Question for cat owners..



  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    mca47 wrote:

    Yeah, my first cat was like that. She'd eat anything you put in front of her. When I was a kid, she jumped up on the chair next to me while having dinner. Turned my head for a second, and she grabbed the chicken breast that was on my plate and made a run for it! :lol: Damn cat! :lol:

    My cat takes everything to the next level. He has opened the freezer(which is on top) and defrosted everything. he has torn off half our blinds in the kitchen when we're gone so he can look out. if you have any cups of water anywhere in the house he will find then and do whatever it takes to dump it. He looks at it sideways, raises his paw and grabs the cup or glass and pulls it sideways. He loves to put half his body in the shower so you can pet him, he doesn't care about getting wet. He loves to taunt our lizards by lounging on their cage and just staring at them. If our cupboards aren't baby proofed he opens every single one and empties its contents. If it's food it will be all over the house in minutes. He likes to play but doesn't really want to be touched. He just wants to be near people. I know this was about food but I've never in my life had a cat this crazy. he attacks everyone that comes over. He tried to climb the cable guy's leg. He's fixed but if we're gone for the day he will drag any blanket or stuffed animal(even the ones 3 times his size) and drag them to the front door or hide them in corners, under tables...we caught him doing it once. He humps some of them.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,799
    mca47 wrote:
    Occassionally I'll give her a little tuna, which she DEVOURS, but that's about it for non-dry food.

    and then she spends the next 15 minutes licking her mouth and paws. She rubs her paws on her mouth and licks them, just to get every last taste of the tuna. :D

    she's so cute.
    It's actually not to get every last taste of tuna, but rather to get the tuna smell spread over her face. It sounds strange and kinda gross, but it's true.
    In fact, cats have pretty bad senses of taste. The main factor for why they eat and prefer something is almost entirely olfactory.

    Really? Oh now I'm going to have to check it more closely. That's funny. :lol:
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,282
    Lizardjam wrote:

    My cat takes everything to the next level. He has opened the freezer(which is on top) and defrosted everything. he has torn off half our blinds in the kitchen when we're gone so he can look out. if you have any cups of water anywhere in the house he will find then and do whatever it takes to dump it. He looks at it sideways, raises his paw and grabs the cup or glass and pulls it sideways. He loves to put half his body in the shower so you can pet him, he doesn't care about getting wet. He loves to taunt our lizards by lounging on their cage and just staring at them. If our cupboards aren't baby proofed he opens every single one and empties its contents. If it's food it will be all over the house in minutes. He likes to play but doesn't really want to be touched. He just wants to be near people. I know this was about food but I've never in my life had a cat this crazy. he attacks everyone that comes over. He tried to climb the cable guy's leg. He's fixed but if we're gone for the day he will drag any blanket or stuffed animal(even the ones 3 times his size) and drag them to the front door or hide them in corners, under tables...we caught him doing it once. He humps some of them.

    My cat now is kinda like that. Nothing can be standing upright to her. If something is standing there...a candle, a glass, anything...she has to knock it over. I used to keep an open glass of water by my bed at night. She knocked those over multiple times, and one time I woke up and she was putting her paw in the glass! :shock: Sick! :lol:
    She also hates anything that she doesn't have "access" to. She knows how to open all my closet doors, she can open my bedroom door, and all the cupboards. When she as a kitten, she'd keep my up all night. Ugh!
    She's calmed down a lot (I think she's 3 or 4 now), but she also is very deceptive. I can leave my place for 5 minutes, come back and everything is knocked off my kitchen table, my office desk, the bathroom counters. It's insane how fast she moves! One day I set up my PS3 camera to record her when I left. As soon as the door closed, she ran up to my office desk, was snooping around, knocked my mouse off. Runs into the kitchen, and pulled down all the kitchen towels, knocked over the paper towels and dragged them into the other room. In the next 3 minutes I can see her running back and forth in front of the camera. I get back and watch it and it was INSANE! She hears my car pull up and she runs back to the exact same spot she was in when I left like "I haven't moved". What a little whore! :lol:
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    mca47 wrote:
    My cat now is kinda like that. Nothing can be standing upright to her. If something is standing there...a candle, a glass, anything...she has to knock it over. I used to keep an open glass of water by my bed at night. She knocked those over multiple times, and one time I woke up and she was putting her paw in the glass! :shock: Sick! :lol:
    She also hates anything that she doesn't have "access" to. She knows how to open all my closet doors, she can open my bedroom door, and all the cupboards. When she as a kitten, she'd keep my up all night. Ugh!
    She's calmed down a lot (I think she's 3 or 4 now), but she also is very deceptive. I can leave my place for 5 minutes, come back and everything is knocked off my kitchen table, my office desk, the bathroom counters. It's insane how fast she moves! One day I set up my PS3 camera to record her when I left. As soon as the door closed, she ran up to my office desk, was snooping around, knocked my mouse off. Runs into the kitchen, and pulled down all the kitchen towels, knocked over the paper towels and dragged them into the other room. In the next 3 minutes I can see her running back and forth in front of the camera. I get back and watch it and it was INSANE! She hears my car pull up and she runs back to the exact same spot she was in when I left like "I haven't moved". What a little whore! :lol:

