
I started to write some dribble drabble flight about reliable magic tricks thickly wading through ideas and then I realized that something is only considered magical if it's mysterious and unreliable because if we can rely on it and we know how it works it no longer seems like Magic and yet something like Edison's invention of a lightbulb and the way it's taken hold in our homes is still quite amazing if we think about it sunlit here I am in a dining room that's getting darker because the sun is going down but I know I won't have to sit dimlit in the dark for long low though I CAN flip the switch and light this room so reliably so wonderfully and yet it's easy to forget and take it all for granted isn't it (?) so easy please me because this energy is harnessed and available from a power station somewhere out there and it's delivered across some power lines across some distance I haven't bothered to calculate on what date in fact I have never bothered to understand how lightbulbs and power lines actually deliver their gift of light and yet I rely on it. As so many people do! And, most people take energy gifts for granted because we live NOW and not pre-Edison's-invention, but shouldn't we be somewhat grateful?