It was one of the defining moments of our generation, and of the modern world.
No it wasn't.
It may have been important to Americans, but America is not the World.
I'm sure if you asked a Panamanian what the defining moment of our generation was they'd say it was the U.S backed invasion that left 9000 civilians dead.
I'm sure if you asked a Chliean what the defining moment of our generation was they'd say it was the U.S backed military coup that left thousands dead and brought in three decades of terror and oppression.
indeed. american foreign policy certainly changed as a result, thus impacting the rest of the world. the wars in afghanistan and iraq probably wouldnt be going on had 9/11 never happened. And i didnt say "the single most defining" i said "ONE of the".
While i agree, most of the world deals with death like that often, and it was a rare instance, of the US dealing with it, i do think to debate the impact of 9/11 on culture, politics, the world, foreign policy, art etc... is silly. the question isnt did it impact it, but rather how much did it impact all that stuff.
the fact that 9/11 was and still is a big issue, is all you need to know. it's big news now for obvious reasons, but it figured prominently is the 2 elections since then, and is still a huge topic of conversation.
Better said that how I responded, but we basically have the same point.
indeed. american foreign policy certainly changed as a result,
How did America's foreign policy change?
Before 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
After 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
i was wondering this myself.
id say what changed the most was 'homeland' security and the infringements placed upon the american people themselves.... and those travelling within and to the US.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
indeed. american foreign policy certainly changed as a result,
How did America's foreign policy change?
Before 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
After 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
Things certainly got more amped up. In fact, if intervention and agression were a guitar amplifier maybe you could say we switched from a Fender Champ to a Marshall stack.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I slept in because I had worked late the night before. When I woke up I didn't turn on the TV or anything, so I had no idea what was going on. I did some school work then went to the record store to pick up Stone Gossard's Bayleaf (which had the unfortunate release date of September 11th 2001) and I just had a CD playing in the car on the way up there, so I didn't hear anything about the attacks on the radio. It wasn't until I was checking out at the counter and I saw the coverage, which the proprietor was watching on a little black and white TV, that I realized anything had happened. So it wasn't until about noon Central time that I even found out. Then I think I watched the coverage for a few hours on TV before having to go back to work that night.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
i was working at K-mart at the time. So unreal watching everything unfold on tv like that. Unfortunately the tv's that were hooked up at Kmart sucked and we barely got any reception. I remember we also carried rifles and guns at the time and had to lock them away. Also after work headed to a buddy's house and hung with him. We all just talked about it. His sister was at NYU at the time and i was wondering how she was (she was fine).
So much has changed since then. NO facebook or twitter at the time.
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
I was just starting law school. Before heading off to class I turned on the morning news to get my fill and watched everything unfold live. Seeing the second plane hit on live television was one of the most surreal moments I've ever experienced. Watching journalists who routinely manipulate and spin information find themselves at a momentary loss for words as this tragedy unfolded was unreal. Watching those same journalists regain their composure and spin those same events desecrating the memories of those who lost their lives for the next decade was tragic.
Crashed out at a buddies place in Canada when I was doing a lot of writing. I remember hearing the phone ring around 7AM PST, everyone was still asleep, it was my mom who left this message, "wake up, America is under attack." Went and turned on the tv and was pretty shocked at what was happening. I'm trying to remember if it was that moment or later that day or the next day, reporters blah blahing from the street and hearing bodies hit the ground while the buildings were still up and reporters saying something like, "what was that?"
What really made me wonder was how fast they had information as to who was behind it. OBL was already the main suspect, was from Afghanistan, etc. which gave them an "excuse" to invade.
What pissed me off was GWB at ground zero a few days later smiling and joking:
I was on holiday in Florida at the time. It was the second day into our holiday, and we had decided to have an off day from the theme parks, the plan was to have a lie in and get over the jet-lag, but for some reason I woke up pretty early. So I switched on the tv, and it just happened to be on a news channel, it was minutes after the first plane had hit. For the next few hours I just sat there in utter shock at what was unfolding. I remember thinking that this will be the event in my lifetime where people ask the question "where were you on 9/11?". Even ten years later it's hard to get my head around the sheer scale of what happened, how anybody could ever feel that much hate towards other human beings is just beyond me.
