Tattoo Thread

Post / describe your tattoos here.
I have a few. This image is on my right forearm.

And this family crest tattoo is on my right upper arm. My tattoo is slightly different then this design. Mine does not include the ship at the top. The boar's head has been replaced with a human skull. My banners read "Diligo - Prosapia" and "Vita - Licentia" which is Latin for "Love - Family" "Life - Freedom".

I also have my wife's initials on my left forearm and my daughters names on my left upper arm.
I have a few. This image is on my right forearm.

And this family crest tattoo is on my right upper arm. My tattoo is slightly different then this design. Mine does not include the ship at the top. The boar's head has been replaced with a human skull. My banners read "Diligo - Prosapia" and "Vita - Licentia" which is Latin for "Love - Family" "Life - Freedom".

I also have my wife's initials on my left forearm and my daughters names on my left upper arm.
"I'll Ride the wave where it takes me. I'll Hold the pain. RELEASE ME!"
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I have a family tree on my chest in Chinese, my name and my wife's name side my side, then below that it says "Family" then below that is each of my kids name, included one that we lost due to miscarriage.
I have a couple Insane Clown Posse and related tattoos (yeah I know, but no I still don't regret them)
A cartoon looking picture that is the logo of my website / forum.
The stickman on my right calf.
And not too long ago my wife and I both went and got matching tattoos on our wrists. It's a little heart the is actually a
* Cincinnati, OH 6.24.2006 *
* Columbus, OH 5.6.2010 * Noblesville, IN 5.7.2010 *
* East Troy, MI 9.4.2011 * East Troy, MI 9.5.2011 *
* Pittsburgh, PA 10.11.2013 *
want something along the lines of this,
it will take a min to load!
All those yesterdays
All those yesterdays
All those paper plates
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
shitty pic but best i could do
This is what has made me strong, so it's on my bicep.
All my PJ Tattoos.
Taken right off the Alive cd cover (1-1 size)
Back (in black):
About 8/12x 11 lol
I'm thinking my next one will be the logo they used at PJ20 where the PJ looked like the Packers 'G' emblem...might put that on the back of my neck.
Also if anyone's ever in the Chicago area looking for a great place to get a tat, my good friend owns this shop:
They're all AMAZING artists and have good prices.
I love what everyone's posted so far!
Back of neck I have a Stargirl
Breast bone across left shoulder to middle of my back I have three lotus life stages,where I have been,where I am now and where I am going,lotus surrounded by cherry blossom to represent life is short,make the best,do what makes you happy,love and care
Left upper arm,ornate persian style design
Left inside wrist,Sheela-na-gig
Full right upper arm Pink Floyd symbol centre, surrounded by music notes and ornate design
Lower right arm,half sleeve of stylised oriental flowers
Right inside wrist,black and grey lotus
Right foot,Smaug
Left foot Gothic butterfly
Currently drawing design to continue my back piece to come around the right shoulder and meet up with the cherry blossom at the breast bone
That is spectacular
AWESOME!! HI RYGAR!! ... 8_1168.jpg
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Final piece/tattoo for me. It's the Evenstar with flowers representing birth month for my wife and two girls. The Evenstar representing my wife's sacrifice leaving her home country to start a life with me here in the US.