Girl From North Country (from Water on the Road)

I'm a complete newb with guitar. I mess around on mine here and there, but I really dig the version of Girl From The North Country from the Water On The Road DVD. Can anyone give me a hand with the tab on this? It looks like a D to I believe Asus4 and then to a G, I'm having a hard time figuring it out, and the strumming pattern is screwing me up to. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I believe Ed plays the Dmaj9 like this...xx0220
Same chord progression as the first 3 chords to Neil Young's "Long May You Run"
Strum Pattern:
Dmaj9 x2......G x1...D x3
v............... v.......v
dd udu dd udu dd udu dd udu dd udu dd udu
If your..........North..fair
Hope this makes sense...
Thanks! I'll try it this evening.
so the first chord is actually played like xxx030 (hammer-on) xxx232.
Good call. I completely forgot add that tid-bit.