I am on a journey of my own, it often starts on my couch, I exhaust the urge to do wild things, from the comfort of my home, I don't seem to get hurt that way, I drink and drive my couch all over the universe, I don't seem to get hurt that way, I recently watched a movie that took me and my couch a long ways away from here, to help me on this journey was a friend Eddie, me and my couch were hurt at the end of this journey, watching Chris McCandless celebrate his life and the folly of his end, me and my couch will never be the same, I learn so much about myself through others, I exhaust my urge to do wild things on the comfort of my couch, blasting the sound track to Into the Wild.
Thank you Eddie for singing the life of Chris McCandless for me and my couch!
Chuck Bradford
scell crazee sumplace else
wereall filled up hear
Celebration, the ball's in play
I read the book, my thoughts are this, Sean Penn did a beautiful job at capturing the book on film!!! As usual the book and movie are two completely different experiences and I don't think one takes from the other at all.
The sound track, some of the best music I have ever heard, Eddie Vedder's voice is amazing, You want to set a mood for a day of insight, positive thinking and the world is great attitude, play this short little sound track and carpe diem.
Carpe Diem
One interpretation of the phrase might be as an existential cautionary term, much like "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die," with emphasis on making the most of current opportunities because life is short and time is fleeting.
I oft dream of riches reveling in my passion about how one could spend such moneys, I come from a meager family how then did I acquire such hungers, is this not an affront to my parents and my wholesome upbringing, I could not see this.
The Chris McCandless story and specifically the song society, has truly changed my life. I no longer yearn for more than I have for I am a lucky man, I have a beautiful family, my spirit and mind are close (which is not always the case), I have much brain food at hand and don’t forget about my wonderful couch.
Why is all this on the Pearl jam forum? You tube Charlie Rose interview with Sean Penn and Eddie Vedder. He put together this sound track in so little time, another person moved by this young mans story.
Eddie Vedder kicks ass
Peace to all
Chuck Bradford
Never forget to tell the ones you love, that you love them, death is for certain tomorrow is not.
That's really beautiful Chuck, hell, you even put words in there that I didn't understand lol...but yeah that's the idea of Chris's amazing story, he was just such an amazing human being and was geniune...if there were more people like him in this world, this world would be a better place...I'm really glad that Sean Penn brought this book to life to showcase Chris's story and by doing so, it can actually teach us, it can teach those who are fortunate but don't realize it, it can teach about that freedom has no boundaries and just so many life lessons that sometimes we humans over look...but it's stories like these that help us understand ourselves better and better ourselves, yes, even if it's through a movie or a book...they can help too....And Eddie's music is just amazing on this movie, It's like he stepped into Chris's head and just pulled out how he's thinking, feeling and understanding what's around him, it's nothing but sheer genius...And yeah! I agree with you on Society, such a beautiful song, but also a reality check...we as human beings are constantly wanting more than we have, and it's not a flaw, it's just nature, that's how we are, but we always do need things to wake us up and show us that most of us are fortunate and probably have more than we could ever ask for....And once you realize it, then you're life is just complete....That's real beautiful though Chuck thank you for sharing your story with us and also your gorgeous couch Hey, after all it's a long and encompassing trip
"Does anyone remember laughter?"
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
scell crazee sumplace else
wereall filled up hear
Celebration, the ball's in play
That's really beautiful Chuck, hell, you even put words in there that I didn't understand lol...but yeah that's the idea of Chris's amazing story, he was just such an amazing human being and was geniune...if there were more people like him in this world, this world would be a better place...I'm really glad that Sean Penn brought this book to life to showcase Chris's story and by doing so, it can actually teach us, it can teach those who are fortunate but don't realize it, it can teach about that freedom has no boundaries and just so many life lessons that sometimes we humans over look...but it's stories like these that help us understand ourselves better and better ourselves, yes, even if it's through a movie or a book...they can help too....And Eddie's music is just amazing on this movie, It's like he stepped into Chris's head and just pulled out how he's thinking, feeling and understanding what's around him, it's nothing but sheer genius...And yeah! I agree with you on Society, such a beautiful song, but also a reality check...we as human beings are constantly wanting more than we have, and it's not a flaw, it's just nature, that's how we are, but we always do need things to wake us up and show us that most of us are fortunate and probably have more than we could ever ask for....And once you realize it, then you're life is just complete....That's real beautiful though Chuck thank you for sharing your story with us and also your gorgeous couch
"Where's Mike McCready? My god he's been ate!"
"If you're an Elvis fan, there's no explanation necessary; if you're not, there's no explanation possible."
"Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." - RIP Paul Newman
Almost as cool of a name as Curtis Armstrong
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me