I'm going, dammit!! (South Dakota...PJ20)

Jeremy's SpokesmanJeremy's Spokesman Posts: 225
edited July 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Good day,
If you're anything like me, you've been seriously contemplating a very, very long drive this fall...to Wisconsin, of all places. I'm a big PJ fan. It's safe to say they're my favorite band. It's even safe to say I wouldn't be the man I am today without they're tunes. I've never seen them in concert. They were pretty close in '98, but I couldn't make it. They were close in '03, but I couldn't make it. Ed was just a few hours away last weekend, but, alas, I couldn't make it.
Tonight, I have decided, come help or high water, I'm going to drive ten hours to see my favorite band this summer.
It won't be easy. My girlfriend will be overseas and ill have a hard time finding another gift van in my tiny town. But, I'm going, dammit!

Who's coming with me?!

Seriously, who? That was quite a long set up, but I'm in eastern South Dakota and totally wouldn't hate carpooling. Any takers? PM me!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • appieappie Posts: 1,441
    Good news...another couple of happy souls at pj20...i am also making a long trip till there.but it will be epic.
    welcome to the crazy train....

    Greetz and rock on...
    Pearl Jam 4 live
    h8 2 w8 for concerts
  • I'll see you there, appie!

    One way or another. :)
  • appieappie Posts: 1,441
    isaacallan wrote:
    I'll see you there, appie!

    One way or another. :)

    Deal..You first concert is always epic and there a repeat the next day...Oh yeah the roof is on fire 2 days..
    Its like Vin Diesel said in XXX.....I live for this shit... :thumbup: :clap:
    Hope your trip goes well and you get there good so we can rock our asses of..

    Greetzz and rock on my friend..


    Pearl Jam 4 live
    h8 2 w8 for concerts
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