Me EV solos ticket(s) for PJ East Canada ticket(s)

OffMeGoesOffMeGoes Posts: 483
edited May 2011 in Given To Fly (live)
So.....have some excellent single seats to EV solo shows in Long Beach and Oakland (one single seat to hartford that is balcony, still a good seat)...not able to go to all these shows now, but totally blanked on the PJ sale times, so I need to start from scratch on getting tickets for Montreal through Hamilton and then for Vancouver.....

SO...if there is anyone out there that needs EV solo single seats, (LB is orch. 14th row and Oakland is Orch row L night 2) and wants to trade for single seats to any of the Eastern Canada or Vancouver show, let me know!


OR, if you want to go in on stubhub seats or have extras to just sell, that would work too! Traveling all around Canada on a rail pass, and have friends out there too, so looking for some people to bounce around with....

Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
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