As far as picking up tickets at the stadium the same day of the concert, I honestly don't have much info about that. But if you could pick them up at least the day before, please do so. About 5-6 km from the stadium, going west, there is a store called EPA, (located in a town called Escazu, everyone knows where it is so you can ask how to get there) it's sort of a Home Depot kind of place; that's one place where you can pick up the tickets if you bought them on line, or you can purchase them there also if you arrived here with no tickets (as long as there are still tickets of course!). All you need to pick them up is the credit card that you used to buy them, a valid ID, and I think the confirmation email.
As far as bringing a backpack to the concert, I wouldn't try it. There are two risks; one they won't allow it and will take it away at the entrance, two, you may get robbed! Bring just what you need, tickets, Id, camera, and some money. I personally don't even bring my wallet to the stadium; I just put my belongings (Id, camera, tickets and money) inside the front pockets of my jeans. I don't mean to scare you, but just be careful.
I think you would only need the passport to pick up your tickets, but definitely not to get inside the stadium. You may bring your DL just in case.
I really don't know if you can pick up the tickets the same day of the concert, sorry.
If I knew where it was, I would take you there.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Hola, soy costarricense y tengo entradas para gramalive, podría decirme si es necesario estar desde el día anterior haciendo la fila? es que tengo una condición de salud que me impide estar de pie muchas horas y quiero gastar mi energía en el concierto, así como usted comento es mi primer y creo será mi único concierto (no estoy sacando el violín) no me interesan otras bandas solo P.J. Tengo un sobrino que dice que el hace la fila y va estar desde antes pero no me gusta "colarme", ya que ud tiene experiencia que me aconseja? Gracias de antemano. :?:
Pura vida mae, yo en lo personal no veo necesario hacer fila desde el dia antes. Todo depende de que tan adelante uno quiera estar. A mi me gustaria estar en primera fila, pero la verdad es demasiado matado hacer fila dias antes, nunca lo he hecho ni lo hare. Tanpoco es que he ido a muchos conciertos, pero por ejemplo en el de Metallica no tuve mas remedio que colarme porque si no me hubiera tocado en el parque de Tibas jaja. A mi tampoco me gusta colarme pero diay mae, es PJ. Yo pienso llegar a la fila como a las 5-6 am, y aun asi se que no voy a estar ni en las primeras 10 filas. Es mucha la gente que va a estar desde el viernes, ademas que a ese estadio le cabe como el doble delo que meten al saprissa en un concierto. Dicen que a metallica fueron 20 mil, para PJ el nacional lo habilitaron a 44 mil. Mucha gente dice que llegan el mismo dia del concierto en la noche y llegan hasta primera fila una de dos, o es mentira o no se como hacen.
Mi consejo es que si su sobrino va a hacer la fila desde antes, aproveche mae, es PJ, y mas si su salud no se lo permite, esto es una vez en la vida para la gran mayoria de los que vamos. Si ud no se cola con su sobrino me colo yo jaja. Pura vida!
If I knew where it was, I would take you there.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Pura vida!! seguire el consejo. Si ves una pareja dispareja (un joven y una roquilla) con camiseta de pj y un mae mas joven con cara de cansado, ahí estamos, yo te guardo campo .... Ja Ja (la roquilla soy yo
Pura vida!! seguire el consejo. Si ves una pareja dispareja (un joven y una roquilla) con camiseta de pj y un mae mas joven con cara de cansado, ahí estamos, yo te guardo campo .... Ja Ja (la roquilla soy yo
Eso eso jaja! Que disfrute!!
If I knew where it was, I would take you there.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Is this show sold out? I'm thinking about catching this show.
Tickets still available
awwww i wanna go :(
I read there are less than 1000 spots available on GA. Some other areas of the stadium are sold out, but there is still plenty of space. Newspapers said 70% of the tickets have been sold so far.
I will try to find info about picking up tickets the same day of the show and I will let you know guys.
