Netanyahu on Capitol Hill

His speech on right now, "Jerusalem Must never be divided, must always remain the Capitol of Israel",
He is speaking nothing but Zionist Propaganda, Lies, and Historical inaccuracies. Yet they Cheering him! They are giving him standing ovations!
He is speaking nothing but Zionist Propaganda, Lies, and Historical inaccuracies. Yet they Cheering him! They are giving him standing ovations!
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It's always interesting to note the few educated people on the hill who were not cheering the propaganda..and stayed seated when others jumped up in joy.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Rand Paul skips Netanyahu address
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a warm welcome from a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, freshman Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) skipped out on the speech, staging what appeared to be a silent protest of America’s foreign aid to Israel.
As senators gathered on the Senate floor before the address, Paul was spotted speaking to his staffers toward the back of the chamber. As the Senate procession across the Capitol began, the tea-party-backed senator quietly walked to his desk, sat down and began shuffling through papers and newspapers.
He remained the only senator on the Senate floor during the speech.
Earlier this year, Paul came under fire from both Democrats and Republicans after proposing cutting all U.S. foreign aid, including the $3 billion the country spends on military assistance for Israel each year.
However, Paul spokeswoman Moira Bagley pointed out that her boss had heard Netanyahu speak Monday night while attending the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, adding that Paul’s decision not to attend had more to do with a dispute with Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-Nev.) over the Patriot Act extension.
“This is about the PATRIOT Act and Reid not yet keeping his agreement on amendments,” Bagley said.
It will be interesting to see how Obama reacts to this following his call last week for the state to be based on the '67 borders. No doubt he'll now backtrack on this just like he did with the settlement issue last year.
This. Respect to Rand Paul though.
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they will support old bini because that is where the money is.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
By Eric W. Dolan
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 -- 8:49 pm
CODEPINK activist Rae Abileah was arrested at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. after heckling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to the anti-war group.
The 28-year-old Jewish American woman was allegedly tackled by members of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) during Netanyahu's speech to Congress after she yelled, "stop Israeli war crimes."
WATCH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heckled during address to Congress
Abileah was taken to the George Washington University Hospital, where she was being treating for neck and shoulder injuries.
"You know I take it as a badge of honor, and so should you, that in our free societies that you can have protest," Netanyahu said after being interrupted by Abileah. "You can't have these protest in the farcical parliaments in Tehran or in Tripoli. This is real democracy."
Speaking from her hospital bed, Abileah said she was in "great pain" but that it was nothing "compared to the pain and suffering that Palestinians go through on a regular basis."
“I have been to Gaza and the West Bank, I have seen Palestinians homes bombed and bulldozed, I have talked to mothers whose children have been killed during the invasion of Gaza, I have seen the Jewish-only roads leading to ever-expanding settlements in the West Bank."
"This kind of colonial occupation cannot continue," she added. "As a Jew and a U.S. citizen, I feel obligated to rise up and speak out against stop these crimes being committed in my name and with my tax dollars.”
During his speech, Netanyahu said Israel was willing to make "painful" land concessions for peace. ... -hospital/
a member of the leftist anti-war group Codepink was arrested after causing a ruckus. Half Moon Bay resident Rae Abileah interrupted the Israeli Prime Minister with a banner that read “Occupying Land Is Indefensible” and shouting, “No more occupation, stop Israel war crimes, equal rights for Palestinians, occupation is indefensible.”
Abileah was later arrested at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington DC after allegedly having been assaulted and tackled to the ground by American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) members in the audience. ... rime_m.php
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I think there is something to analyze here.
The Right clearly wants Obama to fail, and they will clearly oppose anything he does. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT STARTING A POLITICAL DEBATE HERE. I AM SIMPLY ATTEMPTING TO LOOK AT THIS AS OBJECTIVELY AS POSSIBLE: LIKE A CASE STUDY. They will stand against him publicly any chance they get. The Limbuagh view: "I want Obama to fail," and the Palin view, "How's that hopey-changey thing working for you," is evident. Those on the Right--and by Right I am not including the moderates, such as Brown, Snowe, Collins. And, this show of support for Netanyahu, a rather controversial leader of a controversial nation, in a controversial situation, clearly shows that they will do whatever it takes to stand in opposition to Obama.