It was late here in Australia, I was watching Sports Tonight and they interrupted it to cross to the news saying a plane had crashed into the world trade centre and they crossed live to a US news channel showing smoke coming from one of the towers. Not long after I saw the second plane hit live on TV. I think I didn't sleep that night, glued to the TV wondering what it all meant.
lived about 5 minutes from the pentagon...worked in alexandria, va. spent the day consoling a co-worker who's dad was in the pentagon and didn't know until much later in the day if he made it out alive or not. thankfully he did. surreal day. felt like we were living out some awful movie.
It must have been mid-afternoon here. I was at my parents', doing nothing special since it was my last or so day before moving to London for a year. The TV was on in the background and the programs stopped, showing the 2nd plane crash live. It was surreal, and I think I stood in shock for a while, watching the reports over and over and over until it was mind-altering.
This day, I felt American. It was not "over-there, far away", it was not "it could happen to us" - it was happening to us, somehow. It was sort of the same kind of feeling we had when the Parisian subway got bombed in 95, only much bigger and more life-changing. The boundaries of how far one can go in killing innocent people at random had been pushed. We were helpless and we couldn't deny it any longer. We just knew, right at that moment, that our world had changed. And the fact that everybody remember where they were, what they were doing at that time is an acknowledgment of our collective conscience of that day.
Got home late last night (or I should say this morning), a bit drunk and totally exhausted, obsessively thinking of going to bed and pass out. I put the TV on absentmindedly and couldn't stop watching the rerun of a report on NYC firemen that day, almost crying. It was the same kind of feeling I had that day. Only now, 10 years later, it feels even more absurd and meaningless, and the "tensed relations" between my country and the US that ensued this event more irrelevant.
I was in 5th grade, in class. I remember hearing students being let out of school early, their parents picking them up. I was wondering why so many students were being let out. No teacher or the principal said anything to us.
When school was let out, I walked home and turned the TV on. I saw the World Trade Center on fire and I was wondering what was going on, if an accident had happened. This was after 2:00 on the east coast and watching the Today Show coverage of it, that was the first time I ever heard the word "terrorist". At the time, I didn't understand why anyone would want to attack our great country, but as the years went on, I understood and found out why they attacked us.
I went over to my grandfather's house after watching some of the coverage and he told me it reminded him of the day America was attacked at Pearl Harbor. He told me where he was and what he was doing that day and he told me, "One day, you'll tell your brother, children, and grandchildren where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001."
Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
I was at work. We heard a plane fly overhead that sounded odd. It was flying quite low and had a weird sound. We all said WTF then ran outside to have a look. We couldn't see anything, but it scared the shit out of us. We later found out that was the plane that eventually crashed in Pennsylvania.
Having lived near an airport most of my life, you can tell when a plane sounds "odd".
After work I spent most of the day watching TV and calling friends and family.
i was driving a semi tractor trailer back and forth between a can making company (food grade cans) and armor dial foods. i was listening to the radio and the syndicated radio show shortly after the first plane hit went off the air and some news folks interrupted with reports for the rest of my workday. i told the guard at the enterance/exit gate weighing scale that a plane just smashed into one of the twin towers in NYC. she laughed at me and said something stupid. i then said something like, "i'm not joking around, lady, shit has hit the fan big fucking time!"
i couldn't wait till i could get out of my truck and get home with my family to watch the news. i will say that was a very long and troublesome day, i was lost and confused.
back and forth i went hauling cans and canned foods all day until about 5:00 or 6:00pm. this is what i done everyday for two years.
since 9/11 the government is all over the trucking industry. it is almost impossible to get and hold or even have the desire to obtain a Hazmat endorcement on one's CDL license. i let my Hazmat endorcement go. it is too much of a LARGE PAIN IN THE ASS to keep.
I was just waking up when I heard the news. I was a part-time college student and working a 2-8 shift at the time. I called my school who said they were closing down. I called my boss who told me to stay home. After watching the news for an hour or so, I remember walking outside and looking up at the bright blue cloudless sky above. The contrast of that beauty and the horrific acts which had just taken place is stuck in my mind forever. I saw that same perfect blue sky this morning. A lot has changed since that day. Actually, nothing has changed.
