Which recordplayer...succes...got one

I wanna jump into the world of black circles and i am looking for a recordplayer to spin..
But what is a decent one? I looked around and think Pro-ject,Denon,Nad and Dual make pretty good ones imo
What do you guys/girls use and what is your opinion or advice?
Thanx in advance cause i know this place has alot of vinyl freaks....And i wanna join..
I wanna jump into the world of black circles and i am looking for a recordplayer to spin..

But what is a decent one? I looked around and think Pro-ject,Denon,Nad and Dual make pretty good ones imo
What do you guys/girls use and what is your opinion or advice?
Thanx in advance cause i know this place has alot of vinyl freaks....And i wanna join..

Pearl Jam 4 live
h8 2 w8 for concerts
h8 2 w8 for concerts
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have won the Ten deluxe box here on the forum( Thank you Dan..
The ones i mentioned are around 750 Dollar here and are the middlepriced ones of the brands
h8 2 w8 for concerts
i would role with this bad boy .
I prefer the S Tone Arms http://amzn.to/mOB8RZ
Also a nice one
Its gonna be used with a Harman/Kardon reciever with Asw( from B&W group) Cantius 4 speakers and subwoofer,so imo a nice set to hook it on to..
h8 2 w8 for concerts
Yes!..Looks like a great turntable and you'll be in great shape with the H/K receiver.... If you change your mind, you can always send that Drop in The Park vinyl this way..
h8 2 w8 for concerts
EDIT: Music Direct is awesome, and the TT seems to be on sale! This includes the Power Supply, which I highly recommend http://www.musicdirect.com/p-53218-rega-p324-turntable-elys-cartridge.aspx
Looks good,but importing one will set the price to the same price here( 699 euro) Importing something outside the euro region cost a lot of extra money for costums and documents... :?
I will take some vinyl with me to the store and let them blow some Pj throught the room, a couple of years ago i got a sacd player there and they give me all the time to listen to a couple of players and they dont mind if its loud..
h8 2 w8 for concerts
Rega really is the superb TT these days, and this is a bargain price. If I hadnt spent so much damn money on PJ20, I would probably upgrade myself!!! Man, I hate PJ!
Let us know what you end up with and how you like it :!:
The Ten box was a paid shipment by Dan and send as gift and i have to pay 100 dollars extra cause the post delivery had to inform the customs about it cause it was outside the euro region...
The Rega will cost me about 1100-1200 if i buy it here..If they have one at the store i will give it a listen and i have all options still open so it could also be that one..
They are good people with patience for the buyer and all my audio/video comes from them and i am always happy from what they recormend me and i will for sure ask them about the Rega turntable...
h8 2 w8 for concerts
Now the collection of pj most grow on vinyl next to the cd collection...
Black or silver...i am gonna spin it..
Thanx everybody for the input and help towards me...Much appriciated..
Rock on friends..
h8 2 w8 for concerts