    That might mean we have 2 more years of cat insanity, ours is only 2. I think your cat and mine might be related! My cat also puts his paw in the glass to dump it. It puts it in and pulls. He was never trainable. Most cats you can train with the spray bottle and some water. ours thought it was a game. I wish I had a camera. The one wonderful thing our cat does is eat bugs. Every so often if there's a spider or a cricket(we have lizards) he will play with it until it's dead, and then just eat it. We don't have to deal with the dead bug bodies.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • Cats are great I have a cat that is partially blind due to a serious bout with Distemper( He'd even had his shots and STILL got it!!) So we've nicknamed him the Distemperfried Kitty. He's named after the Primus song Tommy the Cat, and he lives up to his name!! But the best part is.. when this first happened he had to adjust to seeing everything in blurry shadow versus clear vision, so when we moved the Pythons in, he FREAKED.. suddenly leashes on the ground, bathrobe ropes, anything that resembled a snake got attacked in violent spasmatic fashion! AND he memorizes things in the house and how they are set up..So every-so-often, just to keep him on his little kitty toes, I like to move things.. He hates when I do this.. but it's so funny to watch, cause he'll straight walk into things, cause he doesn't realized I've moved them..That and he loves to go for car rides with me.. He loves the dog, even though the dog is a little freaked out by living with a cat for the first time..And he steals socks.. I'll find socks on my curio cabinet, on my dresser, in the cat tree, and one on the china hutch.. he's a weird cat.. I always tell people I'm gonna write a book called Cats Are Natural Born Crackheads
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    Cats are great I have a cat that is partially blind due to a serious bout with Distemper( He'd even had his shots and STILL got it!!) So we've nicknamed him the Distemperfried Kitty. He's named after the Primus song Tommy the Cat, and he lives up to his name!! But the best part is.. when this first happened he had to adjust to seeing everything in blurry shadow versus clear vision, so when we moved the Pythons in, he FREAKED.. suddenly leashes on the ground, bathrobe ropes, anything that resembled a snake got attacked in violent spasmatic fashion! AND he memorizes things in the house and how they are set up..So every-so-often, just to keep him on his little kitty toes, I like to move things.. He hates when I do this.. but it's so funny to watch, cause he'll straight walk into things, cause he doesn't realized I've moved them..That and he loves to go for car rides with me.. He loves the dog, even though the dog is a little freaked out by living with a cat for the first time..And he steals socks.. I'll find socks on my curio cabinet, on my dresser, in the cat tree, and one on the china hutch.. he's a weird cat.. I always tell people I'm gonna write a book called Cats Are Natural Born Crackheads

    Just from this board you'd get a million stories on crackhead cats.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,282
    Lizardjam wrote:

    That might mean we have 2 more years of cat insanity, ours is only 2. I think your cat and mine might be related! My cat also puts his paw in the glass to dump it. It puts it in and pulls. He was never trainable. Most cats you can train with the spray bottle and some water. ours thought it was a game. I wish I had a camera. The one wonderful thing our cat does is eat bugs. Every so often if there's a spider or a cricket(we have lizards) he will play with it until it's dead, and then just eat it. We don't have to deal with the dead bug bodies.

    Haha! Mine was "trainable" to a degree. She's not allowed on the furniture, and when I got my new living room set, I enforced that pretty tough. She'd jump on and I'd spray her. Only happened a couple times, but now even if I'm gone, she never goes up there.
    It just drives me crazy how she'll be so...good when I'm around, then the second I leave she goes nuts! :lol: It's almost like she gets all these ideas of what she wants to do while I'm around, then as soon as I leave she marks them off the list. hahaha!
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    mca47 wrote:

    Haha! Mine was "trainable" to a degree. She's not allowed on the furniture, and when I got my new living room set, I enforced that pretty tough. She'd jump on and I'd spray her. Only happened a couple times, but now even if I'm gone, she never goes up there.
    It just drives me crazy how she'll be so...good when I'm around, then the second I leave she goes nuts! :lol: It's almost like she gets all these ideas of what she wants to do while I'm around, then as soon as I leave she marks them off the list. hahaha!

