San Diego - Me, the Texting Guy???

Hey Everyone...this is going to bug me forever unless someone has a real explanation...the weirdest moment ever for me in this whole 20 year run with PJ occurred at the SD show last night...I was in the third row near the end, just met a couple that were totally huge PJ fans...we were sitting right behind the family with two small kids and before the show started, the three of us in row three had talked about how we hoped the crowd would be respectful etc...then, just a few songs into it, Ed literally had the angriest face I had ever seen him make and pointed right at me (tall, gray hat, curly hair...) with two fingers and said something to the effect of "hey dude in the third row, hope your text is important etc. etc. etc...." he went on, but my heart dropped and I lost what he was saying...I actually smiled and looked behind me because I didn't even have my phone on or out and I didn't even look down once after the show had started but to put a soda on the ground. So, when it first happened, I was convinced there was someone directly behind me that had been texting...but I was in the third row, and there was a rather large gap between the pit and the orchestra seats, so when I looked behind me, I saw everyone just looking straight me and at Ed....
Ed then kinda looked down and made a joke about how he shouldn't be so angry, but then paused a second, looked right backup and scowled (what I thought) was right at me, then said something else about kicking the "texter" out.....I was horrified and as he was staring in our direction I said to my neighbor that I thought he might have mistakenly thought it was me, or something had occurred that just didn't..., and she said he was joking and being Ed, and probably making a point....but I simply didn't get what the hell was going on, and as boohoo-me as this may sound to many of you, it destroyed my night.....I had no idea what it was or why he thought someone in the third row was texting...he wasn't 15 feet from me, so he could easily count three one of the breaks, the husband of the woman next to me said he thought Ed was pointing directly at one of the two of us and it made his heart drop too....he definitely didn't even have his phone, so we were just weirded out.. Anyway... Would love to know if anyone saw something I didn't, and if there was indeed someone behind me that had been a distraction or something. I cannot tell you how quickly it made the overwhelming excitement of the night and of being so close turn into a bizarre feeling of disappointment and sadness and almost anger because I am the last person that would ever be a distraction at a show....I am just one of those guys that doesn't allow any drunk frat kids, horrible dancing, horrible singing by the drunk chick at a show to annoy me too greatly, and certainly would never add a single distraction to a show....even to tell someone to be quite is adding to the mix, so I literally just felt like Ed took a big old slap at me for a mistaken reason...I knew I didn't do anything and that I am, afterall, just a buried footnote in the grand scheme of things, so I eventually "let" the buzzkill fade.... but all I could do for the rest of the show was look as attentive as possible and simply not enjoy myself...Saw him in Long Beach tonight, and he is just as amazing as, really, I just want to be able to look back and know that the one chance I had to be close to the music I love so much wasn't ruined by a mistake and an over reaction of really would kinda send me away from this all with a negative moment, and I am hoping someone can tell me I missed, if anyone knows what happened, please share.....
Ed then kinda looked down and made a joke about how he shouldn't be so angry, but then paused a second, looked right backup and scowled (what I thought) was right at me, then said something else about kicking the "texter" out.....I was horrified and as he was staring in our direction I said to my neighbor that I thought he might have mistakenly thought it was me, or something had occurred that just didn't..., and she said he was joking and being Ed, and probably making a point....but I simply didn't get what the hell was going on, and as boohoo-me as this may sound to many of you, it destroyed my night.....I had no idea what it was or why he thought someone in the third row was texting...he wasn't 15 feet from me, so he could easily count three one of the breaks, the husband of the woman next to me said he thought Ed was pointing directly at one of the two of us and it made his heart drop too....he definitely didn't even have his phone, so we were just weirded out.. Anyway... Would love to know if anyone saw something I didn't, and if there was indeed someone behind me that had been a distraction or something. I cannot tell you how quickly it made the overwhelming excitement of the night and of being so close turn into a bizarre feeling of disappointment and sadness and almost anger because I am the last person that would ever be a distraction at a show....I am just one of those guys that doesn't allow any drunk frat kids, horrible dancing, horrible singing by the drunk chick at a show to annoy me too greatly, and certainly would never add a single distraction to a show....even to tell someone to be quite is adding to the mix, so I literally just felt like Ed took a big old slap at me for a mistaken reason...I knew I didn't do anything and that I am, afterall, just a buried footnote in the grand scheme of things, so I eventually "let" the buzzkill fade.... but all I could do for the rest of the show was look as attentive as possible and simply not enjoy myself...Saw him in Long Beach tonight, and he is just as amazing as, really, I just want to be able to look back and know that the one chance I had to be close to the music I love so much wasn't ruined by a mistake and an over reaction of really would kinda send me away from this all with a negative moment, and I am hoping someone can tell me I missed, if anyone knows what happened, please share.....
Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't get too excited about EV solo shows anyway, but reading all the reviews that mention him complaining about the makes me glad I didn't go.
A post by Diego Dan in the fanview thread says he was sat next to the texter and gives seat location.
Obviously not you then Ed was directing his rant at!! Hope this makes you feel better bout the gig, kinda felt for you bro after reading your post...
Reading reviews about the crowd made you glad you didn't go??
Time to find a new band...
:thumbdown: :thumbdown:
Read again.....In every review I read there's a mention of Ed whining about the crowd. For the most part I can't believe that these people are causing that much of a disturbance that they need to be called out.
