my ass out and sang my lungs out ...
there was a No Code Prague Show in 1996
there was a Binaural Prague Show in 2000
there was a Avocado Prague Show in 2006
there was no Riot Act European tour
was there a Yield tour?
the point is how long do we have to wait for next Prague show,
mathematically it looks like 8 or 9 years
as i am an optimist (well, not really) i say we will see them again in spring 2009
there was a No Code Prague Show in 1996
there was a Binaural Prague Show in 2000
there was a Avocado Prague Show in 2006
there was no Riot Act European tour
was there a Yield tour?
the point is how long do we have to wait for next Prague show,
mathematically it looks like 8 or 9 years
as i am an optimist (well, not really) i say we will see them again in spring 2009
Hmmm... let's do some maths here:
2000 - 1996 = 4
2006 - 2000 = 6
Where did you get 8-9 years? ;-)
For my part, I will wait whatever time for them definitely. Pushing things usually do no good. :-)
Hmmm... let's do some maths here:
2000 - 1996 = 4
2006 - 2000 = 6
Where did you get 8-9 years? ;-)
For my part, I will wait whatever time for them definitely. Pushing things usually do no good. :-)
well two dates arent really enough for extrapolation but i considered two possibilities
A) every waiting is two years longer than the last one = 4 - 6 - 8 every waiting is 50% longer than the last one = 4 - 6 - 9
i hope i am wrong, we will see
Yes, you should google for an info about an action before calling it stupid.
There are lots of people who never heard of this action so you shouldn't expect them to think there's something "big" behind it.
you didn't said you would not wore the shirt - you just called the shirts lame and the sing accussing.
I was guoting cal for saying she wouldn't imagine taking our flag with such a sign to your country, so at the same time I meant that I would not wear something that i find lame, of course.
So don't explain yourself now with a talk about some assholes. Those two things are completly separate".
I'm sorry but since those fans acted the way they did (my first post) were the only polish fans I saw there and they wore those t-shirts and becos of it looked/acted like as you say "when little baby cry", those two things do have something in common. I understand that not all of polish fans must be like that and as I said, I would not even say it aloud here, if I havent found out that other people share the same opinion. But actually I didn't care that much at the concert, so no, I didn't let them ruin the concert for me.
And please - don't judge all of us and all of our actions by those black sheeps.
Exactly same goes for you, for saying 'we saved the show, be greateful' etc, just becos of some Czechs who maybe don't "interact" with the band as you think it's right. Though I can imagine how some people may look bored, but still enjoying it anyway. But yeah, maybe we (Czechs) aren't that "hysterical" (and I do not mean it in a bad way).
You need to send me your email for those pics you wanted.
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
Fraser says: Post away...
I'm new here though PJ are not new to me :-) Okay, so you wanna know how was the concert ... :-)
So, Sazka Arena is not that of rock places really and it is not suited for a Pearl Jam concert. That's a fact (I was in RHCP concert in June in Sazka Arena and it suited their show with all these lights and effects much better). But nevermind. Me and my dear husband came to the place around 7,30 PM, met our friends and went in. We had our tickets to the front of the stage. Cool. We entered the arena and first thing that hit my eyes: a Polish flag with a huge inscription "PEARL JAM YOU FORGOT POLAND". Mmm ... Just can't imagine me coming to Poland to a Pearl Jam concert with a Czech flag upbraiding PJ for not coming to my country... Okay. We settled in front of the left stage speakers, some 4-5 metres from the stage. So we could enjoy Mike's performance at close quarters later.
Tarantula Ad - what can I say not to be "rude"? These guys almost made me sleep. The cello guy reminded me Flea with all his behavior and body talk. As someone already said earlier in this thread, they shouldn't be that boring in some club of kinds but please ... not as a forerunner of PJ. Plus, as my lungs can tell, the sound was way too much overbassed - I could not breathe when they played drums. On the other hand, and to calm these guys down a bit, there were moments I thought it could be okay with these New Yorkers (but it didn't last long, they simply tend to Irish folk it seems, a bit too much to my taste). We got an sms from our friend who was also at the concert but sitting on the other side of the arena saying "When will those psychotics close up?" We had to agree. When they were throwing the CDs we wanted to get one for our friend but were not lucky. Sorry, Tarantula Ad. Sorry, metalmaus.
Then there was a requisite break, there was a crew guy testing some 10 guitars :-) and a lady testing the microphone for Eddie - my darling noted it's probably Ed's Mom ;-) And of course the others getting the instruments and all other stuff ready for PJ.