    I swear the cats party when we're out. The house certainly looks like it when we come home. Our older cat doesn't do any of the things our younger one does. Oh, and did I mention the younger one also has his entire body in the litter box but, hangs his butt over the edge and craps on the floor???? What in the world does he even bother getting in the box for?! I just don't understand.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    These stories are so cute and funny! :lol: I have a cat (now he's 17, so a little slower, and going blind :cry: ), but he was a crazy nut for the first 16 years of his life before he started losing his sight...about bugs, I used to live in an apartment that I later discovered was infested with these horrid looking bugs people told me were 'mole crickets'...omg, gross... and I could not get rid of them. I would come home from work and find like 5 or 6 laying around my place dead because my cat had gotten them. I started picking out any bugs I saw and I would call him and do this thing where I said 'get it get it get it' in this monotone, jaws-theme-song sounding rhythm, and to this day whenever I do that, he comes to me like 'where's that bug'. :lol: And food, my brother only feeds his dry food, and he's good. My cat eats 1/2 small can of food in the morning, and the other 1/2 at night, and he has a small bowl of dry food there for anytime. He loves them both. Must be okay because he's lived this long (and he has weighed 7 lbs his entire adult life. however, I had another one who weighed 15 doing the same thing, rest in peace whitey). :D
    Lizardjam wrote:
    mca47 wrote:
    My cat now is kinda like that. Nothing can be standing upright to her. If something is standing there...a candle, a glass, anything...she has to knock it over. I used to keep an open glass of water by my bed at night. She knocked those over multiple times, and one time I woke up and she was putting her paw in the glass! :shock: Sick! :lol:
    She also hates anything that she doesn't have "access" to. She knows how to open all my closet doors, she can open my bedroom door, and all the cupboards. When she as a kitten, she'd keep my up all night. Ugh!
    She's calmed down a lot (I think she's 3 or 4 now), but she also is very deceptive. I can leave my place for 5 minutes, come back and everything is knocked off my kitchen table, my office desk, the bathroom counters. It's insane how fast she moves! One day I set up my PS3 camera to record her when I left. As soon as the door closed, she ran up to my office desk, was snooping around, knocked my mouse off. Runs into the kitchen, and pulled down all the kitchen towels, knocked over the paper towels and dragged them into the other room. In the next 3 minutes I can see her running back and forth in front of the camera. I get back and watch it and it was INSANE! She hears my car pull up and she runs back to the exact same spot she was in when I left like "I haven't moved". What a little whore! :lol:

    That might mean we have 2 more years of cat insanity, ours is only 2. I think your cat and mine might be related! My cat also puts his paw in the glass to dump it. It puts it in and pulls. He was never trainable. Most cats you can train with the spray bottle and some water. ours thought it was a game. I wish I had a camera. The one wonderful thing our cat does is eat bugs. Every so often if there's a spider or a cricket(we have lizards) he will play with it until it's dead, and then just eat it. We don't have to deal with the dead bug bodies.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,282
    Lizardjam wrote:

    I swear the cats party when we're out. The house certainly looks like it when we come home. Our older cat doesn't do any of the things our younger one does. Oh, and did I mention the younger one also has his entire body in the litter box but, hangs his butt over the edge and craps on the floor???? What in the world does he even bother getting in the box for?! I just don't understand.

    We had a cat growing up that would do that. She'd put her front two paws in thinking she was in, and then pee on the floor. It was pretty rare, and it wasn't until she was old...but what the hell? :lol: It's almost like as if she was thinking "I'm old, I made it this far...fuck it!" :lol:
  • cbrunelle783cbrunelle783 Posts: 1,025
    Lizardjam wrote:
    He's fixed but if we're gone for the day he will drag any blanket or stuffed animal(even the ones 3 times his size) and drag them to the front door or hide them in corners, under tables...we caught him doing it once. He humps some of them.
    We have a cat that, Franklin. He's a sleek and lean male and a hell of a hunter. He's the only one we let outside. He'll drag his blanket all over the house, in fact he has two and just leaves them in the middle of the floor. He's fixed too but it depends if they're fixed late but every cat is different. We had another cat that would go out to find females every spring, he was also fixed. Anyway, Franklin adopted us. We weren't even feeding him or anything. He'd hang around by the back door wait for someone to come home and then proceed to weave himself through our legs. My dad said, "Don't touch that cat! We don't need anymore cats!" My response was, he's touching ME! He showed up one day and didn't leave until he got bold enough to just walk right in the door. I live at home and my parents weren't home and I called my mom and I said, umm the cat outside just walked through the door and won't leave. I kinda shooed him out the door and we adopted him shortly thereafter. We have other cats and didn't know if he had diseases and stuff it doesn't take much for a cat who is left without vaccination to get worms and parasites and all those fun things. He's the best cat though if he's really displeased with something he'll fight himself. He'll bite his tail. He has this awful lion hiss he does. It sounds like your cat may have never gotten over being feral.
    Boston 5/17/10
    Tres Mts. 3/27/11
    EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
    PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11

    Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    Lizardjam wrote:
    He's fixed but if we're gone for the day he will drag any blanket or stuffed animal(even the ones 3 times his size) and drag them to the front door or hide them in corners, under tables...we caught him doing it once. He humps some of them.
    We have a cat that, Franklin. He's a sleek and lean male and a hell of a hunter. He's the only one we let outside. He'll drag his blanket all over the house, in fact he has two and just leaves them in the middle of the floor. He's fixed too but it depends if they're fixed late but every cat is different. We had another cat that would go out to find females every spring, he was also fixed. Anyway, Franklin adopted us. We weren't even feeding him or anything. He'd hang around by the back door wait for someone to come home and then proceed to weave himself through our legs. My dad said, "Don't touch that cat! We don't need anymore cats!" My response was, he's touching ME! He showed up one day and didn't leave until he got bold enough to just walk right in the door. I live at home and my parents weren't home and I called my mom and I said, umm the cat outside just walked through the door and won't leave. I kinda shooed him out the door and we adopted him shortly thereafter. We have other cats and didn't know if he had diseases and stuff it doesn't take much for a cat who is left without vaccination to get worms and parasites and all those fun things. He's the best cat though if he's really displeased with something he'll fight himself. He'll bite his tail. He has this awful lion hiss he does. It sounds like your cat may have never gotten over being feral.

    Yeah, we got him on craigslist at 12 weeks old. He was all sweet and purring when we went to see him. And maybe for about a week after, then his true self came out. My daughter loves him and my husband may say he doesn't like him but he loves him and the bastard cat will immediately show up the minute my husband is sitting or laying anywhere and lay on him. In any awkward position he can as long as he's laying on my husband. No one can pet him at that point though. He'll rub his face on you like, Hey pet me, and then he'll bite because he really doesn't want you to touch him.

    So yeah, the lady emails me a month later saying she was happy he found his "forever home" and that he bullied her ADULT cats like there was no tomorrow. Yeah she waited a month to tell us that.

    mca47....We totally thought it was our old cat crapping on the floor until we actually saw how our young one was doing it. If it was the old one, I'd understand. And it's just crap! He pees in it! Argh!

    On the food...well I leave dry food out at night and some during the day. My old one grazes. I give them each half a can of food in the morning and maybe half at night on occasion. The young one is not fat at all. The old one has a little extra tummy but that's all. He's old, healthy, and has been sick in the past due to other owners so I think, hey, if he wants something nice to eat, or a little more, I'll give it to him. Besides, if he walks away from his wet food because he grazes...the young one will devour it. We have to watch them eat so we can make sure he gets a chance to eat.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    Here's the devil:


    When he was in his "let's see if we can get above the fridge and chill, and see if anyone notices" phase:


    I came home from lunch one day to find him up there.
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    Lizardjam wrote:
    Here's the devil:


    When he was in his "let's see if we can get above the fridge and chill, and see if anyone notices" phase:


    I came home from lunch one day to find him up there.
    :lol: he's adorable.
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    EmBleve wrote:
    :lol: he's adorable.

    That's how he reels you in!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,799
    One time I came home from shopping and put a bunch of bags on the table. My cat was curious as to what I bought and managed to stick her head in a bag and got it caught in one of the handles. When she went to jump off the table, having the bag attached to her, freaked her out and she proceeded to run from room to room at breakneck speed until every item in the bag fell out. There were items all over the place. :lol:

    It was hilarious.

    Oh and she also likes to get up on the kitchen cabinets. As high as she can go.
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Lizardjam wrote:

    I came home from lunch one day to find him up there.

    Aawwwww... he looks just like my Jet on this pic! :mrgreen:
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    redrock wrote:
    Aawwwww... he looks just like my Jet on this pic! :mrgreen:

    It's the black ones! They're the devils!
    bugs in the way...I feel about you

    "New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."

    I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone

    "This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
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