Stop Complaing and STFU!

For all the yahoos with some sort of complaint to file with God and his angels, you have failed to see what the first show was. Last night was Ed celebrating his love of music. Tonight will be his celebration of our passion for his. You can see it coming. So, for all you haters douching up the place with your twentieth $13 dollar beer, stop playing bottle Jenga at your table and pay attention. Jesus! And stuff the Camels back in your pocket too. It was like a goddamn Asian study group on the lawn. You hayseeds left your garbage as well. It was ridiculous. How appalling is that. You call yourselves fans when you behave worse than the twitchy brat lost in a Chucky Cheese ballhouse, crashing through the fences, acting like undisciplined dickweeds. Shut the fuck up. It was rainy as hell. My feet cramped up standing at an angle. But to celebrate twenty years of a band that admires my affinity and devotion is something to be cherished. Does the lawn suck? Sure. Did some idiot skinsack hopped up on bad pot fall over on me, not sure where he even was? Hell yes he did. But the spirit of a band humbled by my presence was still cogent. I am so grateful. Tonight, I'll be up close. If many of you on the lawn opt to drink like a Scottish lord, smoke more than a Navaho chieftain and waste the experience on grab-assing around all night, I feel bad for you.
He who forgets will be destined to remember...
Post edited by Unknown User on
So you start a thread to complain about people complaining (on an open forum)?
Your points may be valid, but it's hard to take them as rational and legitimate when they are framed so offensively.
Someone needs a lesson on persuasive writing.
doing so. If I offend anyone, then I'm certain they were part of the problem. Shame, guilt or pride in response to my post, won't mask douchebaggery.
I am not offended in anyway, and agree on most points..that said, this happens at EVERY PJ show and it goes without saying(imho) that these posts are tiring whether true or not, and because it is pj20 and all doesnt make them more valid than any other time...Sorry you and ALOT of others had that experience, but why not just chalk it up to the norm and save your post for yourself and keep the negative away? Not like it NEEDS to be pointed out after EVERY show..Hope you have a better time this evening..:-)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
So what you're saying is that last night was your first time at a rock concert. Because that's what it sure sounds like.
But in all seriousness these threads where people bitch about other people bitching always make me giggle.