St Louis crowd/fans

I'm pretty sure it was a better behaving crowd then has been previously posted from other shows.
I know I was around 10C people who all acted very respectful of the event.
Only negative was the tickets were pretty bad.
I think it is interesting that Ed V was jumping around like a nutbag during the show. He really seemed to enjoy the crowd, thanks to all who made it very fun for me.
Be proud that you weren't a disruption once during the show.
I know I was around 10C people who all acted very respectful of the event.
Only negative was the tickets were pretty bad.
I think it is interesting that Ed V was jumping around like a nutbag during the show. He really seemed to enjoy the crowd, thanks to all who made it very fun for me.
Be proud that you weren't a disruption once during the show.

"Honesty will always be construed as negative to a dumbass"
Post edited by Unknown User on
Must be something in the Lou's water. Here's the CC setlist from that night... 29 songs.
Original fire
Show me how to live
No such thing
You know my name
Hunger strike
Say hello to heaven
Fell on black days
What you are
Rusty cage
Acoustic set:
Can't change me
I'm the highway
Scar on the sky
Wide awake
Doesn't remind me half acoustic
Like a stone
Billie jean
Burden in my hand
Jesus christ pose
My Wave
Black hole sun
2nd encore:
She will never be your man
Zero chance
Slaves and bulldozers
Hey Matt, were you the guy handing the pins out to my kidlings?
I don't get it either...Why not show respect to the artist you are there to see?
One of the best concerts I've ever seen by the way.
I did, I told them to shut the fuck up. ;-)
I'm very diplomatic. :-)
really into the show in a respectful way and I loved the stories Ed told,
his interaction and enthusiasm.
What makes me the happiest is how happy Ed is...
you can tell how comfortable he is and at peace with himself and just happy!
Over these 20 years he has grown into a beautiful man,
with a beautiful soul to match.
I am very proud to be a fan of his and his music ...
he has been a guiding light for me.
Thank you Eddie!
The guy directly in front of me kept standing up taking pictures with flash, the security guy gave him several warnings. He kept yelling "FOUR DEAD IN OHIO" and "PJ, PJ, PJ" I couldn't believe he was still allowed to be there. The final straw for the security was when he lit a cigarette and the then put it out on the carpet.
What an idiot and what a waste of an excellent seat!
I guess he was just too drunk to act right but still quite annoying.
Then there was a couple behind us that *laughed when Geln was telling the story about the kid who jumped at his how. Glen actually looked pissed and said "that's the WRONG laugh." Losers.
But yeah, the majority of fans are there because they LOVE that man and his art but it just takes a few drunken fools to ruin it for everyone.
Same here, there was a dude that was "fall down" drunk that kept bumping into my husband and telling my husband to "watch it man." Not to count the at least ten trips he took to the bathroom/beer line and coming in half way through Waving Palms when my son and I were in a complete trance...thanks for ruining the moment. What a freaking loser and that is putting it nicely. If you don't care anything about seeing the show, please respect those of us who do. I also wanted to get a hold of who ever yelled out whatever they did during Eddie telling the story about his kids being born.
***Edit, actually it was in the middle of Can't Keep, dude didn't even care if he was in his seats for Eddie to come out on stage....he completely missed Waving Palms...
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
There was however one small group of fans whom I was near, completely out of line.
I was on the balcony left side, and about 3 rows down and a section to my right were 2 guys and 1 girl. In the middle of probably every song they would jump out of their seats, grab their heads and start headbanging... and not just during like Porch or something, I'm talking during "Trouble" "Betterman" and even "Arc"... songs that didnt need someone to be doing this, all the while eveyone else respectfully watched from their seats.. Halfway through the set one of the guys passed out (literally, he just fell asleep slumped in his chair),, but the other guy decided he needed TO STAND ON HIS CHAIR while literally every single other person in the area was sitting. It took probably 15 minutes of him standing on his chair with arms outstretched before security told him to get off the chair. The looks on the poor people sitting directly behind this douche made me almost get out of my chair and tell him to sit down. They kept straining their necks trying to see around his spasmatic awkward headbang and if I was a betting man I would say this idiot ruined what should have been an amazing experience for the people behind him.
(Given the physical nature of their behavior, I am almost positive they were on something much more intense than a few beers and a couple joints if you know what I'm saying)
Great show....lots of energy....awesome set list....
I agree, could have had better seats, but I'm not complaining. Had a wonderful evening.
EV - St. Louis 7/1/11 ** Tulsa 11/19/12
I was one of the good girls who stayed on the sidewalk. Was it just me or did the guy with the uke play the same song over and over?
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.