Could use some tour news...

LoveBoatAdmiralLoveBoatAdmiral Posts: 1,191
edited November 2008 in The Porch
So its been one of those days.

I'm right in the middle of crunch time at college, I got four tests and three papers due within the next two weeks. Just as I'm sitting down to start a paper, again, I get a call from my mom. Not only was my grandmother admitted to the hospital after suffering a mild heart attack, my one year old puppy is in an incubator in an animal hospital with a mysterious illness. He may not make it through the night.

I spent the better part of the evening in the hospital with my grandmother, who, on a positive note, seems to be doing much better. I only hope that I'll get to see my puppy again...

Sorry, I just needed to vent. I could really use some good PJ news to get my mind off of things, like tour dates, or a tidbit on the new album's progression, anything. Until then I think I'm gonna unwind with a stiff drink and a fitting PJ tune. Here's to better days ahead.
2006- Boston I
2008- Boston I+II
2009- Toronto, Philly III+IV
2010- Bristow, Hartford, Boston, Newark
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • There will be new album news before any tour news. I don't think they'll be touring for a while.
    Can't escape from the common rule...
    If you hate something, don't you do it too
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