
  • julia_amentjulia_ament Toronto, Canada Posts: 78
    balazini wrote:
    "Mucho Amor!!!
    Ten Club Staff"

    we can't expect perfection, right? i know eddie vedder knows we speak portuguese in brazil, but does the 10C?

    Só o Brasil fala português na América Latina. E você entendeu,né? Larga a mão de ser cricri, pô ;)

    eu fui boazinha qdo o e-mail era pra toda a AL, mas esse era só pra gente, né?
    São Paulo I & II - dec 2 & 3 2005 | São Paulo I & II - nov 3 & 4 2011 | Rio de Janeiro - nov 6 2011 | Ottawa - may 8 2016 | Wrigley I & II - aug 20 & 22 2016 | Temple of the Dog - Philly nov 4 2016 | Seattle I & II - aug 8 & 10 2018 | London I & II - july 8 & 9 2022  | Hamilton - sept 6 2022  | Toronto - sept. 8 2022

    "and sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    a human being that was given to fly
  • o que importa é o amor minha gente :mrgreen:
    2005: Curitiba, São Paulo I, São Paulo II.
    2008: New York I, New York II, Hartford, Mansfield I, Mansfield II.
    2011: East Troy I, East Troy II, São Paulo I, São Paulo II, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Buenos Aires.
    2012: Arras, Prague, Berlin I, Berlin II, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen.
  • julia_amentjulia_ament Toronto, Canada Posts: 78
    look...people coming all the way to brazil for PJ concerts may stick around a litte bit longer and enjoy a "grunge estravaganza" at SWU Festival (november 12, 13 and 14h).

    they've announce, so far, chris cornell, stone temple pilots and alice in chains. and rumors are that hole ( :lol: ) is coming too.

    i know i'll go :mrgreen:
    São Paulo I & II - dec 2 & 3 2005 | São Paulo I & II - nov 3 & 4 2011 | Rio de Janeiro - nov 6 2011 | Ottawa - may 8 2016 | Wrigley I & II - aug 20 & 22 2016 | Temple of the Dog - Philly nov 4 2016 | Seattle I & II - aug 8 & 10 2018 | London I & II - july 8 & 9 2022  | Hamilton - sept 6 2022  | Toronto - sept. 8 2022

    "and sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    a human being that was given to fly
  • julia_amentjulia_ament Toronto, Canada Posts: 78
    i mean...eXtravaganza :mrgreen:
    São Paulo I & II - dec 2 & 3 2005 | São Paulo I & II - nov 3 & 4 2011 | Rio de Janeiro - nov 6 2011 | Ottawa - may 8 2016 | Wrigley I & II - aug 20 & 22 2016 | Temple of the Dog - Philly nov 4 2016 | Seattle I & II - aug 8 & 10 2018 | London I & II - july 8 & 9 2022  | Hamilton - sept 6 2022  | Toronto - sept. 8 2022

    "and sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    a human being that was given to fly
  • That festival sounds awesome! I saw a another one on similar dates in Chile...if only people will look at Costa Rica to do something like that... :(

    On happier news... I picked up my ticket for the Costa Rica show last saturday... :twisted:

    The feeling is amazing, I NEVER, EVER thought I would be holding my own tickets to see Pearl Jam live!!!!

    My brother was even remembering when I was a little 12 year old girl in my school uniform singing out loud with my Ten in cassette.... 18 years ago! :lol: and finally...I have my ticket!

    90 loooooong days to go.... :P
  • from 10c:

    "Sorry, there will not be early entry wristbands on this tour, however by purchasing through the fan cub pre-sale you will have access to purchase any level of tickets you want. You can choose."

    In the destination weekend there will be a section in front of the stage only for 10c members; here in south america? nothing...
  • PearlLucyPearlLucy Posts: 492
    I know right? :wtf: :wtf:
  • from 10c:

    "Sorry, there will not be early entry wristbands on this tour, however by purchasing through the fan cub pre-sale you will have access to purchase any level of tickets you want. You can choose."

    In the destination weekend there will be a section in front of the stage only for 10c members; here in south america? nothing...

    BS.AS. 26/11/05; LIMA 18/11/11
  • yotyyoty Posts: 2
    today i got the GREATEST birthday present you could get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BIG hugh and kiss from my mom ! and a ticket to watch the greatest band in the world on nov 20,2011 ...
  • PearlLucyPearlLucy Posts: 492
    Cheers!!! :clap: :thumbup:
  • tomachotomacho Posts: 346
    alguien sabe si van a poner un segundo concierto en Argentina?!?!?