I was working as a defense contractor roughly a mile from the Pentagon. I was listening to Howard Stern as I always did in the morning while doing my work when Gary broke in to say that a plane had hit the WTC. I went around my office to find a tv but there wasnt one. When the word came that a 2nd plane had hit the 2nd tower my boss and I went downstairs to the McDonalds where there were tv monitors and joined a crowd of about 50 people outside watching the news. A few minutes after we got down there we felt a rumble and everyone kind of looked at each other like whoa what was that. Then continued to watch the news. A few minutes later the crawl came across the screen that there had been an explosion at the Pentagon. Within seconds no one was left watching the news and we headed back up to our offices where the director of our program had ordered an evacuation.
I grabbed a friend and asked for a ride home because I was afraid the subway would be closed. A few minutes later we drove by the pentagon and saw the blackened side of the buliding as the smoke and flames rose up. We then continued onto into DC where there was gridlock. We eventually made it past the traffic and went up 13th street NW where we stopped at a point where there was a view of basically the whole city from north to south. At that point I saw a scene I hope to never ever see again. There were F-16s and other military aircraft patrolling up and down the Potomac and all over the downtown parts of the city as smoke rose from the Pentagon. We watched along with a crowd of locals for a fwe minutes in stunned and awed silence. Then we got in the car and headed home.
A few weeks after 9/11 I went to the city and used my contacts to get near the pile (ground zero). I wanted to see up close what others saw. I hope to never see that again. Then I went with my aunt and uncle to 2 funerals for fireman who died that day in Tower 2. Once again something I hope I never have to do again.
These are images and experiences that are forever scarred on my brain and in my heart. As an American this is a day I hope to never repeat again in my lifetime or anyone elses.
I was just waking up when I heard the news. I was a part-time college student and working a 2-8 shift at the time. I called my school who said they were closing down. I called my boss who told me to stay home. After watching the news for an hour or so, I remember walking outside and looking up at the bright blue cloudless sky above. The contrast of that beauty and the horrific acts which had just taken place is stuck in my mind forever. I saw that same perfect blue sky this morning. A lot has changed since that day. Actually, nothing has changed.
this is well written and simply stated truthful, raw even. i don't know, guess you just grabbed my attention with your form, such a descriptive sky or whatever. true, nothing has changed. only we're 10 years older.
same shit different day kinda
wars are still full on
governments are crazier than hell
sad bullshit all around this world
humans are something...
I was working as a defense contractor roughly a mile from the Pentagon. I was listening to Howard Stern as I always did in the morning while doing my work when Gary broke in to say that a plane had hit the WTC. I went around my office to find a tv but there wasnt one. When the word came that a 2nd plane had hit the 2nd tower my boss and I went downstairs to the McDonalds where there were tv monitors and joined a crowd of about 50 people outside watching the news. A few minutes after we got down there we felt a rumble and everyone kind of looked at each other like whoa what was that. Then continued to watch the news. A few minutes later the crawl came across the screen that there had been an explosion at the Pentagon. Within seconds no one was left watching the news and we headed back up to our offices where the director of our program had ordered an evacuation.
I grabbed a friend and asked for a ride home because I was afraid the subway would be closed. A few minutes later we drove by the pentagon and saw the blackened side of the buliding as the smoke and flames rose up. We then continued onto into DC where there was gridlock. We eventually made it past the traffic and went up 13th street NW where we stopped at a point where there was a view of basically the whole city from north to south. At that point I saw a scene I hope to never ever see again. There were F-16s and other military aircraft patrolling up and down the Potomac and all over the downtown parts of the city as smoke rose from the Pentagon. We watched along with a crowd of locals for a fwe minutes in stunned and awed silence. Then we got in the car and headed home.
A few weeks after 9/11 I went to the city and used my contacts to get near the pile (ground zero). I wanted to see up close what others saw. I hope to never see that again. Then I went with my aunt and uncle to 2 funerals for fireman who died that day in Tower 2. Once again something I hope I never have to do again.
These are images and experiences that are forever scarred on my brain and in my heart. As an American this is a day I hope to never repeat again in my lifetime or anyone elses.
same as kenny olav,
amazing descriptions in your writting.
Unfortunately I was working downtown when we saw over the tape that a commuter plane had hit the trade center. I grabbed a buddy from work and headed over to the towers a few blocks away to check it out. We got a block away from tower 2 and the street was already taped off and we noticed there was a lot of debris in the street. We went under the tape and I looked down and immediately saw a few body parts amongst the debris which made me stop right in my tracks and right than the second plane came directly over our heads towards tower 2. I'll never forget the engines of the plane revving up as they went into the building, I cant even explain how loud it was, I've never been more scared in all my life. We ran to the first door we saw and my buddy literally threw us in just as the plane hit it. We wound up in the kitchen of a restaurant and made our way though the building and came out the other side and when we got out we saw the towers on fire.
