"The Answers are in the Clouds: Part 2"

That is to say, perhaps, life can only be understood once it has been lived. Death is the natural mechanism that brings about the necessary awareness to understand. In the moment of death as your life flashes before your eyes (as they say), the meaning of this experience is gained. The light at the end of the tunnel is your soul becoming pure awareness and joining with the Collective Unconscious. By soul I do not mean a spirit in need of redemption but of the totality of a person’s conscious experience: their memories, emotions, thoughts, actions, failures, triumphs, etc. The context of content. The Collective Unconscious is the databank of the human condition. It is where déjà vu, dreams, archetypes, and the memories of all human beings are stored. A sort of life stream if you will. I have come to believe that this is the higher power in our lives. It is neither good, evil or neutral; it simply is. Thus everyone’s life has meaning. Everyone contributes: no matter how all encompassing or short lived, “good” or “bad”; everything matters. Within this framework one would wonder where morality fits in. Is it even necessary; does it exist. In the big picture, no, everything counts because both (good and evil) are part of the human condition. However, within our frame of reference (a small lens indeed); morality would play apart in our world because we have given it life. An interesting question I have asked myself is when we become pure awareness does our consciousness still remain. Does it survive or is it lost in translation.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
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