Pre-sale disaster story...tell me what you think!

PF174356PF174356 Posts: 1
edited June 2011 in Technical Stuff and Help
Hello all,

Basically, I am really disappointed with the Ten Club administration at the moment, and I'm posting my story in hopes that no one will face a similar situation in the future.

Right now, I am currently working overseas as an ESL teacher and getting set to return home this summer. Of course, I was all the more stoked to come back when I heard about this upcoming PJ tour. So, when the tickets when on sale, I woke up in the middle of night local time to buy them. Then, after the first malfunction, I did it again the next night. Another error. "Well, ok," I thought..."annoying but I'm sure they'll get it right"

Then, two mornings later, I woke up to see that an email went out in the middle of the night (my time) and I missed the whole presale by 20 minutes! I wrote to the Ten Club, explaining that although I have been a Ten Club member for 8 years, there was no possible way I was going to get that notification in my sleep! This was a day before the public sale, and I said there must be something they could do. This is the response I got more than week later.

"Sorry to hear about the unfortunate timing. If some tickets come available we’ll let you know."

Then I sent them another email, explaining that for me, the primary benefit of shelling out 25$ per year to be a Ten Club member is to get first crack at tickets. In this case, a string of errors on their part denied me that chance and I felt that their response was somewhat disrespectful.

The response I got from that a few days later was basically, "meh, sorry about that."

I know it's not the most absurd mistreatment imaginable, but I feel that I deserved better. I'll be a PJ fan forever, but I doubt that I'll bother renewing my membership if this the sort of thing I'm paying for. To those of you going, enjoy the shows!

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • hostishostis Posts: 441
    bit harsh. 10C has apologised through every channel available, from this forum to radio to emails. They just couldnt cope and I dont expect them to give more that a "meh, sorry". they did their best, they made it obvious they did their best and sometimes life doesnt work out as you hope. I accept their apologies. Its one of those things and they have said they will do their best to ensure it wont happen again. Im not sure what more you can expect????

    If they turned round to your one email / symapthy request and said yes, here are 2 tickets, where do they draw the line? how many other people would expect tickets because their story / situation is mroe important than anyone elses....

    its your call if you decide to not renew your membership.
  • foursymbolsfoursymbols Dublin Posts: 528
    Tickets still available if you really want to go!! Is it just cos you wont be sitting right in front of the stage?? Can people only watch PJ in 10club seats?? :roll:
    'It's a sad and beautiful world' - Mark Linkous
  • bradM73bradM73 Posts: 19
    I heard there were about 17K tickets for 10C members. There are people from all over the world trying to get those tickets. I know the pre-sale was painful, and I as everyone else sat there hitting refresh and the back button for eight hours. I was lucky enough to get lawn tickets during the presale do-over, and maybe that is why I am not too mad about it. I just wonder what everyone would say if the system worked perfectly and could handle that many people logging in at the same time......the tickets would have been scooped up in about 5 seconds. The people that had them in the cart would have been lucky....everyone else would have been out of luck and still disappointed.

    I think the whole issue is that PJ is the best band around and have proven that for the last 20 years. They have touched the lives of so many from around the world and the fan club has just grown enormously. In order to satisfy all the 10C members they would have to give all the tickets to members (which may not be a bad thing), but then there would probably be complaints that you have to pay a yearly due just to go to their shows.

    Bottom line.....enjoy the music, enjoy your life, and be thankful for everything you have.
    9/17/1995 Tad Gormley Stadium New Orleans, LA, 10/7/1996 F.L. Baseball Stadium Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 8/26/1998 Blossom Music Center Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 9/22/1998 Coral Sky Amplitheatre West Palm Beach, FL, 9/23/1998 Coral Sky Amphitheatre West Palm Beach, Florida, 8/9/2000 Mars Music Amplitheatre West Palm Beach, Florida, 4/11/2003 Sound Advice Amplitheatre West Palm Beach, Florida, 5/13/2006 New England Dodge Music Arena Hartford, CT., 5/24/2006 TD Garden Boston, Mass, 9/3/2011 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI.
    9/4/2011 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI.
  • foursymbolsfoursymbols Dublin Posts: 528
    bradM73 wrote:
    .....enjoy the music, enjoy your life, and be thankful for everything you have.
    'It's a sad and beautiful world' - Mark Linkous
  • jammajamma Posts: 31
    I so badly wanted a reserved seat for a night and still wish so much that I had one, but I figure I am very lucky to be able to make this trip across country with my daughter and enjoy ourselves a vacation, even for lawn seats.
    "The difficult can be done immediately, the impossible takes a little longer."
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