I remember looking up and it looked like it was snowing with all the paper coming out. After a few minutes my buddy said look they're throwing furniture out the windows and I looked up and my stomach just sank. I said furniture doesn't move their arms and legs thats people jumping. It was pretty sickening watching that, they just kept jumping one after another. A fire truck stopped right up by us and I'll never forget the look on the faces of the firefighters, they were just scared shitless, you felt so bad for them. I remember one guy saying what the fuck are we supposed to do with that. Anyway it started getting a little crazy on the street, we saw a pretty badly burned woman that just shook everyone up and everywhere around us people were crying and screaming so we started to move back a little but we were still glued to the towers, you wanted to look away but you just couldn't.
About 15 minutes before the first tower came down I somehow was able to get a text from a buddy of mine with the FAA and he told me another plane was headed towards NYC and they thought the stock exchange was the target so we headed back towards our office. We were there when both towers fell. The black cloud that rolled down broadway was terrifying, our office wound up taking a lot of smoke, we tried to leave after the first one but you couldnt go outside because you couldn't breathe if you did. It wasn't much better inside so I wound up leaving around 1 and walking through battery park I lucked out finding a tugboat that was taking people back to Jersey City. I remember it seemed like forever before the boat left as we were waiting for more people but they just never came. Anyway when we got back I just walked back to hoboken where I lived and headed straight to a bar.
Unfortunately I was working downtown when we saw over the tape that a commuter plane had hit the trade center. I grabbed a buddy from work and headed over to the towers a few blocks away to check it out. We got a block away from tower 2 and the street was already taped off and we noticed there was a lot of debris in the street. We went under the tape and I looked down and immediately saw a few body parts amongst the debris which made me stop right in my tracks and right than the second plane came directly over our heads towards tower 2. I'll never forget the engines of the plane revving up as they went into the building, I cant even explain how loud it was, I've never been more scared in all my life. We ran to the first door we saw and my buddy literally threw us in just as the plane hit it. We wound up in the kitchen of a restaurant and made our way though the building and came out the other side and when we got out we saw the towers on fire.
I remember looking up and it looked like it was snowing with all the paper coming out. After a few minutes my buddy said look they're throwing furniture out the windows and I looked up and my stomach just sank. I said furniture doesn't move their arms and legs thats people jumping. It was pretty sickening watching that, they just kept jumping one after another. A fire truck stopped right up by us and I'll never forget the look on the faces of the firefighters, they were just scared shitless, you felt so bad for them. I remember one guy saying what the fuck are we supposed to do with that. Anyway it started getting a little crazy on the street, we saw a pretty badly burned woman that just shook everyone up and everywhere around us people were crying and screaming so we started to move back a little but we were still glued to the towers, you wanted to look away but you just couldn't.
About 15 minutes before the first tower came down I somehow was able to get a text from a buddy of mine with the FAA and he told me another plane was headed towards NYC and they thought the stock exchange was the target so we headed back towards our office. We were there when both towers fell. The black cloud that rolled down broadway was terrifying, our office wound up taking a lot of smoke, we tried to leave after the first one but you couldnt go outside because you couldn't breathe if you did. It wasn't much better inside so I wound up leaving around 1 and walking through battery park I lucked out finding a tugboat that was taking people back to Jersey City. I remember it seemed like forever before the boat left as we were waiting for more people but they just never came. Anyway when we got back I just walked back to hoboken where I lived and headed straight to a bar.
Unfortunately I was working downtown when we saw over the tape that a commuter plane had hit the trade center. I grabbed a buddy from work and headed over to the towers a few blocks away to check it out. We got a block away from tower 2 and the street was already taped off and we noticed there was a lot of debris in the street. We went under the tape and I looked down and immediately saw a few body parts amongst the debris which made me stop right in my tracks and right than the second plane came directly over our heads towards tower 2. I'll never forget the engines of the plane revving up as they went into the building, I cant even explain how loud it was, I've never been more scared in all my life. We ran to the first door we saw and my buddy literally threw us in just as the plane hit it. We wound up in the kitchen of a restaurant and made our way though the building and came out the other side and when we got out we saw the towers on fire.
