Obama and the Military

A recent history:
Obama "misspeaks" about dead Medal of Honor winner:
Speaking to Soldiers of the 10th mountain Division: "I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."
The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, September 17, 2009. President Obama handed the framed medal to his parents, Paul and Janet Monti. He and the First Lady comforted them in the Oval Office following the ceremony.
(Full story here: http://blogs.cbn.com/WhiteHouseWrap/arc ... istan.aspx )
Obama troop pullout based on politics, and unsafe says top Generals and advisors:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged that "the president had taken account of waning domestic political support when making the decision", AFP news agency reported.
Chairman of Joint Chiefs, Adm Mike Mullen said leaving troops in place was "the safer course" and that Obama's decision would "incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept".
General David Petraeus, President Obama's nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, echoed Mr Mullen's remarks, saying "The decision was a more aggressive formulation in terms of the timeline than what we had recommended."
(Full story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13893464 )
Obama pronounces Corpsman as "Corpse man":: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlKIfzoC8D0
NOTE: a CORPSE Man is a DEAD guy
We're all aware of the great lengths that Obama goes to, to pronounce Pakistan w/ 2 LONG 'A' sounds- (wouldn't want to offend his terrorist-collaborating brothers and sisters), but here we see the lack of respect he has for the brave Marines he sends to die in these very places.
This President does not have the confidence nor support of the forces he commands.
And all you drones that voted for this elitist jack-ass can follow him right off a cliff for all I care.
Have a nice day.
Obama "misspeaks" about dead Medal of Honor winner:
Speaking to Soldiers of the 10th mountain Division: "I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."
The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, September 17, 2009. President Obama handed the framed medal to his parents, Paul and Janet Monti. He and the First Lady comforted them in the Oval Office following the ceremony.
(Full story here: http://blogs.cbn.com/WhiteHouseWrap/arc ... istan.aspx )
Obama troop pullout based on politics, and unsafe says top Generals and advisors:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged that "the president had taken account of waning domestic political support when making the decision", AFP news agency reported.
Chairman of Joint Chiefs, Adm Mike Mullen said leaving troops in place was "the safer course" and that Obama's decision would "incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept".
General David Petraeus, President Obama's nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, echoed Mr Mullen's remarks, saying "The decision was a more aggressive formulation in terms of the timeline than what we had recommended."
(Full story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13893464 )
Obama pronounces Corpsman as "Corpse man":: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlKIfzoC8D0
NOTE: a CORPSE Man is a DEAD guy
We're all aware of the great lengths that Obama goes to, to pronounce Pakistan w/ 2 LONG 'A' sounds- (wouldn't want to offend his terrorist-collaborating brothers and sisters), but here we see the lack of respect he has for the brave Marines he sends to die in these very places.
This President does not have the confidence nor support of the forces he commands.
And all you drones that voted for this elitist jack-ass can follow him right off a cliff for all I care.
Have a nice day.
Post edited by Unknown User on
There's a big difference between the forces he commands, and the military Top Brass. The U.S Military has no business being in either Afghanistan, or Iraq. Bringing them home is the best thing he could do.
And as for making a gaffe about a dead Marine, this clearly isn't something Obama will be remembered for, unlike the previous Commander In Chief, who was a total buffoon.
You must be such a pleasant person to be around.
If attacking the messenger makes you feel better about your vote, so be it.
I doubt the family of Jared Monti shares your sentiment.
Byrnzie, I can't believe we agree on something, but I also believe we shouldn't be there, but fighting half-assed is even worse: It puts the soldiers at an even greater risk- and for his political gain.
And yes, Bush was a buffoon. WTF does that have to do with Obama's wars? They're his.
You dont have a clue about my sentiments. But yours are pretty clear -- you're better than anyone who voted for Obama. My point was that I read your post and was inclined to take it seriously until I read those last few lines and realized there IS no point because it sounded angry and pompous to me.
And you say about Obama's respect for the troops. Please. How about the respect our military have for human life? Just look at the civilian death toll in any of the country that we're in. (that we shouldn't be in)
that don't say much about you faith in Nobama or your understanding of the current issue...is this a sexist issue
ride it till the wheels fall off Parachute I'm lovin this stuff.
No, hopefully he'll be remembered for his illegal actions in Libya.
The point is what it is. You admitted it. But then dismissed it /c you don't like my politics. Put your head back in the sand.
Wonderful. If you're advice to Obama's re-election campaign is to run on the platform of:
"I'm not as bad as Bush"
Well, it will be a long, cold November.
