LOST Nikon Camera--Epic Weekend followed by Epic Fail!

PJ fans,
On my way into the show on the second night, I lost my BRAND NEW Nikon camera. Silver, and has tons of pics of my friends and I on our RV. I'm pretty sure I lost it in the Yellow RV lot, walking into the show. PLEASE respond to this post or email me if you or anyone you know picked up a camera...I don't even want the camera, just the memory card full of awesome pics...I will give a reward if found!!!! Hopefully there will be some good karma out there, the camera is litterally two months old.
Epic show, and clearly an epic fail.
Any information would be appreciated! Please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:crrollin@gmail.com">crrollin@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->
On my way into the show on the second night, I lost my BRAND NEW Nikon camera. Silver, and has tons of pics of my friends and I on our RV. I'm pretty sure I lost it in the Yellow RV lot, walking into the show. PLEASE respond to this post or email me if you or anyone you know picked up a camera...I don't even want the camera, just the memory card full of awesome pics...I will give a reward if found!!!! Hopefully there will be some good karma out there, the camera is litterally two months old.
Epic show, and clearly an epic fail.
Any information would be appreciated! Please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:crrollin@gmail.com">crrollin@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->