After some 20-25 minutes we heard a prolonged opening to Once from the speakers and the lights went down. Some minutes after the band came in, immediately starting to play the MFC, Animal, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter (I almost lost my voice screaming HELLO!) :-) And THEN Eddie started to speak Czech :-D I am sorry to confess I didn't catch everything he said. I know he said that they were glad to be back and that they thanked us. Anyway it was very very sweet. I guess it was not easy for him since Czech ain't an easy language (although I was sure he has been doing such thing at every gig of the tour). I am not sure if the guys standing elsewhere understood all he was saying but I / we applauded anyway because it was exciting and very nice of him.
The set was amazing and I was lucky to hear all I wished to (actually, I would be glad to hear anything and this set was marvelous): Daughter, Given To Fly, Jeremy ... The MAN set was just great and Ed was very amusing saying the same sentence before every man-song, we liked it and it made us laugh and ... simply we loved it. Then he announced "This is a song about a woman." and here we had the Better man :-) I lost my voice singing it so the rest of the set I couldn't but idly open my mouth :-) This was great, Ed, thanks a bunch!
Mike was incredible, his performance was an amazing spectacle and he was giving us himself as he stood there and enjoyed it (I hope), throwing the picks to the crowd (we didn't get any though Mike threw some 30 of them to our direction but it is very hard to distinguish picks from butts scrambling in the dark, others' feet on our backs and spectaclesless ;-) ). We unfortunatelly didn't see much of Stone but since the "sound" was superb I knew he did his best too. Jeff (forgotten by Ed when introducing the band - I wanted to yell his name but it would be useless since I was too far) and Matt - thank you, you were smashing - Jeff was "a bit knocked up" after the gig ;-) and Matt's great performance not only during Alive ... great job!
What else can I say? I loved the moment when the lights went up some 2-3 songs before the very end and the gig ended with the lights on, it was kinda club and cool. I am sorry not to get a pick from Mike either a tambourine Ed was giving but it doesn't matter. I had him some 5 metres in front of me singing Jeremy with his psychodelic and far-away look so what else would I like? :-)
It's Tuesday and I still feel my suras hurting from me jumping throughout the concert :-) The neck gets much better now but it was not functioning very well until yesterday :-) The best thing about the concert was that I was there with my dearest (though I hope (PJ) to live through one more to have my daughter there as well because she's been listening to PJ since her very little age and her first expression for "a song" was "Eddie lalala" :-D ). The other best thing is that Pearl Jam are just normal guys, not any star-behaving idiots. They're "just" Pearl Jam. And that's why I will love them always.
At last I'm gonna present my personal "bad" moments although nothing could have debased my feeling about the gig: 1) injured Poles intruding their flags all around not to mention one girl being elevated on her friend's shoulders waving a sheet praying PJ to play W.M.A. and upbraiding them for not coming to Poland (what a gall and irony) - and consequently obstructing view to some 50-100 people, 2) a Dane or a German, I'm not sure, standing behind me whistling so loudly and strongly I thought I was going to turn deaf, 3) the same whistling guy singing so flat and so loudly (or maybe he wanted to please me and was singing right into my ears ;-) ) that I heard a couple of songs performed by him only :-) But that's a normal part of every concert, so it's within tolerable borders. He could have complained a crazy girl was jumping on his feet a third of a concert, right, so what? ;-)
The greatest thing about PJ is that you can be sure that the difference between their records, unplugged shows and live gigs is minimized to the lowest level and that most probably you will hear the same quality live and recorded. It is worth loving and adoring them. That's why I love and adore them (except of other milion reasons). :-D
Cheers, Lucy
Approval given!! Post away please!
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
what a petty we did not make a pic of the handstand :-)
Antwerp (!) 06
Paris 06
Verona 06
Prague 06
Wembley 07
Duesseldorf 07
Nijmegen 07
Werchter (!) 07
I am afraid I cannot agree with the second half of the last sentence. I was standing in front of the soundboard and there was quite a number of crowdsurfers during RINTFW.. At first, only one brave guy tried the "surf conditions" but in the end I counted at least six others (check this:, including a girl, who can be briefly seen right here:
Overall, great gig, great atmosphere, and thanx to PJ for the already legendary "Prague Pentalogy"..
btw czech radio Beat ( got the rights to broadcast the concert as soon as the bootleg will be available ...though id much better buy the lossless version but don't have a credit card :(
Same here. I feel their pain but enough is enough. i found it kinda lame they all wear that t-shirts with the accusing sign 'you forgot ...' at the concert as well
I don't know what's your problem. I've been on 8 shows this year and
a) it was normal that people from all around the world bring their flags. If someone obstructs your view ask him to stop waving the flag - it worked for me very well on every show.
b) we (the Poles) met only positive reaction for our action. If you find "You Forgot Poland" slogan accusing I recommend you to go to and find what's the story of those words and that in fact they were aimed against George Bush. And do something with your lack of sense of humour. You should also know how Mike reacted on our shirt (in Lisbon) - he laughed his ass off, showed the shirt to Jeff and apologized. Jeff and Stone laughed too.