I'm guessing the White House has yet to ask your advice....
Respect The Gotfather.
i hope that by remembered, you mean impeached.
Haters can say what they want about Bush- the man had faults- but HE went to Congress, and CONGRESS authorized military actions in Afghan AND Iraq.
In short, he obeyed the Constitution. Unlike the current President.
i hope that by remembered, you mean impeached.
Haters can say what they want about Bush- the man had faults- but HE went to Congress, and CONGRESS authorized military actions in Afghan AND Iraq.
In short, he obeyed the Constitution. Unlike the current President.
i would hate to break it to you, but congress did not declare war in iraq or afghanistan, which is actually in the constitution that only congress can declare war. so bush breached the constitution....you may want to check your facts before posting...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I didnt admit anything...you assumed.
But I'll address your "point":
(I dont know if you said this or if it was a quote) "...but here we see the lack of respect he has for the brave Marines he sends to die in these very places."
I disagree that you can make this above assessment from your limited examples. Even if I dont agree with many of Obamas decisions (and I dont agree with most), I dont think its fair to say that he lacks respect for our servicemen and women.
But I do agree with your politics when you say we should not be in either war right now.
and PS -- I'll put my head back in the sand when you climb down off your high horse in the clouds.
i would hate to break it to you, but congress did not declare war in iraq or afghanistan, which is actually in the constitution that only congress can declare war. so bush breached the constitution....you may want to check your facts before posting...[/quote]
http://articles.cnn.com/2002-10-11/poli ... LLPOLITICS
OCT 11, 2002:
"In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133."
Congress authorized Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghan) on Sep. 14, 2001 by a vote of 98-0 in the Senate, and 420-1 in the House.
check it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaratio ... ted_States
I don't usually respond to you Gimme, because, and don't take this personally, you are consistently the most ill-informed individual on this board. That's not to say I don't find you entertaining, but an academic? Not so much.
This should be your greatest FAIl ever, but somehow I believe a comprehensive study of your 400K posts would no doubt prove otherwise. Who's got the time.
I don't know how you will ever show your beautiful face around here again, as your post was the most, again, I mean no personal offense; but your STATEMENT was the MOST ignorant I have ever heard. And I say that w/ the utmost respect for you as a human being.
Beavis said, "Rock on Butthead."
I need a tylenol...
I mean, you can't just start dropping bombs because their is an internationally agreed humanitarian slaughter taking place. Sheesh! I mean, we didn't even get lied to! :roll:
Even JasonP knows that Congress approved both actions....
I'm waiting Gimme....
http://articles.cnn.com/2002-10-11/poli ... LLPOLITICS
OCT 11, 2002:
"In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133."
Congress authorized Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghan) on Sep. 14, 2001 by a vote of 98-0 in the Senate, and 420-1 in the House.
check it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaratio ... ted_States
I don't usually respond to you Gimme, because, and don't take this personally, you are consistently the most ill-informed individual on this board. That's not to say I don't find you entertaining, but an academic? Not so much.
This should be your greatest FAIl ever, but somehow I believe a comprehensive study of your 400K posts would no doubt prove otherwise. Who's got the time.
I don't know how you will ever show your beautiful face around here again, as your post was the most, again, I mean no personal offense; but your STATEMENT was the MOST ignorant I have ever heard. And I say that w/ the utmost respect for you as a human being.
Beavis said, "Rock on Butthead."
I need a tylenol...[/quote]
it was not a formal declaration of war. so yeah believe whatver you want.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
http://articles.cnn.com/2002-10-11/poli ... LLPOLITICS
OCT 11, 2002:
"In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133."
Congress authorized Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghan) on Sep. 14, 2001 by a vote of 98-0 in the Senate, and 420-1 in the House.
check it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaratio ... ted_States
I don't usually respond to you Gimme, because, and don't take this personally, you are consistently the most ill-informed individual on this board. That's not to say I don't find you entertaining, but an academic? Not so much.
This should be your greatest FAIl ever, but somehow I believe a comprehensive study of your 400K posts would no doubt prove otherwise. Who's got the time.
I don't know how you will ever show your beautiful face around here again, as your post was the most, again, I mean no personal offense; but your STATEMENT was the MOST ignorant I have ever heard. And I say that w/ the utmost respect for you as a human being.
Beavis said, "Rock on Butthead."
I need a tylenol...[/quote]
It always amuses me when you hear the bleeding hearts on the left, like John Kerry, bemoaning the Iraq War when they enthusiastically supported it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Completely and totally OWNED.
