Carlos Castaneda
Anyone else read these books. I've read them all except maybe one or two of the later ones.
What do people think about them? Did he just make it all up, or was Don Juan Matus a real person, and were these books based on real events? I wasn't impressed so much with the first book as it just focuses on the psychedelic plants, whereas 'A Separate Reality', and all the later books focus on the spiritual/philosophical stuff.
My favourite Castaneda book is still 'Journey to Ixtlan'.
Carlos Castaneda books : the shaman philosopher
"A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting."
The great shaman, philosopher and anthropologist whose work and life has been called controversial and widely disputed, even at his death. Modern historians and fans have always disagreed on the existence of the main hero, philosopher Don Juan and his disciples.
The tale begins with the first book, where all the ground work is laid out and Castaneda rids of his fear, for life. The Teachings of Don Jouan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge start with the consumption of mushrooms and other strong psychedelics. Slowly the philosophical aspect grows deeper and more complex, reaching a climax with his masterpiece The Art of Dreaming.
The teachings are universal and through Castaneda's tales of shaman magic, you will find many everyday practical solutions for living life at the full, feeling strong and determined, free of fear and anger.
Discover a world beyond your imagination but within your capabilities. But do not be fooled. These books contain much more philosophy than descriptions of mind-altering states. Also do not let your self be put off by the repetition in the early books. Castaneda usually asks the same questions over and over again to Don Juan. But with repetition always comes knowledge as you gain an insight into the complex cosmic theories of the Mexican shaman.
Always try to read Carlos Castaneda books in order of publication as the story and philosophy unfold. It should really help understanding his teachings, rather than simply follow the plot of every book unfolding. Some might say that it is impossible to fully grasp the meanings of these books if you do not read them in their original order.
Carlos Castaneda Bibliography:
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda
Separate Reality - Carlos Castaneda
Journey To Ixtlan - Carlos Castaneda
Tales of Power - Carlos Castaneda
The Second Ring of Power - Carlos Castaneda
Eagle's Gift - Carlos Castaneda
Fire from Within - Carlos Castaneda
Power of Silence - Carlos Castaneda
The Art of Dreaming - Carlos Castaneda
The Active Side of Infinity - Carlos Castaneda
The Wheel Of Time : The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe - Carlos Castaneda
The Witch's Dream : A Healer's Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda
What do people think about them? Did he just make it all up, or was Don Juan Matus a real person, and were these books based on real events? I wasn't impressed so much with the first book as it just focuses on the psychedelic plants, whereas 'A Separate Reality', and all the later books focus on the spiritual/philosophical stuff.
My favourite Castaneda book is still 'Journey to Ixtlan'.
Carlos Castaneda books : the shaman philosopher
"A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting."
The great shaman, philosopher and anthropologist whose work and life has been called controversial and widely disputed, even at his death. Modern historians and fans have always disagreed on the existence of the main hero, philosopher Don Juan and his disciples.
The tale begins with the first book, where all the ground work is laid out and Castaneda rids of his fear, for life. The Teachings of Don Jouan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge start with the consumption of mushrooms and other strong psychedelics. Slowly the philosophical aspect grows deeper and more complex, reaching a climax with his masterpiece The Art of Dreaming.
The teachings are universal and through Castaneda's tales of shaman magic, you will find many everyday practical solutions for living life at the full, feeling strong and determined, free of fear and anger.
Discover a world beyond your imagination but within your capabilities. But do not be fooled. These books contain much more philosophy than descriptions of mind-altering states. Also do not let your self be put off by the repetition in the early books. Castaneda usually asks the same questions over and over again to Don Juan. But with repetition always comes knowledge as you gain an insight into the complex cosmic theories of the Mexican shaman.
Always try to read Carlos Castaneda books in order of publication as the story and philosophy unfold. It should really help understanding his teachings, rather than simply follow the plot of every book unfolding. Some might say that it is impossible to fully grasp the meanings of these books if you do not read them in their original order.