I would have to do more research, when I have some time, but I am curious to see if this type of situation, or something similar to it, has ever happened before.
since they all have corporate interests at heart i would be willing to bet that they would have applauded mussolini as well...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Yeah, I remember all of Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh's speeches, as well as what many "people on the street" said. They all said something along the lines of: You don't have to like the President, but you have to support him. However, the day Obama won the election they threw all that out the window. I guess you just have to support him as long as he is a Republican.
All that bullshit like "If you don't like it, get out", "when you criticize the President you don't support our troops", etc, seemed to just disappear. In fact it went the opposite way, because now the Right seems to think that if you don't criticize the President, don't protest, don't get really angry, then you aren't a "real American". But when Bush was President the people who did the exact same thing were basically just a bunch of "left-wing, nut job, un-American, Commie scum".
Politics makes my head hurt.
Yep, that's democracy in action - silencing and beating up a female protestor.
Good article. Thanks for posting.
Congress to Palestinians: Drop dead
25 May 2011
Netanyahu's address to Congress demonstrated that he has no intention of making peace with the Palestinians.
MJ Rosenberg
If anyone had any doubt about whether the Palestinians would declare a state in September, they can't have them now.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to Congress that essentially was a series of insults to Palestinians and every insult was met by applause and standing ovations.
In fact, Netanyahu's appearance itself was an insult.
In the entire history of the United States, only four foreign leaders have addressed joint sessions of Congress more than once.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill, America's great ally, addressed Congress three times during World War II. President Nelson Mandela was honored for destroying apartheid and freeing South Africa. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was recognised for opening negotiations with the Palestinian people.
And now Netanyahu. For what?
In his entire term in office he has done nothing but reject every request by the United States that he take some action (like freezing settlements) to promote Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. In the history of Israel, there has been no prime minister as hardline on Palestinian rights and as indifferent to the wishes of the United States as Netanyahu.
So why was he invited to address a rare joint session?
He was invited because the new Republican leadership of the House of Representatives wanted to demonstrate, loudly and clearly, that Congress will not support President Barak Obama in the event that he tries to achieve an Israeli-Palestinian agreement.
And that is exactly what the Netanyahu appearance today did demonstrate. The prime minister unambiguously stated that he had no intention of making peace with the Palestinians.
He began by saying that, in point of fact, there is no occupation, stating, that "in Judea and Samaria [the term Israeli right-wingers use for the West Bank], Israelis are not foreign occupiers" but the native inhabitants. (He cited Abraham and Isaiah from the Bible!)
He said he might consider giving up some of that land but not an inch of Jerusalem. Additionally, he said that Israel would retain most settlements and insist on a military presence in the Jordan Valley (thereby ensuring the any State of Palestine would be locked in on both sides by Israel).
He said that Israel would never negotiate with a Palestinian government that included Hamas, whether democratically elected or not. He declared that not a single Palestinian would be allowed to return to Israel; not even a symbolic return would be acceptable to him.
There is little reason to elaborate. Netanyahu today essentially returned to the policies that Israel pursued before Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat agreed on mutual recognition and the joint pursuit of peace.
And the worst part is not the appalling things Netanyahu said, but how Congress received them. Even Netanyahu's declaration that there is no Israeli occupation was met with thunderous applause with the Democrats joining the Republicans in ecstatic support. Every Netanyahu statement, no matter how extreme, was met with cheers.
Netanyahu was also applauded wildly when he invoked Palestinian terrorism over and over again, even seeming to lump his former "partner," President Mahmoud Abbas with people who "educate their children to hate, [who] continue to name public squares after terrorists. And worst of all continue to perpetuate the fantasy that Israel will one day be flooded by the descendants of Palestinian refugees."
His bottom line, which Congress fully bought, was that all Palestinians are terrorists who haven't earned a state. And probably never will.
