US OFFICIALS: IRAN Behind Terror Plot In U.S.

US authorities say they have broken up an alleged plot to bomb the Israeli and Saudi Arabian embassies in Washington and assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US. ... ot-101011/ ... ?hpt=hp_t1
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Comments ... pe=article
Interesting article regarding those bunker busting bombs Obama sold/supplied Israel,
Yeah, because Israel is so much more moral and ethical than other middle east countries. They're all corrupt.
So when are you enlisting then?
Yea!!! Another war... just what our economy needs... new jobs in the bomb making and coffin building industries... yea!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
Isn't the killing of millions of men, women and children a real turn on?!?
How about we come up with the truth about this one? Remember when on September 12, 2001... we wanted to find a 'State Sponsored' terror organization guilty? How'd that pan out for us? Good... not so good?
How 'bout we go with the truth this time... and if we find out they are responsible... we hold them accountable and punish them... instead of just rushing headlong into Ira_?
Hail, Hail!!!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Seems almost too good to be true, doesn't it?
Kill 2 birds with one bombshell... Mexican Drug Cartels teamng up with Iranian Special Ops agents. Toss in that they were on food stamps and you have the trifecta that'll win the hearts of even the most hard-coreiest of Conservatives... right?
And seriously... think about it... how fucking lame are the Iranian Special Ops if this was the best plan they could come up with? Fucking really fucking lame... that how fucking lame they must be.
Hail, Hail!!!
The U.S governments desperation to go to war with Iran knows no bounds. The arms industry must be kept in business by any means necessary.
Fortunately the majority of the American public will always be ready and willing to support the murder of countless poor brown-skinned people abroad as this makes them feel good about themselves.
Short term memory or just don't get it?
As for enlisting...I serve my country best by paying a disproportionate share of taxes and am raising a family of two boys who very well may serve. My family has lost blood for this country boy.
Yeah, I remember what he did to his people. I remember that he did it with U.S support and weapons.
Short term memory or just don't get it?
It was for oil.
Amongst other things
Like, um, chess and stuff
Decision points
Blast the fuckers and then again and again.
So when are you enlisting then?
I wanted to go to Iraq in 1991 or so. Too young. Then, realized I would better serve my country in other value added endeavors.
Too bad you have such a depressed way about yourself poor thing...cry. Lmfao
Iraq invaded Kuwait because the US gave them the green light to do so. They did that, then attacked Iraq for doing it. Also Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was Directional drilling, specifically slant/drilling.
So the US could well of prevented the invasion, rather they allowed it, then breast fed the American public propaganda, remember the Nayirah testimony in 1990?
"I was there I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor"..
and America selling Iran and Iraq weapons, feeding the war between them, the kurdish people (based on many accounts and evidence showing that Saddam did not gas the Kurds (at least not alone))were killed mostly by Iran. They were caught in the cross fire and were possibly not the main target of any side. As the innocent people that were killed, were killed via a blood agent like cyanide which Iran were mostly known to of used at the time (probably gotten from the US) and Iraq were more into the mustard gas. Nevertheless the battle over Halabja is another reason some cite as reason for the initial Gulf war.
But like WMDs in 2003, it's the propaganda machine doing it's work,
It's clear, you are the one who does not get it. But surely that will change now?
Evil doers - is that another way of saying 'poor brown-skinned people'?
Seriously, when are you gonna enlist? Are you saying that you're too old now, or that your armchair is just too comfy?
Woot. Again, not about me. Hahaha
Hahaha. Brown skinny people...
Are you a racist?
what is a conspiracy theory?
It does make sense. You keep cheering for war on this message board so it only makes sense that you should place yourself in the line of fire. Or are you just an armchair warrior with no balls?
How far is the nearest army recruitment station from your home? Get yourself down there and put your money where your mouth is, Rambo.
I'm not turned on by death. But I would love for the US to bomb some Muslims.
That's nice to know. Why don't you make that your signature?
As for Inciting racial hatred on the's good to see the Pearl Jam message board attracting such a fine array of individuals.
Every Muslim I know is a peace loving dude/woman, want the same things we do, like to kick back and have a beer, like to listen to music and watch football.