The biggest civil disobedience action since 1977
Posts: 6,363
is happening right now on the White House lawn. Do you know about this? Because it's not getting proper broadcast by our lovely mainstream media... ... ite-house/ ... n-tar-sand ... ite-house/ ... n-tar-sand
Post edited by Unknown User on
this pipeline just shows how much obama has catered to not only the GOP but to the lobbyists ...
If this was a thread about Rick Perry, Obama or Ron Paul it would probably have 30 posts by now.
That's cool. I like to paddle with them and get closer than the international distance restrictions.
It is quite sad, and it reveals (once again) who really has control of this country. As people bitch and whine about socialism, so many things are happening under the table and over our heads, and we are as blind and ignorant as an intelligent species can be. Quite sad.
Also, it is quite ironic that the man that Obama made a promise to install solar panels on the White House to, Bill McKibben, ended up in jail. A bad sign for relations between the greens and the president. A bad sign for the country. A great sign for big oil.
we need the oil at this point and the job's and revenue towards the economy this project will create.
No shit, it IS pretty depressing. People have more opinions about corrupt politicians who collectively don't give a rats ass about the people in general, but big issues with big impacts on the earth and population like multi million dollar oil pipelines from Canada and huge White House demonstrations gather very little opinions around here.
I think sociologically, it really nails the fact that people in general are consumed with more nonsense like individual politicians and their lives rather than real issues affecting us.
I agree. But considering how incredibly strong the oil lobby is, it's nearly impossible to make them lose. The problem is the system being at the lobbyists' mercy. Lobbying shouldn't even be legal...
This is why elections have very little impact for the everyday voter. Lobbyists dictate policy, not the people. Voting doesn't mean much when Exxon, BP and others simply buy outcomes at the expense of the electorate. We're so selfish we can't even come to terms with the fact we're destroying this planet so the wealthiest of us can make even more money.
I want clean energy and clean air just like you do.. ... 584791&p=1
Your post suggests otherwise.
It goes without saying that some industries are going to suffer as EPA regulations call for stricter emissions controls. This argument will always be used to dissuade government from implementing legislative changes that will protect the environment. Industries that can't innovate will inevitably fail. Nobody has ever suggested that making business more green wouldn't come with a few bumps and bruises. The long-term damage is something that we can't continue to ignore.
Industries need to restructure and employees will need to be retrained in fields that are relevant for the 21st century. I don't buy for one second that the threat of widespread joblessness resulting from moving towards cleaner energy alternatives is anything other than the rich trying to protect their sacred cash cows. Big oil knows that its living on borrowed time and will do anything it can to prevent its demise. Endless consumption has its consequences. Heck, America is the only place I can think of where owning a large block V8 is considered a freedom of expression.
I'm all for fuel-efficient vehicles which reduce North American dependence on foreign oil. If companies can't restructure, then they need to move aside for organizations that can innovate and develop worthwhile solutions. We've been stuck on fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. Innovation brought about the free market, so it doesn't surprise me that a complete lack of innovation brought about by selfish interests may end up sinking it.
And it's not a matter of what you think these companies are doing. The facts are industries are shutting down bcos they can't comply with the epa's stringent regulations. Keep in mind this is the same EPA that was a key player along with the Sierra club involved with getting DDT banned. In the past 30 years since it was banned it has led to millions of deaths from malaria in 3rd world countries. It was a completely safe chemical.( look it up) and this is the same EPA that told the first responders on 911 that the air was ok to breath. We know now that wasn't true. Guys are dying from all kinds of cancer from working down there.
It seems to me that the green movement is more red than they are green. and I've often wondered if it's a coincidence that earth day falls on Lenin's b-day ? :?
And you mention complete lack of innovation? Really? I think we have made huge improvements just in the last 10 years when it comes to clean energy. I'm not really sure what you mean by that. I see cars all the time that are hybrids,flex fuel,electric, ect ect.