20 years of touring....

stardogg3333stardogg3333 Posts: 17
edited August 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
20 years , along time , alot of cds dvds vinyl , bought alot of them two three times . always loved the music the message , alot of songs changed my life and the way i see the world . i see the shows everywhere in the world .... well almost .... i consider pearl jam to be one of the best bands of our era . but i have one hangup one problem , it started bugging me couple weeks ago , i took mu daughters to there first concert , they are eight and nine , big time rush lol , they we so excited there eyes wide open , singing the songs just happy to see there favorite band , i know thats not the greatest music , but they came to our state to entertain our kids , they could have went elsewhere and made more money im sure its on tv everday . anyway we were leaving and i thought in twenty years , twenty years the band i love and support , buy everything they put out , cant make it here , they dont like to play this part of the country , yes i live in the south , and for them to not tour this part of the country ever ? really , thats pretty closed minded , ....... i will always be a fan , always love the lyrics , but i think i lost part of my love of the band ....... and i know ill get the "well you could travel and see them ' yeah i could but its not always possible in the real world , to answer all of those i could download everything for free , and not help finance the tours for everyone else to see , i cant be the only one who feels this way .......... :cry::cry::cry:
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