Racist! Racist! Everyone is Racist!

I see Kat Only Christains can be grouped as racist....so sorry I didn't stick with the liberal laws here on the MT!
I agree with Craig Chamberlain who says
Racist. It’s a word thrown around so frequently, and casually, these days that the word has lost all real meaning. The word has been so devalued that its a wonder that people are still afraid of being stuck with that label, after all according to the NAACP, and other leftist groups, everyone is racist. Just like I’m not shocked when some punk kid drops a bunch of F bombs in public, I’m not surprised, or worried, when so called civil rights groups, in a spasm of rage and paranoia, flail about wildly and accuse everyone in sight of being a racist. It’s enough to make the mature and civilized sigh wearily and say “fine I’m a racist. Now can you let me get on with my life?”
Of course that’s not going to happen.
I agree with Craig Chamberlain who says
Racist. It’s a word thrown around so frequently, and casually, these days that the word has lost all real meaning. The word has been so devalued that its a wonder that people are still afraid of being stuck with that label, after all according to the NAACP, and other leftist groups, everyone is racist. Just like I’m not shocked when some punk kid drops a bunch of F bombs in public, I’m not surprised, or worried, when so called civil rights groups, in a spasm of rage and paranoia, flail about wildly and accuse everyone in sight of being a racist. It’s enough to make the mature and civilized sigh wearily and say “fine I’m a racist. Now can you let me get on with my life?”
Of course that’s not going to happen.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
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Agreed. Aerial is no racist, but like Kat said...he paints with a broad stroke and it isn't fair.
Your recent posts are not about Christians being killed but an attack on Muslims as a whole.
BIG difference :roll:
well im not going to lie, when people are killed that are so far away from me i don't really care that much, regardless of race and religion
That's not the case at all. We just don't care for unintellectual, narrow-minded, bigoted posts that are designed to incite hateful comments rather than any rational debate or dialogue.
Most people care. It's the labels that aren't the big concern, yet you're putting all your focus on that.
It's sad when people kill people. End of story. Focus on the act, rather than the belief system. Condemn all killing rather than bring light to a killing of a certain group of people as a reply. That's why people are jumping on you.
I'm sure no muslims have been killed over their religion. No. Of course not. Christians would never kill anyone. Ever. Never ever. Never anyone that disagrees with them. Nope. la la la la. Can't hear you. We're God's chosen people. Jeebus loves me this I know...
I refuse to be PC. Facts are facts. The damned news stations are saying Muslims are KILLING Christains.
wake up man...When you say "Muslims hate all who are not like them" (you said in your other thread), it can be received many many ways. obviously many people here are trying to explain to you nicely that maybe you might not be racist, but you should chose your words more wisely, or you could come off sounding racist.
Are you using that Broad Brush? Don't worry it's ok to degrade Christains on the MT
Are you talking about Karla Tucker, the Christian woman George W. executed in 1998?
Who the blue hell is degrading Christians? We're degrading killing. In general. Killing is bad. It's right there in the Christian commandments that you should follow. Thou shall not murder. It's black and white. Killing=bad. Killing Chritians=bad. Killing muslims=bad. Killing baby tigers=bad.
That is a very obvious fact. People are being killed BECAUSE they are Christian. That's not fair. The killers must be thinking "Christians are all... blah blah hate, hate". Maybe it's not fair to blame an entire religious group because of some specific grievance you have.
Caring about one group ONLY killing another group is...what then?
I don't know about race, but you said this : "I don't know about those people that say that muslims are not violent or there are a few radicals. Seems they hate all that are not like them."
And that can be easily taken as bigotry towards a religion.
it is racist because it paints people of a religion as being inherently violent as a whole which simply isn't true
for example if i said that all catholics where kiddy fiddlers, and believed it, i would be racist
No, I am not talking about the murderer that had multiple orgasms while killing two people.
Please explain "several hundreds" (your words, not mine) out of a total of 1.5 billion justifying an entire religion.