Quickly, quickly tumble

To quickly, quickly tumble
I'd love to flow like a river unblocked once in a while
to just have a desire and bubble and bump downhill to the sea with EASE!
without a struggle!!
honeycomb-bubble-based waterfall then rush on down to my goal
Mr Gravity would help out for once!
Yeah, somehow it came to me the other day
this idea, out-of-the-dew of a dream
may-it-be that if there are too many blocks, it's not the right way to go?
climb up that cliff?!
get stuck in tight dark spaces?!
dawdle in a desert waiting room for days and days?!
could be, it's a huge collection of clues.
big blocks and misfortunes and Miss Steps and Miss Stakes
Yes, we all make mistakes and y e t...
perhaps it's like a series of paper slips we're given and we're supposed to notice?!
when silently shown that it doesn't flow like a river downhill, something else is better
something else is quicker
(oh dear!)
Something Else is meant to be
why waste time when it's the wrong direction?!
why waste time and shake the door handle when there's another that opens quickly?
In a cruel lesson, the Universe says: "Arrive quickly or not at all!"
I'd love to flow like a river unblocked once in a while
to just have a desire and bubble and bump downhill to the sea with EASE!
without a struggle!!
honeycomb-bubble-based waterfall then rush on down to my goal
Mr Gravity would help out for once!
Yeah, somehow it came to me the other day
this idea, out-of-the-dew of a dream
may-it-be that if there are too many blocks, it's not the right way to go?
climb up that cliff?!
get stuck in tight dark spaces?!
dawdle in a desert waiting room for days and days?!
could be, it's a huge collection of clues.
big blocks and misfortunes and Miss Steps and Miss Stakes
Yes, we all make mistakes and y e t...
perhaps it's like a series of paper slips we're given and we're supposed to notice?!
when silently shown that it doesn't flow like a river downhill, something else is better
something else is quicker
(oh dear!)
Something Else is meant to be
why waste time when it's the wrong direction?!
why waste time and shake the door handle when there's another that opens quickly?
In a cruel lesson, the Universe says: "Arrive quickly or not at all!"