Beacon New York Night 1 (megabus from/to Philly

It looks like I'll be taking the megabus to New York for night 1 and then traveling back by myself as well. The unfortunate problem is that the megabus does depart New York for Philly until 1:15 am which sucks especially when your kinda broke. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to keep myself busy in an inexpensive and safe way between the end of the show and 1:15am. But who knows maybe Eddie will play to 1:00am. Being broke sucks around this concert time of year. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
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You could find a 24 hour diner by your bus stop and get a meal or sit at the counter with a cup of coffee before your bus ride. To stay safe, don't flash your bling around
The Apple Store on 5th Avenue and 59th Street is open 24 hours but it's probably in the wrong direction between the Beacon on your bus stop (are you getting on at Port Authority?)