I wouldn't take something like this happening in China as being indicative of anything other than attitudes in China. I wonder what would have happened were this a young boy instead.
I wouldn't take something like this happening in China as being indicative of anything other than attitudes in China. I wonder what would have happened were this a young boy instead.
WTF has this earth come to? Has life become this meaningless? I'm seriously depressed by this story. I can't even express the depth of my sadness. I'm not religious, but if I was a higher power, this would be about the time I would clean slate the planet and try again. Just brutal.
Like I said, I witness shit like this occasionally in person. This may come as a shock to a few of you, but, all this talk about everyone deserving a chance and having a right to live, is nonsense. There are a lot of sick fucks in this world. Sick people who think nothing of harming those who choose to be innocent and try to be good.
There are those out there who slaughter children. Those who rape women. Those who burn people alive. There are those who stand idly by, ignore it, or take videos of it with their smart phones instead of trying to help.
Like I said, I witness shit like this occasionally in person. This may come as a shock to a few of you, but, all this talk about everyone deserving a chance and having a right to live, is nonsense. There are a lot of sick fucks in this world. Sick people who think nothing of harming those who choose to be innocent and try to be good.
There are those out there who slaughter children. Those who rape women. Those who burn people alive. There are those who stand idly by, ignore it, or take videos of it with their smart phones instead of trying to help.
Those people are the one who do not deserve life.
What have you witnessed?
I've luckily never seen anyone ignore something this severe before.
I've seen some ugly shit. Without getting too into details: rape and murder victims, severely injured children, gunshot victims, people hit by cars, etc.
I'm certain there are many people on this board who have also been privy to horrific occurrences such as these.
Human beings can be disgusting creatures. Very few people are interested in actually helping. They'd rather film it on their phones and provide ridiculous, ignorant commentary.
There's been studies done, and you've probably witnessed this phenonmena in real life, that if a person is in distress and needs help and happens to be amongst a crowd, they are less likely to receive help then if they were instead encountered by one single individual.
I suppose in a crowd, human nature tends to react as if "somebody else will help him" ...
disclaimer: I didn't see the video nor do I know anythign about the situation. I'm just saying about the above study/ human phenomena
I saw the link to the video and couldn't bring myself to watch. Seeing as I have a toddler running around my house, it would hit too close to home for me. But the total disregard for human life, especially for small children, is sickening. I would like to think that I would do everything in my power, including sacrificing myself, to try and save a small child. I hope that never happens but if that isn't part of your makeup you are a flawed human.
Like I said, I witness shit like this occasionally in person. This may come as a shock to a few of you, but, all this talk about everyone deserving a chance and having a right to live, is nonsense. There are a lot of sick fucks in this world. Sick people who think nothing of harming those who choose to be innocent and try to be good.
There are those out there who slaughter children. Those who rape women. Those who burn people alive. There are those who stand idly by, ignore it, or take videos of it with their smart phones instead of trying to help.
By the way, I'm surprised that people on the AMT didn't immediately attack China and the Chinese on this. That was definitely my initial reaction.
As for those 18 people who nonchalantly walked past that 2 year old in the road, I see people like that everyday here - the same people who push to get on and off buses, the people who drive their cars and scooters on the pavements and beep their horns at pedestrians to get out of their way, the same people who push their way into lifts - elevators - before those inside have gotten out, and the same people who try and push ahead of me in queues at bus and train stations (I don't let them succeed).
There's definitely a problem in this country with people only caring about themselves and their immediate circle of friends and family. Just the week before this 2 year old was knocked over 'an 88-year-old man in Hubei died of suffocation due to a nose bleed after passers-by ignored his collapse. Only when relatives arrived, 90 minutes later, was he taken to hospital.' http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/se ... count-cost
It's an accepted fact here that if someone is lying in the road following a traffic accident the nobody will stop to help. The attitude is that of one of the passersby of the 2 year old last week: 'a middle-aged man riding a scooter, said with an uncomfortable smile on his face: "That wasn't my child. Why should I bother?"' - http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... old-hearts
It is pretty despicable, but at least this latest incident has gotten the Chinese discussing the problem. There's even talk here of making it law that you have to assist if you see somebody in distress/trouble.
