Petition for No Shouting at Seattle shows?!?

mattseattleusamattseattleusa North Idaho, USA Posts: 346
edited June 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
These solo shows are going to be very intimate and amazing! Just reading the night 1 reviews and setlist give me the chills!
I would love to just spread the word for those attending the Benaroya Hall Shows to not shout out at Ed for requests; or 'I Love You', 'EDD-IE', etc, etc. You can listen to the Benaroya Hall PJ 2003 show and hear how much those shouts can ruin the flow of the show. I am all for everyone going and singing along and cheering their freakin' lungs out..but PLEASE, try not to be that guy or girl when it is quiet or Ed is speaking. There are a lot of us that really want these tour-ending, homecoming shows to be an amazing experience...for all of us AND for Ed. We need to prove to him that Seattle is not a "shit crowd" as he called us in Vancouver! :P

Thanks for reading, spread the word and enjoy the shows!

Respectfully submitted.
I will not lose my Faith, it's an Inside job today....
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