Best Pearl Jam Pepsi Challenge song

muellerblaylockmuellerblaylock Posts: 93
edited June 2008 in The Porch
We have all seen the threads about Ed's vocal style and sound changing over the years, so how about this. . . .

What PJ live recorded song is the toughest to determine when it was performed. ('90-'95 era vs. '03-'08 era)

My vote: Small Town or perhaps Nothingman
St. Louis '98 ; Nashville '00; St. Louis '00; Nashville '03' St. Louis '03; Chicago 2 '06; Cincy '06; Ed - Nashville 1 '09; Ed - Nashville 2 '09; St. Louis '10; Ed - St. Louis '11; East Troy 1 '11
East Troy 2 '11
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