Beacon New York Night 1 (megabus from/to Philly

marcosmarcos Posts: 2,112
edited June 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
It looks like I'll be taking the megabus to New York for night 1 and then traveling back by myself as well. The unfortunate problem is that the megabus does depart New York for Philly until 1:15 am which sucks especially when your kinda broke. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to keep myself busy in an inexpensive and safe way between the end of the show and 1:15am. But who knows maybe Eddie will play to 1:00am. Being broke sucks around this concert time of year. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks
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  • SuziemaySuziemay Posts: 11,168
    marcos wrote:
    It looks like I'll be taking the megabus to New York for night 1 and then traveling back by myself as well. The unfortunate problem is that the megabus does depart New York for Philly until 1:15 am which sucks especially when your kinda broke. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to keep myself busy in an inexpensive and safe way between the end of the show and 1:15am. But who knows maybe Eddie will play to 1:00am. Being broke sucks around this concert time of year. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks

    You could find a 24 hour diner by your bus stop and get a meal or sit at the counter with a cup of coffee before your bus ride. To stay safe, don't flash your bling around :mrgreen: In all seriousness, I generally feel very safe in NYC, just be street smart like you would in any other city, stick to the big streets and don't attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

    The Apple Store on 5th Avenue and 59th Street is open 24 hours but it's probably in the wrong direction between the Beacon on your bus stop (are you getting on at Port Authority?)
  • SuziemaySuziemay Posts: 11,168
    If you're looking for stuff to do before the show: ... stice.html
  • marcosmarcos Posts: 2,112
    Thanks for the advice, I think I know about the yptimes square scene, but like I said hope to leave the city with my shirt on, as my funds are very minimal. And the diner seems like a very ecominical idea Susie, good lookin out. I was also wondering if anyone else was in my situation and what they're plans were.
  • TsarinaLisaTsarinaLisa Posts: 205
    IF I manage to get a ticket for tomorrow, I will be taking the same Megabus home.
  • kr472211kr472211 Posts: 210
    Go to the 11pm show at the ucb theatre its great comedy for only $5 free on you get there late no drink minimum and its 5 short blocksto megaabus pickup from 26th and 8th
  • JenfarrJenfarr Posts: 680
    The Tic Tock Diner is at the corner of 34th and 8th, Close to where the Megabus leaves from, right?
    "McCready played on, lending credence to the theory that he was actually built in Stone’s basement from spare truck parts and vinyl records." - Glide Mag. review of MSG 7/8/03
  • TsarinaLisaTsarinaLisa Posts: 205
    No, Bolt leaves from there.
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