    Soy de Chile y estaría sacrificando el Maquinaria (Cornell, STP, AIC, etc) por ir a ver a Pearl Jam a Argentina.... y sería INCREIBLE si pusieran un segundo concierto en el hermano país.....

  • Paco JamPaco Jam Posts: 74
    Junior ZB wrote:
    awesome pj,please play a second show at Buenos Aires too :D

    My guess: they'll announce a second show in Buenos Aires and Mexico City!
    hope they do it before i book my flight :D

    altough all the tickets are sold out...
    I don't think they play a second night in Mexico City, sadly...
    won't let the light escape from me
    won't let the darkness swallow me
  • Only 60 days 'till the South and Central American Tour starts! Yay!!! :D
  • ozgurkdozgurkd Juneau, Alaska Posts: 434
    my2hands wrote:
    peru and costa rica?

    thats fucking awesome. period.

    happy for them and like the photo too :)
    Living is no laughing matter: you must live with great seriousness like a squirrel for example - I mean without looking for something beyond and above living, I mean living must be your whole occupation.
    Nazım Hikmet
  • PJ20 is making me even more anxious..come november COME!!!!!
  • ClariceClarice Posts: 256
    I´ll watch the show in São Paulo, Rio, Curitiba and Santiago. Yes !!!
  • Don't forget about the pre/after parties for the Sao Paulo shows..

    Still waiting to see if there will be an early entrance or not?..

  • Oh, talking about early is the petition...we have 621 signatures so far...

    I'm really looking forward to meeting some 10clubbers at the pre parties ! :)
  • Anyone with an extra for Mexico City?
  • Would love to go to one of these shows, especially Mexico - November 24th - that's my birthday! Just can't swing it! Enjoy the tour!! Can't wait to read about the shows! :D
    "i'm a dedicated insomniac" ~ ev nyc beacon 6/22
  • A Bump and a "Olé" ! ;-)
  • São Paulo Concert 1 = 67k+ and Rio Concert - 35K SOLD OUT!


  • humm maybe another extra show in rio !?
    on saturday !
  • I'll post in Portuguese.

    Nós temos que nos mobilizar, pois já há uma tentativa do Ministério Público de SP de impedir megashows no estádio do Morumbi.
    Foi publicado o seguinte artigo na edição impressa da Folha de S. Paulo:

    São Paulo precisa de megashows


    O Ministério Público pediu à prefeitura que não dê alvarás para shows no Morumbi; não se pode matar uma atividade que gera renda e empregos

    Parece absurdo, mas corremos o risco de perder shows de Pearl Jam, Justin Bieber e Eric Clapton, contratados para se apresentar no estádio do Morumbi, com mais de 300 mil ingressos vendidos.
    Membros do Ministério Público, acionados por alguns, pediram ao Contru (Departamento de Controle do Uso de Imóveis, órgão da prefeitura) que não conceda alvarás para shows no único local seguro e com grande capacidade de público que temos atualmente.
    Isso no momento em que São Paulo celebra a evolução das economias criativas e da vocação da cidade para a inovação e a produção cultural.
    Nova York, até 1972, era uma cidade fabril, falida e violenta. A sociedade se uniu e a transformou em um moderno polo de entretenimento e cultura. São Paulo começou a trilhar esse caminho e é hoje percebida como capital criativa por seus talentos e por sua produção cultural.
    A cidade está no calendário internacional de shows, é centro de moda, design, publicidade, exposições, megaeventos...
    Aqui, temos a Virada Cultural, a SPFW, grandes feiras e mostras, as bienais, as fórmulas 1 e Indy, entre outros, e surgem clusters criativos, como a Vila Madalena, o Baixo Augusta e a praça Roosevelt.
    Descobrimos o negócio do entretenimento, que, conectado a essa cadeia criativa, produz R$ 40 bilhões ao ano, segundo a Fundap (Fundação do Desenvolvimento Administrativo).
    Megashows como os do U2 levaram ao Morumbi 270 mil pessoas, sendo 90 mil de fora, que deixaram R$ 150 milhões e lotaram 43 mil quartos de hotéis -que empregam 44 mil pessoas.
    Essa agenda cultural é nossa riqueza, é nossa "praia" e deveria ser celebrada. Mas existe uma minoria intolerante que distorce fatos e induz a uma falsa percepção autoridades que não conhecem a complexidade do setor e o quese vai perder.
    É aceitável buscar ajustamentos de conduta, mas não matar uma atividade que gera renda e empregos, diminui desigualdades, promove inclusão e posiciona São Paulo como metrópole global criativa perante a concorrência. Cidades mundo afora pagam fortunas para receber eventos, pois sabem o quanto são importantes. Não podemos ficar na contramão por conta de poucos que neurotizam pequenos fatos e defendem interesses não coletivos.
    O Pacaembu está proibido de receber shows por conta de vizinhos bem articulados que limitaram o uso do local público para seu benefício.
    O Parque Antarctica e o Itaquerão só ficarão prontos em 2014.
    Essa recomendação do MP irá atingir não só os que compraram ingresso para os shows do Morumbi, mas a cidade como um todo, pois deixaremos de receber mais de 100 mil visitantes que gastariam quase R$ 200 milhões, mantendo 14 mil postos de trabalho. Quantos espaços sobrarão para megashows?
    OMP tem como missão defender o interesse público e causas que favoreçam o bem coletivo. A única forma de nossa cidade não sair perdendo nesse caso é as partes chegarem num acordo racional. Se não mudarmos essas interpretações distorcidas, nossa metrópole poderá virar uma triste necrópole. Para a alegria da concorrência, que abrirá as portas para quem renegarmos.