By the way, I'm surprised that people on the AMT didn't immediately attack China and the Chinese on this. That was definitely my initial reaction.
As for those 18 people who nonchalantly walked past that 2 year old in the road, I see people like that everyday here - the same people who push to get on and off buses, the people who drive their cars and scooters on the pavements and beep their horns at pedestrians to get out of their way, the same people who push their way into lifts - elevators - before those inside have gotten out, and the same people who try and push ahead of me in queues at bus and train stations (I don't let them succeed).
There's definitely a problem in this country with people only caring about themselves and their immediate circle of friends and family. Just the week before this 2 year old was knocked over 'an 88-year-old man in Hubei died of suffocation due to a nose bleed after passers-by ignored his collapse. Only when relatives arrived, 90 minutes later, was he taken to hospital.' http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/se ... count-cost
It's an accepted fact here that if someone is lying in the road following a traffic accident the nobody will stop to help. The attitude is that of one of the passersby of the 2 year old last week: 'a middle-aged man riding a scooter, said with an uncomfortable smile on his face: "That wasn't my child. Why should I bother?"' - http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... old-hearts
It is pretty despicable, but at least this latest incident has gotten the Chinese discussing the problem. There's even talk here of making it law that you have to assist if you see somebody in distress/trouble.
I read somewhere that they feared malicious prosecution (or something to that effect) if they helped the girl.
Anyways, it is all pretty disgusting. Even the lady who finally helped the little girl seemed to pick her up like a rag doll...
I saw something similar yesterday right here in town.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Those 18 ppl who walked past that 2 yr old toddler are F**cked in the head big time...
so very sad....
I disagree.
the US blows up thousands of children a year, but it is much more poignant when you see a child in distress on video.
There are those out there who slaughter children. Those who rape women. Those who burn people alive. There are those who stand idly by, ignore it, or take videos of it with their smart phones instead of trying to help.
Those people are the one who do not deserve life.
What have you witnessed?
I've luckily never seen anyone ignore something this severe before.
I'm certain there are many people on this board who have also been privy to horrific occurrences such as these.
Human beings can be disgusting creatures. Very few people are interested in actually helping. They'd rather film it on their phones and provide ridiculous, ignorant commentary.
I suppose in a crowd, human nature tends to react as if "somebody else will help him" ...
disclaimer: I didn't see the video nor do I know anythign about the situation. I'm just saying about the above study/ human phenomena
Disgusting. I hope she is somewhere where they will take care of her now.
Amen, brother
Similar incidents have occured - Kitty Genovese - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kitty_Genovese - was a famous one in New York, and a case in England a few years back - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/engl ... 700446.stm - but I agree that this incident in China - http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEzMzMyMDQw.html - was very bad. (The link I posted is from a Chinese webpage and quite graphic).
By the way, I'm surprised that people on the AMT didn't immediately attack China and the Chinese on this. That was definitely my initial reaction.
As for those 18 people who nonchalantly walked past that 2 year old in the road, I see people like that everyday here - the same people who push to get on and off buses, the people who drive their cars and scooters on the pavements and beep their horns at pedestrians to get out of their way, the same people who push their way into lifts - elevators - before those inside have gotten out, and the same people who try and push ahead of me in queues at bus and train stations (I don't let them succeed).
There's definitely a problem in this country with people only caring about themselves and their immediate circle of friends and family. Just the week before this 2 year old was knocked over 'an 88-year-old man in Hubei died of suffocation due to a nose bleed after passers-by ignored his collapse. Only when relatives arrived, 90 minutes later, was he taken to hospital.' http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/se ... count-cost
It's an accepted fact here that if someone is lying in the road following a traffic accident the nobody will stop to help. The attitude is that of one of the passersby of the 2 year old last week: 'a middle-aged man riding a scooter, said with an uncomfortable smile on his face: "That wasn't my child. Why should I bother?"' - http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... old-hearts
It is pretty despicable, but at least this latest incident has gotten the Chinese discussing the problem. There's even talk here of making it law that you have to assist if you see somebody in distress/trouble.
Anyways, it is all pretty disgusting. Even the lady who finally helped the little girl seemed to pick her up like a rag doll...