Ed's reaction? Watch this:
He also changed "Yellow Ledbetter" lyrics to "I'll never forget you there", pointing on the guys with Polish flag.
And the deal with this whole action is that we were trying to make it funny, not histerical and desperate (although some people are desperate about the show in Poland). Too bad you didn't read it properly
c) we saved the show for you - we sung the songs, were jumping, dancing and interacting with the band instead of just standing still like most of the guys from your country. It's not my opinion, it's an opinion of a lot of people from many countries, whose I met in Berlin. Ok, there probably were some assholes from Poland too (like those who booed "Comatose"), just like there are assholes in every country and on every concert. But in an overall review you should be thankful for having us there.
Good man! throwing up for Britain!!
surfanddestroy (tam?) nice girl with dreads, boyfriend with a disproportionate taste in music? Hi! We miss you all.
Pepe, my missus thought you were a really nice chap, shame i didn't get to chat for longer with you in a sober state.
here's some of our pics. My cam has a detatchable lens so i didn't risk bringing it. Borrowed a cheap snapper but still got some not bad shots.
hail hail the pivo
The shirts and the flag were all meant for the band. The band understood the joke. Yes, it was a joke. The band had some good laughs about it during the whole tour. Don't accuse someone of something if you don't know the background. Google it up and relax.
And don't be surprised if you see this t-shirt sometime later, somewhere far away. Lots of people from all around the world were asking for one.
Prague 22/09/06
Well that was not my first concert in my life either and
- I never said I have a problem with flags, did I? Though I don't see that necessary to bring them to a hall concert cos it surely can suck when then people in the back can do just nothing about it there. I was pointing at what Lucy was talking about in her review. Read me first.
- See, thanks for clearing the whole thing to me, though I would not even notice the little group of polish fans in those t-shirts if they havent acted like idiots, pushing other people to get the best spot (prolly to have their sings viewed right) even thought they were late, and were screaming this "inside joke" then. So yes, i found it stupid and annoying. But I would not even say it aloud here (and secretely waiting for an explanation... well, not really) if i havent found out that's not only me who "didn't get it" and found it silly.
But don't get me wrong, I've never had anything against polish fans (have a few good friends there, frankly they are not PJ fans), I even found it nice when RHCP put your flag next to the czech one on stage a few months ago, it's all ok with me. But believe me, I'm not the only one (and not just from my country) who thinks these polish actions are kinda off (now i know you're well known for doing it at other band's concerts too, good for you) as well as your comments such like "we made the show, be grateful for having us there" yeah just what you said here again, thanks for a good laugh. Btw do you take concerts as some kind of contest of who can scream the most or make the highest jump while dancing, like if that must mean "making a good atmosphere"? Or do you just want your few seconds of fame cos you badly want the band to know you are in the pit too? Well just have it if that's what you're up to but I myself was just having fun surrounded by mostly czech fans - dancing, singing, loving it. I havent found anything wrong with us and was talking with some fans from Germany on other boards who said it was fun with Czechs as well. So as you say, there are assholes in every country and on every concert - the same apply to people who don't dance & sing-along or make the show as you want them to. Maybe you and I had just a bad luck there. But even if I'd be the only girl in the crowd who dances all night and feels like a queen, i would never say I saved the show. I always thought it's about the music, but maybe that's just me. Hezky den.
But to be totally honest with you I must admit I am not into all those Polish-flag-actions on every show too. I would not take a part in such action if it would be 100% serious and histerical. Sometimes it looks like little baby cry, especially when at the same tour we got a show in our country anyway :P But all this "You Forgot Poland" supposed to be a fun, and that's why I wore the shirt too. It was just a little joke to give the band an info that they missed something...
Also I must admit that Polish fans (not only Pearl Jam fans) are not the best in the world, especially in terms of respecting other people on show. But as I said before - you mixed together those two completely different issues. Rude behaviour has nothing to do with Bush on the shirts, and vice versa.
Oh, and no. I'm not threating gigs as a contest between nationalities. Just quoting opinions I heard - that the Czech people (with all the respect) were not singing and dancing as good as Poles and others did. And for the most people I talked with (and to me too) the show is better when you're not alone with the singalongs, etc. That's why we all love Italians and Portugeses, right?