    CAIO LUIZ DE CARVALHO é doutor em comunicação pela ECA-USP, professor da FGV e da Anhembi Morumbi e presidente da SPTuris; foi ministro de Esporte e Turismo.
    Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah.
    It's growing up just like me.
  • I've read that, but I doubt they'll do anything before the concerts that are already booked, but they might do something AFTER, like what happended with Pacaembu, coincidentaly during the PJ concerts back in 2005.

    And THAT is what we have to worry about otherwise we won't have anywhere else to watch concerts other than that crappy Arena Anhembi!
  • Exactly Ana, the same exact thing happened in 2005 but none of the concerts (PJ included) were cancelled. I honestly don't care for MORUMBI, but as stated by Ana, it worries me we are going to end up having no "MEGA concerts" in SP whatsoever, what will be left for us, Anhembi, Via Funchal and...hmmm...Credicard Hall.. LOL
  • PearlLucy wrote:
    Exactly Ana, the same exact thing happened in 2005 but none of the concerts (PJ included) were cancelled. I honestly don't care for MORUMBI, but as stated by Ana, it worries me we are going to end up having no "MEGA concerts" in SP whatsoever, what will be left for us, Anhembi, Via Funchal and...hmmm...Credicard Hall.. LOL

    Maybe the new arenas (Palmeiras, Itaquera) ... :roll: .
    Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah.
    It's growing up just like me.
  • PJSEMPRE wrote:
    PearlLucy wrote:
    Exactly Ana, the same exact thing happened in 2005 but none of the concerts (PJ included) were cancelled. I honestly don't care for MORUMBI, but as stated by Ana, it worries me we are going to end up having no "MEGA concerts" in SP whatsoever, what will be left for us, Anhembi, Via Funchal and...hmmm...Credicard Hall.. LOL

    Maybe the new arenas (Palmeiras, Itaquera) ... :roll: .

    Maybe, but they are in super crowded neighborhoods as well, so very likely to happen the same there, ...soon LOL
  • PearlLucy wrote:
    PJSEMPRE wrote:
    PearlLucy wrote:
    Exactly Ana, the same exact thing happened in 2005 but none of the concerts (PJ included) were cancelled. I honestly don't care for MORUMBI, but as stated by Ana, it worries me we are going to end up having no "MEGA concerts" in SP whatsoever, what will be left for us, Anhembi, Via Funchal and...hmmm...Credicard Hall.. LOL

    Maybe the new arenas (Palmeiras, Itaquera) ... :roll: .

    Maybe, but they are in super crowded neighborhoods as well, so very likely to happen the same there, ...soon LOL

    Pretty soon the neighbors of those places will be complaining as well :( and we will lose again venues...

    Plus, producers like Morumbi (and liked Pacaembu for the same reason) because it has luxury hotels nearby to acomodate the artists.
  • Don't worry, it's IMPOSSIBLE to cancel the concerts.
    Much money is involved. Would be a waste for all.
    2005: Curitiba, São Paulo I, São Paulo II.
    2008: New York I, New York II, Hartford, Mansfield I, Mansfield II.
    2011: East Troy I, East Troy II, São Paulo I, São Paulo II, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Buenos Aires.
    2012: Arras, Prague, Berlin I, Berlin II, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen.
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