Carlos Castaneda Bibliography:
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda
Separate Reality - Carlos Castaneda
Journey To Ixtlan - Carlos Castaneda
Tales of Power - Carlos Castaneda
The Second Ring of Power - Carlos Castaneda
Eagle's Gift - Carlos Castaneda
Fire from Within - Carlos Castaneda
Power of Silence - Carlos Castaneda
The Art of Dreaming - Carlos Castaneda
The Active Side of Infinity - Carlos Castaneda
The Wheel Of Time : The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe - Carlos Castaneda
The Witch's Dream : A Healer's Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda
Post edited by Unknown User on
my favorite is 'Journey to Ixtlan' as well.second favorite is The Art of Dreaming
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I don't believe he made them up either. All of his books rang true to me. And the criticism of him, and doubts about the authenticity of these books, has all been pretty flimsy.
egoism is the worst enemy of humans
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
The first book desribes Castaneda's first meeting with Don Juan and his being introduced to a range of Psychotropic plants which Don Juan gave him in order to break down/loosen his perception of the world. Don't get too hooked on the druggy side of this first book, as he explains in the following books that this is a very minimal aspect to the teachings.
Personally, if I were to introduce Castaneda's books to someone for the first time I'd tell them to skip the first one as it gives people a distorted view of what these teachings are really all about.
Best I can tell you, these books are pure New Age \ Esoteric rhetoric meant to indoctrinate "open minded" folk in to Occult dogma.
Carlos Castaneda is commonly filed under "New Age" and after taking a quick glance down the list of things in the teachings of "Don Juan", it's not hard for me to understand why.
I seriously doubt the factual truth of the book.
It is 100% in-line with New Age\Occult\illuminist Modus-Operandi to disclose the fundamental tenets of its belief system disguised under the "teachings" of some *other* religion. This almost seems to be the central "plot" of their "conspiracy", if you will.
No one would believe the Secret Societies if they just came out and spewed their babble about The Mysteries and the spiritual world, and the cosmic mind, The One consciousness, disembodies intelligences, spiritual hierarchies, magic, and super-human abilities (clairvoyance, psychism, etc) and on and on ... NO ONE would probably fall for it.
But ***through repetition*** and PARTICULARLY through the exploitation of the ***alleged*** belief systems of "indigenous" cultures, they can convince the masses that the reality they assert exists, is in fact the historically documented (via their falsified prophetic writings) reality, and that you should thus accept it.
To further the point, Carlos Castandeda and his alleged teachings of the shaman, Don Juan, appear to be no different than the "prophecies" of the Maya, or of the Hopi, or of the many many "channeled" entities, or the standard esoteric writings of masonic authors like Manly P. Hall, or of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky.
The insinuation that there are other states of cosmic consciousness, other methods of accessing reality, and other spiritual and possibly alien intelligences is a Theosophical main-stay and based on the most comprehensive blend of eastern and occidental religions that "these people" could pull off.
Could they in fact be trying to disclose the truth to us (instead of merely trying to trick us in to some global "new world order" brotherhood) ??? Yeah sure. In which case maybe we can meet at the masonic initiation on Sirius for the 7th initiation some day (that's Alice Bailey talking right there).
But is Castaneda's account of his exploits literally true? I SIRIUSly doubt it. I think it was just convenient packaging (at the time) for passing along a "new" (very old occult) current of thought to western consciousness via a story that reeked of indigenous religious sentimentalism, which was rampant during the 60's and 70's.
Any how.
Maybe i'm way off base, but that's my take.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Have you read any of his books?
No, Byrnzie, I haven't.
But i did just skim several pages of extracted quotes from "Don Juan", and they mimic actual, esoteric, and admittedly New Age texts, not only in his language of internal self-discovery and "waking up" to spiritual life, but in even the specifics of teachings with regards to "two brains" and so forth.
I'm not claiming to be an expert on the guy, I'm just telling you as someone who has done substantial research in to late 19th and early 20th century Occult primary texts that Carlos Castaneda is parroting those teaching. This is no surprise. They're still doing it. David Icke is half disinformation and half selling you Occult beliefs. Thats what Zeitgeist was doing. Go watch some Zeitgeist Refuted movies. The first part of the first movie is verifiable bullshit, it has its source texts deeply rooted in New Age\Occult authors, and it is pure deception \ deliberate propaganda to brainwash\reorient people to a New Spiritual (non-christian) Age. Once you understand that the New Age consistently has its authors sell a mixture of indigenous belief hoaxus-pocus \ conspiracy disinformation about the power structure \ and whack alien\spiritual beliefs, its not hard to see that Castaneda is simply more of the same.
But you're right, I'll have to read a book or two just to see how batshit whack it is.
