EV Providence TIX FS

slug420slug420 Posts: 316
edited June 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
I have a pair of tickets to the PVD PPAC EV show next wed....basically I don't have anyone to go with right now so I am looking to either sell one ticket, or the pair (I am going to hartford so if I miss PVD I will still be alright :) )

These were 10c seats but bought through the 2nd presale so I have hard tickets in hand and can meet to exchange cash for ticket(s) whether you want one or two....let me know!

Seats are located in First Dress Left, row A

oh yea..looking for what I paid for them $88 for one or $175 for pr

best way to reach me is by email slug420 +at+ gmail .dot. com
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