Are there any tickeks left for Eddies show in Long Beach?

NoLogoNoLogo Posts: 289
edited July 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
Hey everybody!
I guess the answer is "No", judged by some other threads I´ve seen here, but are there by any chance 2 more tix available for Eddies show in Long Beach on 07/06? I´m from Germany, and for some reasons I just want to get out of here to free my mind for some time... good friend of mine lives in Orange and he reminded me of that show in Long Beach.. I don´t know yet if I really gonna make it, because I got tons to do at work right now, but still hoping for some spontaneous holidays..Will know it for sure tomorrow. Flight´s kind of ok... but whatever, is there hope for 2 tix for my friend and me?
Thanks alot and keep on rocking!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • NoLogoNoLogo Posts: 289
    LA on 07/08 could be another option...
  • TonyCliftonTonyClifton Posts: 106
    Keep checking craigslist, some are bound to show up before the 5th. I saw a bunch on there the other day but nothing recently. I did notice the StubHub vanishing act of LBC and Wiltern as of yesterday, which seems odd. Best of luck! Hope to see you there.

    -Tony Clifton
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.”
    -Mark Twain
  • NoLogoNoLogo Posts: 289
    Thanks alot! I will have an eye on it! Hope to see you there!
  • NoLogoNoLogo Posts: 289
    Thanks for your help guys and a very special BIG THANK YOU to Carolina for giving me the Long Beach tix! You´re my hero! Thank you soo much! :D
    Ok, have to pack my stuff now, have to get up again in 3 hours...
  • PJFreakPJFreak Vancouver, BC Posts: 59
    Thanks Peter! Have Fun - I'm sure you will since you're flying from Germany!!!
    He who forgets, will be destined to remember :)
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