I remember looking up and it looked like it was snowing with all the paper coming out. After a few minutes my buddy said look they're throwing furniture out the windows and I looked up and my stomach just sank. I said furniture doesn't move their arms and legs thats people jumping. It was pretty sickening watching that, they just kept jumping one after another. A fire truck stopped right up by us and I'll never forget the look on the faces of the firefighters, they were just scared shitless, you felt so bad for them. I remember one guy saying what the fuck are we supposed to do with that. Anyway it started getting a little crazy on the street, we saw a pretty badly burned woman that just shook everyone up and everywhere around us people were crying and screaming so we started to move back a little but we were still glued to the towers, you wanted to look away but you just couldn't.
About 15 minutes before the first tower came down I somehow was able to get a text from a buddy of mine with the FAA and he told me another plane was headed towards NYC and they thought the stock exchange was the target so we headed back towards our office. We were there when both towers fell. The black cloud that rolled down broadway was terrifying, our office wound up taking a lot of smoke, we tried to leave after the first one but you couldnt go outside because you couldn't breathe if you did. It wasn't much better inside so I wound up leaving around 1 and walking through battery park I lucked out finding a tugboat that was taking people back to Jersey City. I remember it seemed like forever before the boat left as we were waiting for more people but they just never came. Anyway when we got back I just walked back to hoboken where I lived and headed straight to a bar.
I was watching TV. It cut off and then the live news feed came on... As we all did, I sat and stared in disbelief as the second plane came into shot... It's a day i'll never forget.
Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
It was the morning of 12th Sept here.
I was sick in bed with the flu, took the day off school, I was in yr 11 and 17 yrs old.
Kept hearing "America under attack" coming from the TV in the other room as it was turned up loud.
I was lying in bed thinking wtf, I imagined an army invasion in my head or jet planes dropping bombs.
So I got out of bed and saw the morning news reports and my mum and sister watching it in disbelief.
The first thing I saw was the planes hitting the towers and WTC7 collapsing, I thought this is like some movie and found it hard to believe it was real life.
A day I will never forget, everything before that was pretty good, then I grew up with this fear and anxiousness about when the next attack will happen and will we be next here. Shit times.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
I was home and awake early after voting in the Democratic Mayoral race. It was a day off from my first job out of college, an overnight editor at a wire service in Harborside Financial Center in Jersey City. If you're not familiar with Jersey City, the office was right on the Hudson and right across the water from the World Trade Center and since it was a 24/7 operation, I'm sure several people working that day saw the planes from the vantage point.
To reach this office if you didn't drive, you took the PATH train and usually I took it from the World Trade Center. And since I worked until 2AM on the 10th, that means I was in the trade center concourse roughly six hours before it was destroyed. Although I wasn't there that morning when it went down and don't know anyone directly who was murdered that day, in some ways it's haunting knowing and thinking about being in a place that in a few hours will be destroyed in such a hateful method.
Part of the job description was writing baseball previews for the company's customers, which were major sports websites. At the time, some of the ones were already out on the internet while others were in the process of being edited. Somewhere, there is a really long Braves-Phillies preview that I wrote and never made it to the internet.
To me, the World Trade Center represented hope and optimism for someone coming out of college. Three years later that job was moved from Jersey City and five years later the company I enjoyed working for in different capacities was eliminated.
Reading 2004
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016 Fenway 2, 2018 MSG 2022 St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023 MSG 2024, MSG 2024 Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I was on my way out the door to a Anatomy and Physiology class when I get a call from my mother to turn on the tv. She likes to call me to turn on a tv and I'm to figure out what it is she wants me to see needless to say I was preturbed. I go back in the house and turn on the telly and I can see one of the Twin Towers is on fire....I tend to question everything and my first thought was how can a plane hit the tower on such a clear day....then back to reality and 15 seconds later the second tower was hit with that massive explosion.
