Chicago Newspapers Review EV concert

Both are pretty positive reviews: ... 9424.story ... ncert.html ... 9424.story ... ncert.html
Post edited by Unknown User on
Its hard to read anything telling me how great EV is . when i know this already .
Interesting that the Tribute reporting didn't like the duets. Falling Slowly was great and easily a highlight of the night. To each their own.
I completely agree. Falling Slowly was incredible!
'98 - 6
'00 - 8
'03 - 15
'04 - 2
'05 - 1
'06 - 8
'07 - 2 (Vic!)
'08 - 2
'09 - 2
'10 - 2 (50th show!)
'11 - 2 (PJ20)
'13 - 4
'14 - 4
Total = 60 (1st: Milwaukee 7/8/95, Last: Milwaukee Next: TBD in 2015)
Yeah, I found that interesting too. I actually am going to tonight's concert, but I have not heard one person post on this site saying they didn't like the duets. Quite the opposite. I guess I will find out tonight if they are good or a lull in the show (according to the Trib)