
Shallow cries from the cup. Vivid screams as the bottles drunk. The mind has no mercy, as the eyes can only witness so much. Helpless, she blacks out to the sounds.
And she says. . .
In the morning, as she struggles to find the pieces of herself; she starts to dream aloud. Makeup’s her best friend; always puts a smile to her face. Oh, how she wants to get up out of this place. But, this is the only life she’s known; she’s still waiting for his promises to turn gold.
And she says. . .
She still loves him; she can’t leave him now. And into his arms her grave shall be found.
And she says. . .
In the morning, as she struggles to find the pieces of herself; she starts to dream aloud. Makeup’s her best friend; always puts a smile to her face. Oh, how she wants to get up out of this place. But, this is the only life she’s known; she’s still waiting for his promises to turn gold.
And she says. . .
She still loves him; she can’t leave him now. And into his arms her grave shall be found.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
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