I dropped to a chair and said....Is this a f^%king movie...what the hell? I was in disbelief, sat there and watched and watched then realized I had to go get my daughter from school. Where my house was at the time was in the flight path of Air Force One and I knew there was going to be multiple Air Force movements from Andrew Air Force Base. On My way to get my daughter I couldn't believe how clear and crisp of a fall day it peaceful yet torn apart by the violence. On my way I could see that frantic look on people's faces as it came across the radio that the Pentagon not too far away was also hit. I could see the smoke billowing from where the building was, I was only too glad to hold my 5 year old and tell her ALL will be well. She wanted to know what's going on I just told her hold unto me and you'll be just fine.
Later as I looked up at how eerily quiet our once busy blue skies thoughts were somebody or some country is going to pay MIGHTLY for what has happened here today and GWB is gauranteed another four years.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Better said that how I responded, but we basically have the same point.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
How did America's foreign policy change?
Before 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
After 9/11 it was interventionist and aggressive.
i was wondering this myself.
id say what changed the most was 'homeland' security and the infringements placed upon the american people themselves.... and those travelling within and to the US.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Things certainly got more amped up. In fact, if intervention and agression were a guitar amplifier maybe you could say we switched from a Fender Champ to a Marshall stack.
So much has changed since then. NO facebook or twitter at the time.
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
What really made me wonder was how fast they had information as to who was behind it. OBL was already the main suspect, was from Afghanistan, etc. which gave them an "excuse" to invade.
What pissed me off was GWB at ground zero a few days later smiling and joking:
This day, I felt American. It was not "over-there, far away", it was not "it could happen to us" - it was happening to us, somehow. It was sort of the same kind of feeling we had when the Parisian subway got bombed in 95, only much bigger and more life-changing. The boundaries of how far one can go in killing innocent people at random had been pushed. We were helpless and we couldn't deny it any longer. We just knew, right at that moment, that our world had changed. And the fact that everybody remember where they were, what they were doing at that time is an acknowledgment of our collective conscience of that day.
Got home late last night (or I should say this morning), a bit drunk and totally exhausted, obsessively thinking of going to bed and pass out. I put the TV on absentmindedly and couldn't stop watching the rerun of a report on NYC firemen that day, almost crying. It was the same kind of feeling I had that day. Only now, 10 years later, it feels even more absurd and meaningless, and the "tensed relations" between my country and the US that ensued this event more irrelevant.
When school was let out, I walked home and turned the TV on. I saw the World Trade Center on fire and I was wondering what was going on, if an accident had happened. This was after 2:00 on the east coast and watching the Today Show coverage of it, that was the first time I ever heard the word "terrorist". At the time, I didn't understand why anyone would want to attack our great country, but as the years went on, I understood and found out why they attacked us.
I went over to my grandfather's house after watching some of the coverage and he told me it reminded him of the day America was attacked at Pearl Harbor. He told me where he was and what he was doing that day and he told me, "One day, you'll tell your brother, children, and grandchildren where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001."
"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Having lived near an airport most of my life, you can tell when a plane sounds "odd".
After work I spent most of the day watching TV and calling friends and family.
i couldn't wait till i could get out of my truck and get home with my family to watch the news. i will say that was a very long and troublesome day, i was lost and confused.
back and forth i went hauling cans and canned foods all day until about 5:00 or 6:00pm. this is what i done everyday for two years.
since 9/11 the government is all over the trucking industry. it is almost impossible to get and hold or even have the desire to obtain a Hazmat endorcement on one's CDL license. i let my Hazmat endorcement go. it is too much of a LARGE PAIN IN THE ASS to keep.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I grabbed a friend and asked for a ride home because I was afraid the subway would be closed. A few minutes later we drove by the pentagon and saw the blackened side of the buliding as the smoke and flames rose up. We then continued onto into DC where there was gridlock. We eventually made it past the traffic and went up 13th street NW where we stopped at a point where there was a view of basically the whole city from north to south. At that point I saw a scene I hope to never ever see again. There were F-16s and other military aircraft patrolling up and down the Potomac and all over the downtown parts of the city as smoke rose from the Pentagon. We watched along with a crowd of locals for a fwe minutes in stunned and awed silence. Then we got in the car and headed home.
A few weeks after 9/11 I went to the city and used my contacts to get near the pile (ground zero). I wanted to see up close what others saw. I hope to never see that again. Then I went with my aunt and uncle to 2 funerals for fireman who died that day in Tower 2. Once again something I hope I never have to do again.