I wasn't that keen on going to see Ed, not b/c of the crowds but b/c I prefer the full band mostly, but I also find Ukulele Songs to be the worst thing any member of this band has put their name on.
I know, it is really easy, (even for me now with some distance between the show/moment), to think it would be easy to say when it happens that "I know it wasn't me, so who cares..." But when the Man looks directly at you with two fingers pointed in your more than general direction (mind you, he said "dude in third row") I couldn't help but feel like I was in one of those Southwest commercials....wanna get away?? I sure as fuck did..... At first I wanted to raise my hand politely and say, (in a feeble and submissive voice) "sir, can I get some clarification and maybe a restart???" Then I thought, you know what, I went to HUGE lengths to get to this show from LA and got a family member to babysit for my 4 year old for the first time so I can enjoy a show (single father etc...) and it just got annihilated for no good that instinct of "well, he's pissed, but you know what, even though my phone wasn't out, if I had to check a text to make sure my son was okay, I would hope it wouldn't distract a performer that I got kinda bitter...." I get it, the flashes in Long Beach were god awful....but he didn't say a word....I agree with the policy and I respect it, and whoever texted and wrecked my night owes me three put ups, a beer and will not be receiving my christmas card this year...or next.....
Last night, I had a third row ticket, seat quasi-girlfriend/ex came along, but was seated in row 14...I said she could do this, so it is my fault, but I also didn't think she really would...she asked the girl next to her if she wanted to upgrade to row 3 so we could sit, this girl comes walking over and I was like, "oh, yeah, no problem...." HOWEVER...I had this weird feeling that the row I was in had something important going on, and the three seats next to me were I sat down way back in row 14, I looked up and Mike McCready walked into the heart sank again, and my GF looked at my face,....I said, "uh, oh"....I bet he is walking to....yup, he is,,..yup...he is sitting right where I was.....!!!""""" And he did...he literally sat right next to where I had given up my seat.....LOL....I just thought, what the hell!!! Then it took about 5 minutes to say, hey, that girl that moved up to my seat is one lucky sucker and I hope she has an amazing time!!!! Besides, now I get to tell Mike the story today around 7:00 p.m., right after I watch him play the Star Spangled Banner from the infield at the Angels game...
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
i hope u feel better and was a mistake,a mess..things like this happens..hope next time,all be better..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
If you weren't texting, he wasn't talking to you. Plain and simple. Why you would come type a litany of words to defend yourself is beyond me.
Every day 10c members come here and complain about douchebags at the show - no matter what show - and your implication is that Eddie should be above getting ticked off about that type of douchebaggery. F that. It's his show, if he's tired of fools texting, he has every right to embarrass them. At LB he blasted the SD crowd, so clearly he wasn't pleased.
If eddie appeared to be looking and pointing directly at him, I can see how the OP would have some concern.
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
And to the Texting guy - sorry, holmes, it was lame of Ed to do that - not very mature of him, no matter who it was.
Why? He wasn't texting! If a cop yells "You! Drop the gun!" and points at me, I'll be momentarily surprised (because I don't have a gun), but there's no way in heck I'm fleeing to the Internet to whine about the fact that *I* was mistaken and now I'm sad. The real story (from the SD thread) confirms that said texting guy did exist and was called out, so this is a complete and utter non-story.
Then again - so many folks at concerts think the singer is singing only to *them*, so this tremendous leap in "logic" was an inevitability.
I wasn't that keen on going to see Ed, not b/c of the crowds but b/c I prefer the full band mostly, but I also find Ukulele Songs to be the worst thing any member of this band has put their name on.[/quote]
Really? I can't beleive you just posted that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but cmon Uke Songs is a Masterpiece. You must be on crack.
A masterpiece?
I do feel bad for the op for not enjoying the show the way he wanted, but if Ed called someone out, good for him.
By the way, I'm not an elitist and Ed's actions/words are not gospel to me as was mentioned prior. I'm just a dude who hates the "my phone is my life" world we live in.
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
I think I'd feel the same way.
That DOES suck about changing your seats only to have Mike sit down right next to your old seat!! :(
Maybe this guy was texting someone from the board the set list...something along the lines of "OMG Present Fucking Tense!!"
I agree that Yield is a Masterpiece, maybe calling Uke Songs that is a stretch. But as a hard-core Eddie fan, I appreciate his ability to make a limited instrument sound so cool and that he discovered what really matters within his art.
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
I agree with you 100%. I have tried to get into the album, but it just won't grow on me. That could be because MMJ's Circuital came out around the same time and has monopolized my time. Personally I enjoyed Eddies 08 solo show much better, but understanding he was promoting Uke Songs.
2003 Mansfield: July 2
2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
2005 Montreal: Sept 15
2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
2010 Boston: May 17
2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7
EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
You know what else besides cell phones is annoying......when the ushers use their flashlights after the show starts to quiet people or help people find their seats. The first bunch of songs were uke songs and it was almost pitch black in there besides the low lights on stage. The fuckin ushers had no shame in shining their flashlights in peoples rows to help people find seats or shut people up. I swear the first 6 or so songs I kept seeing flashlights in the aisles near me. Must have been even worse behind me and up in the balcony.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
I know I would feel the same way the OP did. Might even slink out under the cover of darkness.
Pisser that it dampened your night.