I really hope that since this is their first time in Costa Rica the setlist will be just unbelievable. I personally would like it to be fired up with stuff from Ten to Yield. And I’m hoping they play Release as an opener. I was checking the setlists they played when they first when to South America in 05 and they were insane. I hope to get something like that here although I know they have launched two more albums since.
If I knew where it was, I would take you there.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Is this show sold out? I'm thinking about catching this show.
Tickets still available
awwww i wanna go :(
ahhhh.... I wish you would. I am sitting here crunching numbers trying to figure out if i should spend the week in Costa Rica or fly back and catch the Mexico City show also. I need a money tree!
1996 - Ft Lauderdale
1998 - West Palm Beach 1
2000 - West Palm Beach 1&2
2003 - WPB,Tampa,Atlanta,Camden 1&2,MSG 1&2, Boston 3,Hershey Park
2004 - Asheville, Kissimmee
2008 - West Palm Beach,Tampa,Columbia,Virginia Beach, Mansfield 1&2
2010 - Hartford,Boston,Newark, MSG 1&2
2011 - PJ20 1&2, Costa Rica 2013 - Wrigley,Brooklyn 1&2,Seattle 2014 - Denver,Mountain View 1&2 2015 - Bogata, Mexico City 2016 - Ft Lauderdale,Miami,Tampa,NYC 1&2,Telluride,Fenway 1&2,Wrigley 1&2
The local vendor will be selling and printing tickets bought online, at the venue from Nov 18 to Nov 20 so you can all get your tickets even on the day of the show.
It turns out after buying tickets during presale and making all our travel arrangements, my work has denied :evil: all vacations during that part of November due to a major deadline move. Is there anyway to get a refund or transfer ticket ownership. We wanted to go more than anything, but I can't quit my job to do it .
My tix are
1ESTE 05 (E5)(PLAT BLACK)Row C - Seat 1 Regular(REG) ¢34,200.00¢3,000.00¢37,200.00
1ESTE 05 (E5)(PLAT BLACK)Row C - Seat 2 Regular(REG) ¢34,200.00¢3,000.00¢37,200.00
I would hate for these great seats to go to waste.
***As a follow-up (Nov 19); I was not able to resolve this issue. Neither Ten club tickets nor the Costa Rica ticket distributor replied to my email questions. Dissappointing.
As far as bringing a backpack to the concert, I wouldn't try it. There are two risks; one they won't allow it and will take it away at the entrance, two, you may get robbed! Bring just what you need, tickets, Id, camera, and some money. I personally don't even bring my wallet to the stadium; I just put my belongings (Id, camera, tickets and money) inside the front pockets of my jeans. I don't mean to scare you, but just be careful.
I think you would only need the passport to pick up your tickets, but definitely not to get inside the stadium. You may bring your DL just in case.
I really don't know if you can pick up the tickets the same day of the concert, sorry.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
Pura vida mae, yo en lo personal no veo necesario hacer fila desde el dia antes. Todo depende de que tan adelante uno quiera estar. A mi me gustaria estar en primera fila, pero la verdad es demasiado matado hacer fila dias antes, nunca lo he hecho ni lo hare. Tanpoco es que he ido a muchos conciertos, pero por ejemplo en el de Metallica no tuve mas remedio que colarme porque si no me hubiera tocado en el parque de Tibas jaja. A mi tampoco me gusta colarme pero diay mae, es PJ. Yo pienso llegar a la fila como a las 5-6 am, y aun asi se que no voy a estar ni en las primeras 10 filas. Es mucha la gente que va a estar desde el viernes, ademas que a ese estadio le cabe como el doble delo que meten al saprissa en un concierto. Dicen que a metallica fueron 20 mil, para PJ el nacional lo habilitaron a 44 mil. Mucha gente dice que llegan el mismo dia del concierto en la noche y llegan hasta primera fila una de dos, o es mentira o no se como hacen.