These are images and experiences that are forever scarred on my brain and in my heart. As an American this is a day I hope to never repeat again in my lifetime or anyone elses.
this is well written and simply stated truthful, raw even. i don't know, guess you just grabbed my attention with your form, such a descriptive sky or whatever. true, nothing has changed. only we're 10 years older.
same shit different day kinda
wars are still full on
governments are crazier than hell
sad bullshit all around this world
humans are something...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
same as kenny olav,
amazing descriptions in your writting.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I remember looking up and it looked like it was snowing with all the paper coming out. After a few minutes my buddy said look they're throwing furniture out the windows and I looked up and my stomach just sank. I said furniture doesn't move their arms and legs thats people jumping. It was pretty sickening watching that, they just kept jumping one after another. A fire truck stopped right up by us and I'll never forget the look on the faces of the firefighters, they were just scared shitless, you felt so bad for them. I remember one guy saying what the fuck are we supposed to do with that. Anyway it started getting a little crazy on the street, we saw a pretty badly burned woman that just shook everyone up and everywhere around us people were crying and screaming so we started to move back a little but we were still glued to the towers, you wanted to look away but you just couldn't.
About 15 minutes before the first tower came down I somehow was able to get a text from a buddy of mine with the FAA and he told me another plane was headed towards NYC and they thought the stock exchange was the target so we headed back towards our office. We were there when both towers fell. The black cloud that rolled down broadway was terrifying, our office wound up taking a lot of smoke, we tried to leave after the first one but you couldnt go outside because you couldn't breathe if you did. It wasn't much better inside so I wound up leaving around 1 and walking through battery park I lucked out finding a tugboat that was taking people back to Jersey City. I remember it seemed like forever before the boat left as we were waiting for more people but they just never came. Anyway when we got back I just walked back to hoboken where I lived and headed straight to a bar.
i am speechless
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
we really are.
Thanks for sharing that.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I was folding laundry, JB called ... said ... turn on the TV
I had been blissfully listening to music with plans to head out to the backyard to work.
I wished he would not have called, cried for hours and then got sick
horrific unimaginable ache and shock ... all those people
I was sick in bed with the flu, took the day off school, I was in yr 11 and 17 yrs old.
Kept hearing "America under attack" coming from the TV in the other room as it was turned up loud.
I was lying in bed thinking wtf, I imagined an army invasion in my head or jet planes dropping bombs.
So I got out of bed and saw the morning news reports and my mum and sister watching it in disbelief.
The first thing I saw was the planes hitting the towers and WTC7 collapsing, I thought this is like some movie and found it hard to believe it was real life.
A day I will never forget, everything before that was pretty good, then I grew up with this fear and anxiousness about when the next attack will happen and will we be next here. Shit times.
To reach this office if you didn't drive, you took the PATH train and usually I took it from the World Trade Center. And since I worked until 2AM on the 10th, that means I was in the trade center concourse roughly six hours before it was destroyed. Although I wasn't there that morning when it went down and don't know anyone directly who was murdered that day, in some ways it's haunting knowing and thinking about being in a place that in a few hours will be destroyed in such a hateful method.
Part of the job description was writing baseball previews for the company's customers, which were major sports websites. At the time, some of the ones were already out on the internet while others were in the process of being edited. Somewhere, there is a really long Braves-Phillies preview that I wrote and never made it to the internet.
To me, the World Trade Center represented hope and optimism for someone coming out of college. Three years later that job was moved from Jersey City and five years later the company I enjoyed working for in different capacities was eliminated.
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
Fenway 2, 2018
MSG 2022
St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
MSG 2024, MSG 2024
Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
I dropped to a chair and said....Is this a f^%king movie...what the hell? I was in disbelief, sat there and watched and watched then realized I had to go get my daughter from school. Where my house was at the time was in the flight path of Air Force One and I knew there was going to be multiple Air Force movements from Andrew Air Force Base. On My way to get my daughter I couldn't believe how clear and crisp of a fall day it peaceful yet torn apart by the violence. On my way I could see that frantic look on people's faces as it came across the radio that the Pentagon not too far away was also hit. I could see the smoke billowing from where the building was, I was only too glad to hold my 5 year old and tell her ALL will be well. She wanted to know what's going on I just told her hold unto me and you'll be just fine.
Later as I looked up at how eerily quiet our once busy blue skies thoughts were somebody or some country is going to pay MIGHTLY for what has happened here today and GWB is gauranteed another four years.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)