A Thank You! For Stone, Jeff and Chris Cornell.

Malcolm-EdgeMalcolm-Edge Posts: 94
edited September 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Sunday was my second Pearl Jam show, and it has changed my life forever.

I was very excited for this show since it was announced, and started falling for Pearl Jam even more. I saw the film last week and was extremely moved by it all. 'Release', 'Black' and 'Crown of Thorns' bringing me on the verge of tears.

Before the show I met a few amazing people from here, and really connected with one of them. We were both equally amped for the show and discussed at length what we wanted to hear. For me it was the three aforementioned songs and 'Garden'. If I heard one or all of them I would have left happy. They played two.

We heard their soundcheck and Thorns was one of the songs checked. I was over the moon. They played Garden in the main set, but I was eagerly awaiting 'Crown of Throns' When Eddie came out and thanked the crowd and those who followed, then dedicated a song to Andy Wood. I knew what they were doing. I was not familiar with the Chole Dancer intro.

I have since watched it, maybe 100 times on youtube and played the Mother Love Bone version on repeat. I have been through a lot in my short 19 years on this planet and Pearl Jam has recently spoken to me on so many of those issues. Yet its Chole Dancer that has me breaking down.

If they had not played the full version I do not believe I'd be in the state I am in right now. It is the words of Any Wood, that have spoken to me. If they had played Vancouver on Sept 11th and not the 25th it wouldn;t have had the same effect on me. I really do believe that Ed was somehow channeling Andy and it was him singing that Sunday.

His words are perfect, and if it wasn't for them I fear where I would be today, because I may never have found it...You have helped me take the final step in my way back to the light. It was because of his words I have now let my dream die, because some dreams must die...

Stone, Jeff and Chris, if you ever see this please know that he did not die in vein. It is because of his death I found this song at the time I needed to and it has allowed me to change for the better. Andy Wood died before I was born, and his words came to me, they have changed me. Thank you for giving me the strength to finally get on with my life.

The concert has forever changed my life and whenever I have a moment of weakness I will listen to Andy's words and get my strength from them. Thank you so much, I cannot express what it means to me. Thank you Stone, Mike, Matt, Eddie, Jeff and Boom for playing this.
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