Congress cheered and cheered and when Netanyahu was finished, they climbed over each other to touch the hem of his garment.
It was as if Congress thought that no Palestinians or other Arabs (or Muslims) would be watching. It was as if it believes that it can shout its lungs out for Netanyahu (and thereby secure those campaign contributions from AIPAC), without any consequences to US policy and national interests in the Arab world.
But Congress is wrong. The message it sent to the Middle East today, to the whole world, in fact, was that Palestinians cannot count on the United States to ever play the role of "honest broker" between Israel and the Palestinians. Even if President Obama was inclined to, Congress would stop him. And AIPAC, using the leverage its campaign contributions gives it, would hold Obama's feet to the fire too. As far as Congress is concerned, Palestinians do not exist. They have no rights, to a state least of all.
And that is why Palestinians have no choice but to unilaterally declare a state in the fall. They cannot count on America. As David Ben Gurion understood when he went to the General Assembly to achieve recognition of Israel, a small, powerless people must take its destiny into its own hands.
The good news is that, although Congress is in Netanyahu's pocket, the Obama administration isn't. Netanyahu insulted the President at the White House last Thursday and then again in the halls of Congress by eliciting support for policies Obama rejects. And the administration is furious.
That means that although Palestinians can and should ignore Congress, the White House and State Department are still in play. Yes, they will both go along with Netanyahu, but, probably, without much enthusiasm.
And they can send a signal to our allies that although the United States cannot openly oppose Bibi's policies because of Congress - and AIPAC's control of it - the allies can. The Palestinians should not give up on Obama or on Secretary of State Clinton either who cannot abide Netanyahu and made sure she was out of the country to escape being present for his speech.
And so we can look forward to a unilateral declaration of statehood in September. The Israelis who refuse to negotiate with stateless Palestinians will have no choice but to negotiate with the state whose land it is occupying. And those negotiations, state to state, may produce peace and the "two states for two peoples" that most Palestinians and Israelis aspire to. In any case, it's the only hope.
Palestinians should thank Prime Minister Netanyahu and, even more, the United states Congress for making their choice so much easier. Together they helped create the Palestinian state today. And that is a very good thing.
As for Americans, we should be deeply ashamed of our Congress. It has been sold to the highest bidder.
— Socrates
Except that the article you posted in the other thread was pure nonsense.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
WASHINGTON, — Declassified files detailing an FBI investigation targeting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee are now available on the Internet. AIPAC was investigated after it acquired and circulated classified government information provided in strict confidence by US industry and worker groups opposed to AIPAC sponsored economic legislation.
The 50 pages now available as portable document files (PDF) include:
FBI reports of Israelis circulating classified documents in the US Congress, “compromising” the authority of the U.S. President.
US Trade Representative concerns that AIPAC was tactically “divulging” classified information supplied by US industries opposed to AIPAC lobbying initiatives.
Reports from the International Trade Commission that AIPAC and Israeli operatives “usurped” US government authority and that an Israeli intelligence service operative was working undercover on AIPAC’s staff:
Internal Department of Justice prosecutorial opinions that “theft of government property” had occurred:
An FBI director order that the Washington Field office give the AIPAC investigation top priority after Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was caught on video surveillance stealing classified US national defense information:
FBI special agent interviews of Israeli minister of economics Dan Halpern who claimed diplomatic immunity. Halpern admitted passing classified US documents to AIPAC but refused to name his source:
FBI special agent interviews of AIPAC’s former director of legislative affairs detailing how he made copies of the classified documents for AIPAC’s lobbying use after being ordered to return them to the US government.
FBI interviews of key AIPAC employees involved in handling the classified US government information (full document listing): ... president/
Before One can become President of the US, a potential candidate needs to visit AIPAC, give a speech and show it's unbreakable support for it.
Yeah, that's just fine. ... re=related
that's an interesting point. over in Israel the other 80 members don't have to worry about being branded as anti-Semitic.
I don't think most Americans really understand Israeli politics. fuck, they don't understand their own politics. kinda hard for me to give a fuck, either way. things will just be as they will be. as God wanted them to be, so they will say.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."