Mi consejo es que si su sobrino va a hacer la fila desde antes, aproveche mae, es PJ, y mas si su salud no se lo permite, esto es una vez en la vida para la gran mayoria de los que vamos. Si ud no se cola con su sobrino me colo yo jaja. Pura vida!
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
A little worried about picking up tickets. I'm probably not going to get the chance until the day of the show...
There's got to be a way to pick-up internet purchased tickets at the stadium the day of the show...hasn't there?
Tickets still available
1998 - West Palm Beach 1
2000 - West Palm Beach 1&2
2003 - WPB,Tampa,Atlanta,Camden 1&2,MSG 1&2, Boston 3,Hershey Park
2004 - Asheville, Kissimmee
2008 - West Palm Beach,Tampa,Columbia,Virginia Beach, Mansfield 1&2
2010 - Hartford,Boston,Newark, MSG 1&2
2011 - PJ20 1&2, Costa Rica
2013 - Wrigley,Brooklyn 1&2,Seattle
2014 - Denver,Mountain View 1&2
2015 - Bogata, Mexico City
2016 - Ft Lauderdale,Miami,Tampa,NYC 1&2,Telluride,Fenway 1&2,Wrigley 1&2
awwww i wanna go :(
Eso eso jaja! Que disfrute!!
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
I read there are less than 1000 spots available on GA. Some other areas of the stadium are sold out, but there is still plenty of space. Newspapers said 70% of the tickets have been sold so far.
I will try to find info about picking up tickets the same day of the show and I will let you know guys.
I really hope that since this is their first time in Costa Rica the setlist will be just unbelievable. I personally would like it to be fired up with stuff from Ten to Yield. And I’m hoping they play Release as an opener. I was checking the setlists they played when they first when to South America in 05 and they were insane. I hope to get something like that here although I know they have launched two more albums since.
11/20/11 San Jose, Costa Rica
10/18/13 Brooklyn 1
10/19/13 Brooklyn 2
10/21/13 Philly 1
10/22/13 Philly 2 (BREATH!!)
10/25/13 Hartford
10/22/14 Denver (BREATH!!!)
ahhhh.... I wish you would. I am sitting here crunching numbers trying to figure out if i should spend the week in Costa Rica or fly back and catch the Mexico City show also. I need a money tree!
1998 - West Palm Beach 1
2000 - West Palm Beach 1&2
2003 - WPB,Tampa,Atlanta,Camden 1&2,MSG 1&2, Boston 3,Hershey Park
2004 - Asheville, Kissimmee
2008 - West Palm Beach,Tampa,Columbia,Virginia Beach, Mansfield 1&2
2010 - Hartford,Boston,Newark, MSG 1&2
2011 - PJ20 1&2, Costa Rica
2013 - Wrigley,Brooklyn 1&2,Seattle
2014 - Denver,Mountain View 1&2
2015 - Bogata, Mexico City
2016 - Ft Lauderdale,Miami,Tampa,NYC 1&2,Telluride,Fenway 1&2,Wrigley 1&2
The local vendor will be selling and printing tickets bought online, at the venue from Nov 18 to Nov 20 so you can all get your tickets even on the day of the show.
Here is the information regarding this:
Friday Nov 18 from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm
Saturday Nov 19 from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm
Sunday Nov 20 from 09:00 am to 09:00 pm
Pura vida maes.. make sure you try Imperial or Pilsen beer while in C.R... !!!
11-20-11 San Jose, Costa Rica
Thanks for the update and the link...that is great!!
Whew!! Now I can focus on what to do in CR!
My tix are
1ESTE 05 (E5)(PLAT BLACK)Row C - Seat 1 Regular(REG) ¢34,200.00¢3,000.00¢37,200.00
1ESTE 05 (E5)(PLAT BLACK)Row C - Seat 2 Regular(REG) ¢34,200.00¢3,000.00¢37,200.00
I would hate for these great seats to go to waste.
***As a follow-up (Nov 19); I was not able to resolve this issue. Neither Ten club tickets nor the Costa Rica ticket distributor replied to my email questions. Dissappointing.