Advice for Graduates

pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,435
edited June 2011 in All Encompassing Trip
so i recall putting together a thread like this last year so i'd thought i'd do it again. so whether high school, college, grad school or whatever here is some life advice from me. please feel free to comment and/or add your own. thanks.

1) learn to take criticism as constructive. don't listen to how it is delivered but what is delivered.
2) smile and say Hi to people. it's amazing what a smile can do for people, even those you don't know.
3) say thanks/thank you and you're welcome, not hey, sure, anytime, etc....
4) Tip well. especially if you expect to go back to a place again and again. you'll be amazed at the level of service you get when you tip well.
5) Attend viewings and funerals when a friend loses someone close to them. even though it might not show at the time it will mean so much to them that you took the time to show you care
6) friendship shouldn't have a scorecard. don't worry if a friend is hanging out with a new guy or girl more than you. be happy for them. being a good friend is being flexible to changing needs and relationships as you grow older. just because you are seeing them less doesn't mean you mean any less to them. people's lives adjust and change
7) get out of the left lane
8) people are more important than possessions. don't worry about keeping up with the jones', be happy for what you have and the people in you're life. besides the jones' have the same problems and concerns as everyone else
9) remember children and especially teenagers have enough drama in their life, don't add to it unecessarily. pay attention to them and make sure they know they are loved.
10) don't litter. it's not hard to throw trash in a trash can.
11) do something you are afraid of like riding a roller coaster, surfing, etc.
12) don't leave your friends in unfamiliar places alone. if you go to a bar with friends never leave one there alone if you don't know who they are with. be a good wing man/woman. a friends well being is surely worth an extra hour of your time
13) save a little bit each paycheck, even if only $10 or $20. it will add up over time
14) when playing blackjack learn basic strategy, it's not hard but not knowing may cost others money
15) earn your way, nothing is given to you. remember those who have worked longer and before you have earned the right to do some things that maybe you haven't yet, like leave early, take half-days, extended vacations etc.
16) remember children may be small and not necessarily paying attention but there usually is nothing wrong with their ears. you're words to and around children can have a huge effect, positively and negatively.
17) be respectful of your neighbors.
18) give to charity, even if only a little bit. even $10 or $20 helps.
19) never put down someones job or work. every job has meaning to someone and is important. think about what the world would be like if no one was scrubbing toilets, picking up trash, or serving you your meals. respect their jobs and what they are doing as much as you want yours respected.
20) dream. nothing wrong with having dreams even if they aren't realistically attainable. it keeps the mind going.
21) Nap. it's refreshing to your body and doesn't cost anything except a small amount of time.
22) listen to your body. it will tell when you something is wrong.
23) when listening to your body know the difference between being sick and being ill, being hurt and being injured. there is a difference between a cold and pneumonia, joint pain and torn ligaments. understand the differencies and learn what you can and cannot do with each.
24) remember a car can be a deadly weapon. follow the rules of the road and pay attention at all times. one second of innattention can cause a lifetime of heartache.
25) every once in a while call and/or talk to someone directly. it might not be as convenient as texting or emailing but it's more personal.
26) Always be on time or be early. being late shows a lack of discipline unless it is out of your control (traffic jams, etc.)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
    Don't burn bridges, you never know when you'll need that person or opportunity.

    Put in your time, you don't start at the top.

    Remember to take time to enjoy the small things, life moves fast
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    congrats to anyone that graduated/is graduating

    have a firm handshake...nothing worse than meeting someone and getting the dead fish handshake. believe it or not, this tells a lot about someone's personality. Also, always make eye contact when shaking hands

    Set goals for yourself...short and long term

    If you tell someone you're going to do something then make sure you do it
  • Jon ChorbaJon Chorba Posts: 268
    Excellent advice and congrats to the grads!

    I'd also recommend getting one Tony Robbin's programs. "Get the Edge" would be a real good one for grads. It pretty much goes into big detail of the OP's list.

    If You Like Crunchy Guitar Riffs, Powerful Vocals, Melodic Guitar Solos, And Meaningful Lyrics..then you need to check out one of the most refreshing new hard rock bands in quite some time...-->The Liberty Underground<--
  • MrMerkinballMrMerkinball Posts: 1,978
    I tell this to all graduates. I do a guest lecture every year.

    "Take notes on your way up. When you are managing people - they will always try to bullshit you. If you have done their job in your past - they can't bullshit you any more".
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,870
    On the last day of your life, don't forget to die.
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