5against1- wrote: Looking to trade a mint Düsseldorf for an unopened Into the Wild LP. Pm if interested.
yostarama wrote: PM sent. Later Yostarama
hopethatuchoke wrote: You just said later to yourself
Lizardking wrote: I happen to have an unoped ITW Vinyl, but I also have a A/P Dusseldorf. Or I would do it.
5against1- wrote: Would you consider trading the ITW for something else?
IwishIwishIwishIwish..............I wish I had that LP to trade.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
You just said later to yourself
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Here is what I have http://www.expressobeans.com/members/collections.php?id=7596
So see if you have anything i may need? No Ames Please.
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