Who knows.
Like I said. Maybe they are all right.
Maybe thats the way the world is.
In which case, beam me up to Sirius, Scotty.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Actually, Castaneda's books don't mimic anything, and he makes no mention of anything to do with "two brains". But then you've not read any of his books, so your just guessing.
Interesting that you place Castaneda's writings in the same category as David Icke, Zeitgeist, and conspiracy theories, when his books have absolutely nothing to do with this stuff. I've also read primary occult books and to claim that his books parrot those earlier works is pure nonsense. Mexican shamanist traditions have very little to do with European Occultism.
As for the fist part of Zeigeist, which deals with how Christianity is based on earlier pagan traditions, can you explain how this is batshit crazy?
You can post your reply in this thread if you like: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=144037&hilit=jesus%3F
That's very open-minded of you.
Actually. That's not true, Byrnzie.
I'm not just making this shit up. I don't have a lot of time this morning, but I'm not letting this go unrefuted.
Here is a link to a page with experts from Castaneda's work, link, you can refute that these are indeed from Castenda's books, i suppose.
" Seers are divided into two categories. Those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general, and those who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. The latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance."
Alice Baily talks about The Great White Lodge, and The Dark Brotherhood. Both perform magic. Both know the same truths. The White Lodge uses their abilities for the sake of ALL of humanity. The Dark Lodge uses them for selfish purposes.
" The first truth about awareness is that the world out there is not really as we think it is. We think it is a world of objects and it's not.
You say you agree with me because everything could be reduced to being a field of energy."
This is a core belief of Occultism, extending all the way back to Plato and further, I suspect. We live in what we believe to be a world of forms, which the Occult tells us repeatedly is nothing more than energy "stepped down" in to more dense form.
"The two basic qualities of warriors are sustained effort and unbending intent"
Masonry deals with "The Warrior on The Block" and it is a core belief of Occultism that "they human dynamo" is available in all for use, but must be activated through not just ritual, but routine and constant effort and will.
"The earth itself is a living being. The old seers saw that the earth has a cocoon. They saw that there is a ball encasing the earth, a luminous cocoon that entraps the Indescribable Force 's emanations. The earth is a gigantic sentient being subjected to the same forces we are."
The notion that the earth has it's own consciousness is STRAIGHT out of the Occult. Alice Bailey talks about "the Planetary Logos" repeatedly. And the notion that there are scientifically hitherto unrecognized forces surrounding the earth is also straight out of the Occult. Check out Mahatma Letter 23 for a whole essay on electromagnetic atmosphere mumbo-jumbo.
" Every one of us human beings has two minds. One is totally ours, and it is like a faint voice that always brings us order, directness, purpose, The other mind is a foreign installation. It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness: it's ourselves as the me-me center of the world."
This tracks with what Occultists talk about all the time. You have a lesser mind that and a higher mind. One is a vehicle for personal thought and distraction. The other ("totally ours") is our connection to both "The One" and "The Will".
Again, I'm out of time this morning. But I'm more than happy to continue this discussion and extend the comparison of Castandeda's pretended "shamanic" belief system to the ACTUAL stated philosophy\theosophy of The Occult \ Mystery Schools.
I'm not trying to be a dick or to mislead you.
I'm trying to help show you what I know to be true.
I only lump Castaneda with those other authors because of the fact that he pretends to teach you one thing (shamanism) but in reality is presenting you with an Occult belief system. Zeitgeist, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, and many others who PRETEND to be showing you random conspiracy theory are in reality giving you a direct presentation of Occult though \ indoctrination DISGUISED as some other form of communication.
If you want IRREFUTABLE PROOF of that fact with relation to some of these folks, watch the following:
David Icke Debunked
Jordan Maxwell Debunked
I'll post it right here. The most thorough debunking can be found here:
Aquarius: Age of Evil
which CLEARLY shows the relation bewteen Zeitgeist and Alice Bailey \ Blavatsky, et all \ New Age.
Also, Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked, or Zeitgeist Refuted: Final Cut
The claims used to support the New Age and to discredit the Jesus story are a MASSIVE FRAUD, and can be shown as such.
Like I said, I wasn't trying to be a dick. Just honest.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The fact there maybe correlations between completely different schools of thought doesn't mean that one has mimicked the other.
Are you aware that spritual beliefs have existed on every continent on this planet for thousands of years?