So, to sum it all: sorry for some stupid Poles, hopefully they didn't ruin the show for you. And please - don't judge all of us and all of our actions by those black sheeps.
ScotInAmsterdam: It was so fun meeting you and your friend at this show, especially since you were yelling in Norwegian just behind us, and we were like "Oh my, that would be pretty nasty if it was in Norwegian." Haha.
Nice pics, had a good laugh with you and was really nice to meet you, lets hope they tour again next year so we can do it all again
And yes we must all Hail Hail the Pivo.
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
Good pics! And a big hello back to the Wall of Corn, catch you guys next time.
I guess the dubliner I mentioned earlier must have been CJ? Anyways, nice meeting you too. And the bearded guy in your pics is theFriscomaniacgoingto20plusPJgigsthisyear... man, if I only had the chance!
ps. Hail Hail the pivo indeed. I hail you Staropramen & Velkopopovicky (and Pils Urquell if nothing else was available :-)
Now I would like to say something to the one who wrote about the "Italian stupid crowd". I attended all the concerts in Italy and I really fu..k..i...n' enjoyed the shows and the people so entusistic, energetic, losing the voice til dead! It seems PJ really appreciate the welcome in Italy and they looked very touched and excited because of the love people gave back to them.... I can undestand that not all are used to attend such a mess. Next time choose a seat or another country and not insult, please.
Anyway thanks to all the cezch and international people who were in Prague! I will never forget you!
Piccies!! Piccies!! Please
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
I believe he is going to try and post them today. We shall just have wait
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
I think some of them might be a bit embarrasing, although I was very drunk so any bad pics will be blamed on the Pivo
Dusseldorf 21/06/07, Manchester 17/08/09, London 18/08/09, LA 06/10/09, LA 07/10/09.
Ain't gonna be any middle anymore.
LOL I'm sure they are fine. All pics that are taken of me are embarrassing.
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
Well, if you got plenty of time to google everything is discussed and more importantly lived it doesn't mean the others got it too. This is not politics so we shouldn't be expected to know everything. I have just said my feeling about the whole flag thing and if you feel so irritated by my "stupidity" - as you have called it - of not understanding a joke, I'm sorry for you.
I did not understand the flag action and the only thing I said was that I would not do so if in any concert taking place in Poland or anywhere else. Seems like there's that difference between our two nations in general - yes, there are weird people in every single nation, yes, there are jurks in every single nation. I just find you, the Poles, a bit way too much arrogant to _my_ taste, as a Czech.
Concerning the girl with a sheet: I was some 10 metres from her so your suggestion would be somehow useless, don't you think?
This just proves my opinion about Polish arrogancy true ... sorry to be so frank.
I'm also sorry that _my fanview_ of the concert made the Poles "angry". But I can't help a Czech saying "Potrefená husa se vždycky ozve." coming up my mind. Sorry.
But enough of this useless babbling. I enjoyed the concert very very much. The band was great and me - a Czech, imagine that! - danced my ass out and sang my lungs out ...
there was a No Code Prague Show in 1996
there was a Binaural Prague Show in 2000
there was a Avocado Prague Show in 2006
there was no Riot Act European tour
was there a Yield tour?
the point is how long do we have to wait for next Prague show,
mathematically it looks like 8 or 9 years
as i am an optimist (well, not really) i say we will see them again in spring 2009
Hmmm... let's do some maths here:
2000 - 1996 = 4
2006 - 2000 = 6
Where did you get 8-9 years? ;-)
For my part, I will wait whatever time for them definitely. Pushing things usually do no good. :-)
well two dates arent really enough for extrapolation but i considered two possibilities
A) every waiting is two years longer than the last one = 4 - 6 - 8
i hope i am wrong, we will see
I was guoting cal for saying she wouldn't imagine taking our flag with such a sign to your country, so at the same time I meant that I would not wear something that i find lame, of course.
I'm sorry but since those fans acted the way they did (my first post) were the only polish fans I saw there and they wore those t-shirts and becos of it looked/acted like as you say "when little baby cry", those two things do have something in common. I understand that not all of polish fans must be like that and as I said, I would not even say it aloud here, if I havent found out that other people share the same opinion. But actually I didn't care that much at the concert, so no, I didn't let them ruin the concert for me.
Exactly same goes for you, for saying 'we saved the show, be greateful' etc, just becos of some Czechs who maybe don't "interact" with the band as you think it's right. Though I can imagine how some people may look bored, but still enjoying it anyway. But yeah, maybe we (Czechs) aren't that "hysterical" (and I do not mean it in a bad way).