6-10-03 Little Rock

Spankey's PoppSpankey's Popp Posts: 262
edited September 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Picked up this boot fairly cheap on flea-bay. WOW!

What a set (list), they were throwing down from start to finish. Tons of WM3 references and the bit that Ed did about the guy (alone) in the skybox, masturbating to Three's Company was priceless.

Usually due to space and $$$ restraints, I limit my CD bootlegs to shows I've been to or have heard good things about. This was a random pick-up, super excited to have it.

Can anyone suggest any "off the radar" bootlegs that blew your mind? Would love to hear about them. Every show is great in it's own rite, I know this, just looking for nights with unique moments, setlists, etc.
Hey, hey. My, my. Rock and roll can never die.

"Why go home? I am home! And I gotta tell you, it feels FUCKIN GREAT to be here. You may experience this yourself but, if you were born in Chicago, you're always from Chicago. And even if you don't live in Chicago, Chicago will always live in you."-Ed
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  • I was there. One of my favorite little known about shows. Not a huge crowd. The entire upper deck was curtained off in the arena. The only time I have ever seen that at any event in an arena. Usually will curtain off sections, but not the entire thing!

    I always mention this Little Rock show and Boise 2000 as my favorite shows that not everyone knows about.
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