Are you trying to suggest that Meso-American peoples such as the Maya, Aztec, and Toltec, who lived in that part of the world from around 2000BC chose to mimick the belief systems of 18th and 19th Century Europeans? Think about what your saying.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but spiritual beliefs, including shamanism, didn't begin with David Icke and the Zeitgeist movies.
You haven't read any of Castaneda's books, so you really have no idea what he's talking about, and in what context.
But to satisfy those who are curious (and maybe you) of a few points.
This guy wrote a book about Castaneda, and how he "hoaxed" his tales:
Castaneda's Journey: The Power and the Allegory
I found this on the following ATS thread (i hate that place, to be honest): here
and the guy (the OP) had posted the following excerpted synopsis from another article:
That should stop you dead right there.
It is fabricated, straight up.
Also (i learned about this from that same ATS thread) ...
this guy, Fantasies of the Master Race: Literature, Cinema, and the Colonization of American Indians has the following to say:
The page, has this to say about the current stage of misrepresentation of native american culture:
I'm sorry to burst your bubble. A *LOT* of New Age \ Occult thought is highly appealing to the intellect, and feels "right", but you need to be careful. The New Age is proveably full of a LOT of shit, for as much "truth" as they *may* also be "disclosing" or "externalizing".
I don't have time enough to address every single "amazing" corollary I saw between Castaneda's "Don Juan" and the "legitimate" (proveable, verifiable, admitted) teachings of the Mystery Schools, but the fact that it is proven that Castaneda was putting us on with his "cover story" in the first place is a giant clue that his "teachings" come from somewhere ELSE.
Like Maxwell, Icke, Zeitgeist, The Celestine Prophecy, The Hopi Hoax, Zacharia Sitchin, and a LOT of other horseshit, that source is The New Age \ Occult movement. This is what The New World Order (and Alice Bailey uses that term repeatedly) wants us to think and believe.
We can debate their motives, and we can talk about the White and Dark lodges, if they exist, and if that is a put on to keep you from realizing that they are all one big family trying to rule us or not. We could talk about what The Mysteries *really* are, and if it is anything more legitimate than a put-on control structure.
But i don't think we need to sit here and argue over if Castaneda talked to Don Juan or not, because it is glaringly apparent that it is a put on used to disseminate Occult teaching and to morph popular opinion of Native tradition so that people will accept that the Mystery Schools teachings are genuine & that native people also imbraced them.
Of course I am aware of native teachings and that all cultures have them.
What I am suggesting to you is not that they copied a later culture (The Mystery Schools) ... what I AM seriously suggesting is that the Mystery School are Co-Opting and MisRepresenting \ Dinsinforming you of what those cultures believed, in order to make you think that these teachings are authentic "long standing" beliefs of seperate religious groups. Remember that the goal of the Mystery Schools is a one world religion and one world political unity. Not a One World Government perse, but a united human family sharing one common religio-political belief structure. To acomplish that they have to anihilate &\or assimilate all previously held belief structures. That is exactly that Theosophy was doing, and what the New Age is STILL doing through their masonic\occult disinfo agents like David Icke and others.
Sure "spirituality" is prevalent around the world. People believe in all sorts of degrees of stupid to sane shit. Actually one of the reasons for the original implementation of the (Greek, but presumably all) Mysteries was to form more cohesive political and religious unity and to STOP barbaric\sub-human religous practices and instill some culture and moral values in to the populace. That still doesn't mean that the religious thoughts taught by the Mystery Schools themselves are "real" any more than it means that just because the New Testament teaches good morals that IT must be a real story too.
David Icke uses and talks about talking to (or communicating with) the same "Ascended Masters" as Madam Blavatsky.
Do you think that makes any sense? I mean, do you think that Madame Blavatsky (circa 1880) was communicating with some disembodied spirit, and that David Icke, circa 1995, was talking to the same spirit?
Or do you think they are both spewing the same hogwash because they are in on the same thing?
Remember the New Age IS The New World Order IS "The Illuminati".
How far do you want to take this anyhow?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
So based on a quick internet search of anything you can find to criticize and refute Castaneda - none of who's books you've read - you discover that someone wrote a book attempting to discredit him, and you then assert that Castaneda's books are all fabricated.
