*** Curitiba 11/30 Fanviews Here



  • its on 2000 and 2003 bootlegs. at least a few in 2003, not sure how many in 2000. always in front of corduroy.
  • so how does kick out the jams wih mark and stevie sound ?
  • CMoonCMoon Posts: 5
    so how does kick out the jams wih mark and stevie sound ?
    Awesome! Amazing! I have no words to express the feeling, the energy... The whole show was magic!
  • bmarsh10bmarsh10 Posts: 168
    What is kick out the jams, is it a fast song, is it good
  • bgranatobgranato Sao Paulo Posts: 29
    Lajotero wrote:
    bgranato, have u gone to those shows or just listened the bootlegs/??

    I went to both shows... I`ll be at tonight and tomorrow`s concert here in Sao Paulo (my hometown) too...
    here I am:

    rock on!
  • 62strat62strat Posts: 638
    so how does kick out the jams wih mark and stevie sound ?

    not as good as it was in Grand rapids in my opinion. Only because mark arms steals all of eds screams.
  • bgranato wrote:
    I went to both shows... I`ll be at tonight and tomorrow`s concert here in Sao Paulo (my hometown) too...
    here I am:

    rock on!

    isso aew loco, aproveite bem esses shows!!!!
    the serpent was subtil, peer, genesis 3:6
    described as... bored, ignored
    because I say so
    bored, black, numb, disturbed
    problem, wicked out
    a harmless child
    he say he didn´t have mother
    the unclean spirit intend

    Curitiba,Br. 11/30/05
  • What a night !

    After all these years waiting....connecting to this band, and its words and music, it is really hard to express what I felt in Curitiba that night.

    MUDHONEY - AMAZING !!! The ones that knew, were going crazy, the ones that did not know, were with their mouths open...and similing, killer opening to what was about to be a memorable night.

    First, let me say that the venue, Pedreira Paulo Leminsky, is a wonderful place to do shows, Ed even talked about it during the show, you have these huge stone walls all lighted up by colored spots, the dressing rooms are on the top and an elevator brings the band to the stage (ie the picture in the photo section). There's a small lagoon on the left side, and green all around.

    When the lights went down, and Mike started that solo, a 30.000 people's collective scream set the tone for the night. AMAZING set list, and even more amazing (specially to the band, I suppose) was to realize that praticaly EVERYONE was singing the lyrics to all the songs, specialy the classics, and jumping and dancing all around. Ed said thank you for waiting, but, I believe that the show, itself, turned all these 15 years into star dust...and it poured out from this band and touched every single heart that night.

    HIGHLIGHT - There were many, but, when they brought a kid who suffered a car accident, and is in the wheelchair, on stage, and dedicated a song for him, well, that was a highlight to me. The kid is a fan, was visibly moved and full of happyness, the crowd was smiling and crying, and we chanted the kid's name...LEANDRO...and tons of good energy went towards him, and that my friends, is what music is all about. There's a pic of Ed singing on his side.

    If PJ still had any doubts about what their music can do to people...and HOW FAR it can reach out and touch people's lives, well, I guess they were cleared for good.

    It really does not matter how long it took you to be here, you came, and we celebrated together, making everything else loose importance.

    Please come back with the new album's tour, we will be there to celebrate again.

    The pair of wings I got on 11/30 are still flapping.

    "Music is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends, music is your only friend, until the end"

  • Kick Out The Jams?!?! Holy mother of God that is awesome!
    Irvine 92,Indio 93,San Fran 95,San Diego 95x2,San Diego 98,LA 98x2,San Diego 00,San Bern 00,Irvine 03,San Diego 03,Las Vegas 03,Santa Barbara 03,Vancouver 05,LA 06x2,Santa Barbara 06,Cincy 06,Leeds 06,Reading 06,Portland 09,LA 09x3,San Diego 09,NYC 10x2, PHX 13, SD 13, LAx2 13, Cincy 14, Ft Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Dana Point 21x2, Vegas 24, LAx2 24, Dana Point 24
  • fans! kd as suas fotos!??? minha maquina quebrou no show.., mas eu quero fotos de qualquer jeito!
  • I found Mike Mccready ...
    I ask from him about the europatour and about the new album, he said that they are working to make concerts in europa this next year, maybe in the summer or before...
    About the new album, he said that eddie even are write the letters from musics, but he are in final already, in the begin from next year the new album comes from us...

    Curitiba 2005
    São Paulo 2005
    São Paulo 2005
    Portugal 2007
    Spain 2007
    Germany 2007
    Dennmark 2007

    Thanks Pearl Jam...
  • Hey, we just had a baby boy at 9:54 pm CST on 11/30. Does anybody know what song Pearl Jam was playing at that time?
  • laneslanes Posts: 11
    it was an amazing show ... but I need to confirm but i think it wasn't mike solo before Interstellar Overdrive, i was front of mike side and maybe i seen the guitar tec playing that solo ... i'm not sure, but for a moment i thought it wasn't mike ...
  • I'm so happy about the show at Curitiba.
    It was perfect. Very good.
    Eddie tried some words in portuguese...

    Who want to listen to Eddie speaking portuguese in Curitiba-Brazil, send an e-mail to vagner.fly@ibest.com.br asking for it.
  • I´ve just listened to this show...great versions...specially last kiss and kick out the jams...really cool...congratulations to CURITIBA!

    Good Vibrations from Argentina
    ...can´t wear my mask, your first my last...
  • Anybody have some NOT OFFICIAL pics of this show?? please, put the link...

    ...can´t wear my mask, your first my last...
  • AcidgrooveAcidgroove Posts: 1,228
    Anybody have some NOT OFFICIAL pics of this show?? please, put the link...


    Yo tengo.
    Manana las subo y te paso el link.
    De Chile, Arg y Brasil fue el mas tranquilo.
    Hay una foto que tengo que Mike me esta tirando la pua. Tuve mucho contacto con el ese dia. Muy bueno y lindo set list.
    Viva PERON Carajo!
  • Acidgroove wrote:
    Yo tengo.
    Manana las subo y te paso el link.
    De Chile, Arg y Brasil fue el mas tranquilo.
    Hay una foto que tengo que Mike me esta tirando la pua. Tuve mucho contacto con el ese dia. Muy bueno y lindo set list.

    OK, I´m waiting
    ...can´t wear my mask, your first my last...
  • AcidgrooveAcidgroove Posts: 1,228
    OK, I´m waiting

    OK, as promised here are some pictures.


    Hope you like ´em
    Viva PERON Carajo!
  • Acidgroove wrote:
    OK, as promised here are some pictures.


    Hope you like ´em

    Thanks man...pure gold...

    until next time
    ...can´t wear my mask, your first my last...
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