Why do I feel like a chess player at a checkers tournament?
Well, if it was the wrong decision, it was the wrong decision on both sides of the aisle. Unlike Libya, which Congress knew nothing about.
Barry broke the law.
"I don't usually respond to you Gimme, because, and don't take this personally, you are consistently the most ill-informed individual on this board. That's not to say I don't find you entertaining, but an academic? Not so much."
I actually don't remember posting that...
sorry it might have been Parachute but it's still mine (foxnews forever !)
It's Time to Declare War on Iraq
By JEFFREY KLUGER Friday, Dec. 01, 2006
http://www.time.com/time/nation/article ... 64,00.html
We may never know the multitude of options the Baker commission considered in preparing its recommendations for resolving the Iraq crisis, but here's one two-part strategy I'd wager no one thought of: Declare war, then get out.
The get-out part is easy for anyone who's given up on the entire enterprise as an ill-considered mess that we never should have gotten into in the first place. The declare-war part is a little harder to argue for. But the fact is, if we're ever going to get fully beyond this passage in our history — and figure out how never to make a similar mistake again — officially declaring a state of war with the sovereign nation of Iraq might be one of the most curative things we can do. After all, it's awfully hard to bring a formal end to something that never had a formal beginning.
Politicians and policy makers have burned no small amount of energy in the last half century parsing the fine, and sometimes nonexistent, shades of meaning that distinguish a police action from a conflict from a peacekeeping mission from a war. There are a lot of reasons those lines are so easy to blur, but one of the most problematic is that the U.S. Constitution — an otherwise estimable document — just dropped the ball on this one.
The true strength of the Constitution has always been tensile — the taut, almost musically tuned cables that suspend and balance the executive, legislative and judicial branches against one another. But the business of war powers has, from the beginning, been something of a flat string. Article I specifically vests Congress with the authority to declare war, but Article II designates the President as commander in chief not only of the Army and the Navy, but of the militias of the several states. That's a whole lot of power explicitly given to one person, and a whole lot that may or may not have been given to the legislature to share with him.
If the office of the President really wields absolute authority over the nation's military — and it does — then why involve Congress at all? When it comes to taking the country into combat, is the American legislature merely a symbol? A chorus? A solemnly nodding counsel of elders charged with standing behind the President when he dons battle gear?
The answer to that question may be nothing more than symbolic, but since all wars are fought as much with symbols as with steel, it's worth asking. When you're about to open up a can of hurt on somebody, there's a cleansing, tonic quality to declaring explicitly that those are your intentions. That's especially true when you were hit first — as the U.S. was on Sept. 11 or in December of 1941 — and the nation needs the lift of a good, bellicose roar. But there's more to it than that.
In the constellation of Congressional actions, a declaration of war is simply clearer, less cluttered than an authorization for war. There's a pusillanimous, don't-blame-me quality to simply giving the President the keys, inviting him to take the wheel and then tsk-tsk'ing if he wrecks the thing. War is a mortally serious business, one that is best not embarked on by granting the commander in chief a mush-mouthed authority to do that which he's empowered to do anyway. It's a little like those make-work proclamations Congress periodically busies itself issuing — declaring November Reading Readiness Month, or somesuch. It's a fine sentiment, but was the legislature really opposed to reading readiness before the measure passed?
A Congress that is more insistent about its right to declare officially when the country wades into war focuses the global and domestic minds on what's to come, not to mention its own. If you can't make a convincing case in the chambers of the House and Senate for a constitutionally proclaimed war, then perhaps we oughtn't embark on it. President George W. Bush took what was arguably undeserved heat during the 2004 campaign when, in a flash of either candor or carelessness, he conceded the point that the war on terror would not end explicitly with, say, a satisfying ceremony on the deck of a battleship during which all of the belligerents sign a peace accord.
A mere declaration of war would not have made that kind of appealing ending much likelier, but it couldn't have hurt either. Sixty-five years ago, we declared war against Japan and Germany, and we fought that one tenaciously and decisively and won it conclusively. We did not send the same message before hostilities began with either Iraq or Afghanistan, and there we drift and dither still. Now, we await commissions and coalitions to help extricate us from the shambles Iraq has become and achieve the stable state that Afghanistan could still be. Knowing what we were getting into in the beginning — and saying so out loud — might have helped spare us and the world a lot of pain.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
3 hours to come up w/ this drivel?
but as far as your gloating goes, you appear to be 5 years old.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"i posted on a message board, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!"
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i highly doubt that anyone who was against it back then would suddenly have a hard on for it now...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."