Post Canada Shows - Need Picture and T-shirt help

Hey all,
So, I'm still at my buddies house in Toronto... when I get back home to the Deep South, I'm going to write some reviews for all 4 Canada shows I went too.... About how spoiled we were in Toronto, the general shitty-ness of the city of Ottawa and the 1/2 empty effortless crowd, and last nights curfew destroying setlist in Hamilton.... but in the mean time I'm hoping someone out there can help me out with a couple of things:
I need a to find someone with a really really good quality shot of Ed playing his new Canada guitar (and willing to share of course
). I mean a really high-res image. I want to blow it up to do a nice glossy 10 x 12 and frame it with which-ever poster I frame from these 4 shows. Preferably a shot that includes the rest of the band, but I'll take one of just Ed if that's all I can get.... Did anyone else notice last night in Hamilton that Ed looked like we was lining up to destroy the guitar? and then reconsidered and tossed it up in the air instead? my heart almost broke....
Also, I want to get myself one of those t-shirts with the Ramones symbol and "Eddie Jeff Stone Matt Mike" around the outside instead of the Ramones.... who is responsible for those? I've seen a bunch this tour, and I really, really want one of my own!
Please PM me if you can help out (or post here)! thanks, would really appreciate it.
So, I'm still at my buddies house in Toronto... when I get back home to the Deep South, I'm going to write some reviews for all 4 Canada shows I went too.... About how spoiled we were in Toronto, the general shitty-ness of the city of Ottawa and the 1/2 empty effortless crowd, and last nights curfew destroying setlist in Hamilton.... but in the mean time I'm hoping someone out there can help me out with a couple of things:
I need a to find someone with a really really good quality shot of Ed playing his new Canada guitar (and willing to share of course

Also, I want to get myself one of those t-shirts with the Ramones symbol and "Eddie Jeff Stone Matt Mike" around the outside instead of the Ramones.... who is responsible for those? I've seen a bunch this tour, and I really, really want one of my own!
Please PM me if you can help out (or post here)! thanks, would really appreciate it.
Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
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I guess one's perspective about the 'crowd' at a show is quite dependent on the section you're in. We were center floor 12 rows back at Ottawa - and thrilled that I could drive for once, less than 2 hours and see Pearl Jam. Usually its Philly or NYC and takes all day to get there. Had a great time. And I don't stand still heh.
I did not see the Ramones' style shirt with PJ band members' names on it, but I'd want one of those too!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
thanks, I'll check with Laura and see what the deal is.
I have a number of issues with the city, apart from the fact the arena is out in the middle of nowhere, with no real great place to party before/after the show. I had to leave the DT area on a bus at 6:30 to get to the show (a 50 minute drive) and then the buzzkilling 40 minute ride back after the show - where the bus driver almost kicked me off the last bus because it was too full... I'm curious what the hell I would have done after that....
But to be fair, I'll leave the city out of this conversation, apart from the arena..... the crowd in Ottawa did not have any energy. I was 3 rows behind you in row 15, dead center, and apart from the obvious 10C party happening around me, if you looked up into the stands it was dead. The energy wasn't there. Ed didn't even let the crowd sing the opening verse of betterman, which is quite usually a norm for him (the crowd sang the first verse at both Hamilton and the ACC)..... There were other obvious cues that the band wasn't getting the energy from the crowd it wanted.... the super short version of YLB (which i did get the girl flashing the band on video... only from behind :shock: ).... etc....
I guess, if I hadn't of been to both T.O shows and Hamilton the next night, I wouldn't know any different, but the band and the crowd just had so much more energy/connection/whatever! in the other 2 shows....
Ed made a bunch of implications in Hamilton about the Ottawa crowd... never said anything bad about it, but you could feel him implying how much better the crowd was...
Aah. I see how that would be a problem. And as we were leaving on the Queensway we noticed a bus a couple lanes over and it was PACKED with people (the windows were fogged up and I bet it felt like a sauna in there. We also saw people walking along the highway! I'll agree with you about the venue being out in a somewhat remote part - same problem as Mansfield or Foxborough sports complex. Ottawa could do with a small subway system, no doubt about it.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
anyone have that pic to share? I really hope someone has a great pict of that guitar....
..and yeah, the Ramones/PJ shirt is from Wishlist but is no longer sold.
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I'll find you on facebook tonight when I go home leanne, thanks for the heads up (try not to open my facebook at work)...
I finished going through all my photo's last night, and I don't have any good ones of Ed with the Canadian guitar, so hopefully you have something like I'm looking for...
damn it on the Ramones/PJ shirt... think if I pleaded desperately with Laura there might be one left?
If anyone can help, please PM.
You have some very nice pictures, thanks for sharing! but it's still not quite what I'm looking for....
I'm trying to find a pic with the whole band in the shot too... I know this is damn near impossible to get close enough (and focused properly) to get the detail of the guitar, + manage to be far away enough to get the whole band... but a guy can dream right!
Thanks again for sharing!
You should've taken your own camera
Hope you find it!
2012 - Manchester i & ii, Berlin i & ii, Stockholm. 2014 - Amsterdam i & ii, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes.
2016 - Boston Fenway i & ii, 2018 - Amsterdam i & ii, Pinkpop, London i & ii, Padova, Krakow, Barcelona, Seattle i & ii.
I did, but my picture taking abilities suck... and weren't aided any by seat locations. :roll:
I agree with you that the picture is probably not possible, but that doesn't mean i can't try and look for it...
I just noticed a thread with pictures from 2 photographers in the front row in toronto 1.... they have my shot, but ed doesn't have the right guitar... gonna ask them if they have something they would share but.... we'll see i guess...