Sorry pal, but you've not convinced me of anything. You've never read any of his books. You know nothing about him other than what you discovered in a quick internet search in an effort to criticize him. And you go off on a bunch of completely irrlevant tangents about David Icke, The Zeitgeist movies, and the Illuminati.
I have no interest in David Icke, and neither did the people of Ancient Mexico. David Icke doesn't represent, or speak for, 8000 years of known religious, spiritual, and/or shamanistic beliefs and practices.
You're trying to convince me that Castaneda's writings - none of which you've read - are a hoax, and/or absurd, yet in the same breath you want me to believe that Castaneda, David Icke, The Illuminati, and the makers of the Zeitgeist movies, are all part of a combined world-wide conspiracy to take over the world?
Ok Byrnzie.
You're right.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The day the stormtroopers of the New World Order/Bilderburg group come knocking on my door and tattoo a bar code on my forehead, I'll retract everything I've said and send you a personal apology.
I just had a full reply typed up for you, I hit Save, so i could go get these quotes, and the damn save is not in the Draft folder. Stupid board.
We can debate for hours and get no where.
I can at least show you that what you laugh at is the legitimate and well articulated thoughts of people who do believe in and work actively towards a New World Order, peaceful or otherwise.
Selected Alice Bailey quotes I culled for a PM with someone -- I could give you another handful of highly relevant ones about spreading their message via various different forms of mass media, but this should give you the jist -- there goal is to spread their message and educate ... that is what Castaneda was doing (that is why he is classified under "New Age" by librarians and book store owners):
"The New Age will bring in eventually a civilisation and a culture which will be utterly different to anything hitherto known."
"This is a spiritual work in which you are engaged, and it has educational objectives which have for their goal the dissemination of those principles which must govern world-living adn world attitudes during the coming New Age."
"Objectives of the Plan: The statement has been made that Those Who constitute the inner government of the world, or the so-called planetary Hierarchy, are working to facilitate the entry of the new ideals and aims into the consciousness of the race. These new ideals and aims are characteristics of the New Age. This statement is of importance, because it indicates that the effort now on foot is in line with the evolutionary development going on upon our planet. It is therefore assured of ultimate success. The work that The New Group of World Serves is endeavoring to do is intended to hasten the process, and so avert a long period of distress and disorder."
"This group (the New Group of World Servers) will provide an international unit, made up of intelligent men of goodwill, which must inevitably control world destiny and bring about world peace, and thus organise the new world order. They will do this without the use of the old political machines, the violent propaganda, and the organised force which are characteristic of the old world order. Their method is the method of education; they will mould public opinion and foster natural goodwill and national, religious, and economic interdependence. What they are really attempting to do is to awaken into fuller activity an aspect of human nature which is always present, but which has hitherto been subordinated to selfish or ambitious ends. Human beings are innately kind when their minds are not distorted and their vision impaired by the false teaching of any selfish interest, political propaganda and racial or religious difficulties."
If I opened it now would you not understand?
But then you've not read any of his books, so you only have your preconceived assumptions to go on regarding this.
I recommend you read some of his books: I'd begin with either 'A Seperate Reality', or 'Journey To Ixtlan'.
1998: Barrie
2000: Montreal, Toronto, Auburn Hills
2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal
2004: Boston X2, Grand Rapids
2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
2006: Toronto X2
2009: Toronto
2011: PJ20, Montreal, Toronto X2, Hamilton
2012: Manchester X2, Amsterdam X2, Prague, Berlin X2, Philadelphia, Missoula
2013: Pittsburg, Buffalo
2014: Milan, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm, Oslo, Detroit
2016: Ottawa, Toronto X2
2018: Padova, Rome, Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Barcelona
2023: Chicago X2
2024: New York X2
One of the books that changed my life.
It's an eye-opener in every sense.
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
The short answer to your question
...unless these spiritual (not sure that's even the right word with regards to Castaneda and Don Juan) teachings serve to limit our present focus on all things materialistic. But environmentalism/ecological preservation really isn't what these books are about.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You've been very busy.
So, what do we actually learn from this overly-long and confusing article which relies for most of it's second-hand testimony on a bunch of people with more than dubious credentials? We learn once more that a freelance journalist called Richard de Mille doubted the authenticity of Castaneda's books. And we learn that two female companions of Castaneda's went missing.
I suppose that's that then?
Don Juan Matus
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
-EV 8/14/93
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..