Volume/Pan Pedal Advice

I want to get a volume/pan pedal but know nothing about them in terms of what kind (mono or stereo). I’m not really into the volume aspect so much as I’m looking to pan between my Deville and HT-40. I’m thinking about an Ernie Ball but any advice or experience would be helpful.
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I'm assuming he's wanting to use it like Stoney G>>>1 clean amp, 1 dirty amp and the panner/volume to blend the 2 in different increments.
Yep, exactly! I like the idea of playing two amps at different levels i.e. dirty at 40% and clean at 60% etc. and going back and forth between the two. I did look at A/B switches but its 100% of one or the other and 50% each, would like some more articulation between the two.
I got some pedals that sound great with one amp and other pedals with the other amp and just thought it would be cool to have more of a layered sound.