Benaroya Hall Obstructed View Review

mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,965
edited July 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Ticketmaster is selling obstructed view seats. When I think obstructed view I think pillar or speaker right in my face, but I think awkward view would be the better choice of words for this sale.

When I saw PJ in 2003, I sat very close to these seats (only one box further back). The view shouldn't really be obstructed, especially with only 1 or 2 people on stage. The view will be very vertical though, by that I mean you'll probably be seeing the tops of people's heads on stage rather than faces.

The only way I can visualize these as being obstructed is if the stage is going to have front curtains or giant side speakers. But if you got shut out, or are contemplating a second night, I would buy them.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • robbierobbie Posts: 883
    it actually looks like they are adding seats. I am coming up with box p seat 10, but the seats only go to 8.. i think they are putting fold out chairs behing the box seats, meaning i will have a full view if i stand, i think obstructed means behind other seats....
  • robbierobbie Posts: 883
    well, I bought the ticket, but the seat does not exist on nay seating chart i can find. the benarya hall detailed seating chart has box p only going to seat 8, and I have seat 10, whats more is i am in the "founders teir second teir" problem with that is the first teir is called the "founders teir" and the second teir is called the "second teir"... so what teir am I in. I can only assume they are putting chairs behind the 1 row of chairs in each box, but who knows, at least im in the building right?
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    robbie wrote:
    well, I bought the ticket, but the seat does not exist on nay seating chart i can find. the benarya hall detailed seating chart has box p only going to seat 8, and I have seat 10, whats more is i am in the "founders teir second teir" problem with that is the first teir is called the "founders teir" and the second teir is called the "second teir"... so what teir am I in. I can only assume they are putting chairs behind the 1 row of chairs in each box, but who knows, at least im in the building right?
    Right!! 8-)

    Hey man, we have official tickets this time!
  • joe2468joe2468 Posts: 3,049
    funny story ....

    i got tickets from the 10c for the NYC night 1 show .. and was about 4 rows behind the soundboard . ticket said nothing .. BUT my buddy who got a ticket ONE ROW BEHIND ME and TWO SEATS TO THE LEFT had a ticket that said obstrucated view .....

    to be honest the people working the soundboard where not even in our line of site ...


    @ represents my two 10c seats
    * represents my friends seat
    _____ represents the sound board

    so who knows what you will get
    have you seen the colors of my fathers eyes
  • TonyCliftonTonyClifton Posts: 106
    Just got section 2TIER, row BXT, seats 9-10. Any ideas on obstruction level?
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
    -Mark Twain
  • robbierobbie Posts: 883
    Just got section 2TIER, row BXT, seats 9-10. Any ideas on obstruction level?

    so here is the best seating chart i can find. it looks like box t is right next to the stage, buyt, like me, you have seats that do not exist on the chart, they only go to seat 8. it looks like there is room for additional chairs ( 1 or 2 ) behind seats 1-4 though. i think that is what is happening. so as long as you can see over the head of the people in those seats, you can see just fine. of course i dont really know what the fuck im talking about, but that is my best guess. ... p_2011.pdf
  • TonyCliftonTonyClifton Posts: 106
    Haha Im stoked! Thanks robbie Im 6ft5 I hopefully wont be too obstructed...
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
    -Mark Twain
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